Sannies Seeds Fans

ive never heard this come out of sannies mouth before, and honestly, kinda have to call bs.. i had a package snagged by customs, but before i knew it was snagged, i emailed sannie and said it was like a month and no order, he simply resent the package no ?;s asked what so ever.. i got the order a week later.. the next day i got the first order, went to open it, saw it was stapled shut, and got my very first customs letter then..
all i did was tell sannie its been like a month and no order yet, and he simply resent it.. dude is beyond amazing, and a better customer service i've yet to see anywhere..

i've grown his chocolate rian.. beyond killer
herijuana.. strong indica
chemdawg x bb.. a nice mix indica sativa stone..
and maybe something else i'm forgetting about.. dude has some real fire.. and the best part is you get to choose your own freebie's from some of the best freebies i've ever seen.. winner winner chicken dinner..

This thread is typical of Sannie. There is another Sannies thread on here too and nothing but great things to say about him. Any negative comments are quickly dismissed just by reading into the person writing it. So far I've grown Jack Hammer, Cheeseberry Haze and Extrema, and am now working on Herijuana. I'm definitely making my next purchase from Sannie as well. If you really want to see Sannies stuff you can check out and click on Sannies Corner in the forum. He frequents the site all the time and mingles with his customers.

I find it very telling that someone willing to call another's character into question would do so without asking for proof. Since some folks have decided to call me out on this without asking for proof, I'll offer it. PM me with an email and I'll gladly forward the address so you can be assured that I'm not here to simply bash Sannie's, duchieman.
Guaranteeing shipping to the US and shipping to the US is two different things. Nobody can guarantee that an illegal product will reach your door through the mail, especially the US. Also, I was not referring to you in my comment. What you said has nothing to do with Sannie, his character or his business. 99% of comments about Sannie are positive and that's what I meant about typical. I've dealt with Sannie, I've grown his product and I loved the whole experience. What more can I say?
Guaranteeing shipping to the US and shipping to the US is two different things. Nobody can guarantee that an illegal product will reach your door through the mail, especially the US. Also, I was not referring to you in my comment. What you said has nothing to do with Sannie, his character or his business. 99% of comments about Sannie are positive and that's what I meant about typical. I've dealt with Sannie, I've grown his product and I loved the whole experience. What more can I say?

While I disagree on the shipment comment because, while they cannot guarantee customs won't grab it, they can guarantee re-shipments until it gets to you as long as it doesn't become obvious that customs is no longer allowing ANY cannabis seeds into the country or at least until it becomes obvious that it will cost them more money than they will make by doing business with US customers.

For your other comment, me being the only one here who said anything remotely negative about Sannies made it difficult to feel that wasn't directed at me. Seems I misunderstood you, and I apologize for that and my reaction.
I put a large order in and was short shipped 20 seeds, I had ordered 10 or 6 different strains but 30 UberKosh, emailed Sannie and he sent them on with more freebies, class act.
While I disagree on the shipment comment because, while they cannot guarantee customs won't grab it, they can guarantee re-shipments until it gets to you as long as it doesn't become obvious that customs is no longer allowing ANY cannabis seeds into the country or at least until it becomes obvious that it will cost them more money than they will make by doing business with US customers.

For your other comment, me being the only one here who said anything remotely negative about Sannies made it difficult to feel that wasn't directed at me. Seems I misunderstood you, and I apologize for that and my reaction.

Hey LordWinter. No hard feelings. Text has a hard time relaying expression and such. Yeah there's things like punctuation and smileys, but tone and phrasing, uh, uh. Plus the delay issue with forum chat, yada, yada. lol. Regarding the incident you had with Sannie. It is peculiar based on what I've heard and experienced myself, but that's not to say what you say isn't true. Not at all. Just peculiar. If you do plan on ordering from him again, try sending him an email letting them know again. Maybe you just got a bad employee or something, I don't know, but one of the big things about his reputation is that he's a real stand up guy, so I'm betting you'll get compensated. Anyway, all I've tried is the Jack Hammer, which is real heavy haze and a 13 to 14 week flower. It was really nice and energetic with no anxiety. And I suffer from that, especially these days. For the insomnia, I don't have that problem but the Extrema was a nice heavy indica with nice taste and heavy smell. I found the Cheeseberry Haze about in between but more indica.

Hey LordWinter. No hard feelings. Text has a hard time relaying expression and such. Yeah there's things like punctuation and smileys, but tone and phrasing, uh, uh. Plus the delay issue with forum chat, yada, yada. lol. Regarding the incident you had with Sannie. It is peculiar based on what I've heard and experienced myself, but that's not to say what you say isn't true. Not at all. Just peculiar. If you do plan on ordering from him again, try sending him an email letting them know again. Maybe you just got a bad employee or something, I don't know, but one of the big things about his reputation is that he's a real stand up guy, so I'm betting you'll get compensated. Anyway, all I've tried is the Jack Hammer, which is real heavy haze and a 13 to 14 week flower. It was really nice and energetic with no anxiety. And I suffer from that, especially these days. For the insomnia, I don't have that problem but the Extrema was a nice heavy indica with nice taste and heavy smell. I found the Cheeseberry Haze about in between but more indica.


Of course, no hard feelings at all, it is a bitch to get the right mood across with nothing but text.

See, that's the thing, I haven't ordered from him yet. That's what KEPT me from ordering, that email. Knowing now that he doesn't guarantee, but will re-ship anyway, makes me more comfortable doing business with him. He WILL get some business from me in the future. I just have to get my grow situated and figure out what I'm gonna be working with over the long haul. I have Dinafem White Siberian, Fruit Auto, and Cali Hash Plant in veg right now along with Nirvana White Widow, and I have some Next Gen Romulan beans germinating (long ass germination time on those. Been nearly a week and JUST NOW, they're starting to pop and push to the surface). Once I pick my keepers out of those and deal with any males, I'm gonna take cuttings to establish mothers from the keepers and just put the originals in to flower because I'm gonna be using Bonsai mums instead of full size. But yeah, once I'm ready for a couple new strains, I'm GOING to order some from him. Herijuana at the very least.
Ah, I see, that clears things up. Maybe I missed that. It does look like your gonna be busy with some nice variety. What's your setup right now? The heris i have going now were gifted to me and all 3 ended up female, so depending on how I like it, which by reputation I will, I'll probably order some more from him and get me a male. But before that, I have to try some other breeders on for size. Don't think that'll be anytime soon though, I have enough for my little op for a while yet. When I do though I'm going to try Dr. Atomics line. Here's a little bio on him if your interested. His line is only 5 strains, based on his specialty Northern Lights, and he's got decades of history.

That link is interesting. Got it bookmarked now, thanks! My setup? For Veg and flower I have a 4'x4'x67" Lighthouse tent, 400w HPS with batwing reflector, and a centrifugal inline fan with 4" flanges. My Mum box is a box I made myself. It's 4' long by 50" high, and is about a foot wide. I made it that way to take up less space, as I'm working in a crowded house (we have WAAAAAAAAAY too much shit! I'm surprised I found room for the tent!). I'm using 4' t8 bulbs in there, the fixture has two. Not too worried about keeping my mmums in there, the t-8's should give me enough light to keep them in good shape till I can get some better equipment. Maybe a small cloning tent or something similar, and put in about a 250w MH bulb.
Well, I have ordered from Sannie's a few times... the first time i ordered from him I placed an order for Jackberry and then later that day i was looking through his offerings again and decided I really wanted to order Killing Fields also so I placed a second order the same day. This was almost a year ago and both of those orderes were in fact caught by customs. I emailed Sannie and he shipped both orders out to me a second time in 1 package with free seeds. I haven't had a problem with him since then. I just recieved an order from him today, 4 of my seeds had been crushed in shipping. I just sent him an email and I will let you know what responce i get as soon as I hear back from Sannie.
Cool, that'll help others out. For me, as I said before, he's got my business, I just gotta get things under control so I'm not wading through a jungle to get through the door. If I keep ordering seeds, that's exactly what will happen. LMAO

I must confess, though... I find it difficult to think of a better way to go... swallowed in a canopy of cannabis.
Cool, that'll help others out. For me, as I said before, he's got my business, I just gotta get things under control so I'm not wading through a jungle to get through the door. If I keep ordering seeds, that's exactly what will happen. LMAO

I must confess, though... I find it difficult to think of a better way to go... swallowed in a canopy of cannabis.

Well from my personal experiences with Sannie and from what others have said about him... I am willing to bet that he replaces my beans... I would be suprised if he tells me that I am out of luck. He is usually quick to respond to emails... and I placed my last order late on a friday this past order... They were shipped out on Monday and I recieved them at my house on Saturday... That is pretty darn good if you ask me, 8 days from ordering till I recieve my seeds... and 2 of those days shouldn't even count because I don't think he works on the weekends so Saturday and Sunday were waisted till he got in on Monday.
That's about how long it took me to get my beans from attitude. I'm starting to think that the customs guys work on shifts that are short a few guys more often than not, cause you'll see a handful of people screaming "I didn't get my seeds" all at the same time, then there'll be just one every now and then, and all of a sudden, there's another chorus of complaints that spans multiple breeders. When you look at it, the whole scenario seems to tell a story if you know what you're looking at. The burst of complaints could be explained by a few days of extra help, yanno?
Picture 104.jpgPicture 101.jpgView attachment 1623611ive ordered from attitude , worldwide & sannies ive got my best service & price from sannie & right now im developing killing fields shown in pics next to slh killing fields on the left, lady cane is the single plant in the middle & slh is on the left:mrgreen:
correction slh is on the right side of pics

Hey herk, good to see some more pics from ya. Is that perlite in those pots there? I thought you were using rockwool cubes these days....maybe those are older photos?

Just received my chocolate rain beans yesterday, along with a freebie pack of killa queen x nycd. Now I have an even more difficult decision about what to grow next....but I guess there's worse problems to have, lol. From sannie's, I've got it narrowed down to either jackberry or chocolate rain at this point. Gonna pop some beans in the next week or so for an outdoor grow this summer.
Picture 086.jpgPicture 087.jpgthis is my current grow & im experementing with coarse perlite as a medium flooding every 3 hours its been a learning experience but im getting the hang of it & killing fields is starting to come on strong & im getting ready to fire up a second room with a 10-pack of jackberry in ffof soil i have a thread on this experimental grow here on riu in the hydroponic section using perlite & cheap 2 part gh maxi series nutes
Well the verdict is in, Sannie emailed me back today and just as i thought... He is replacing the seeds... He actually said he was going to send me another pack of the chocolate rain... so we will see how long it takes to arive. Sannie will have my business as long as I am able to grow.
Just an update on my missing order from sannie's shop. I reported to sannie last Monday that my package (ordered more than three weeks earlier) hadn't arrived yet. He responded promptly and stated that a a replecemnt package would be sent out that day. Sure enough, this morning (seven days after my request) I received my replacement beans!

It's definitely a replacement - and not the original order - since the freebie pack included with this replacement is different than what was supposed to have been sent (and are no longer available) with the original order.

Anyways, kudos to sannie for the excellent customer service!