Sannies Seeds AVOID He'll keep your money and ship you nothing

IMG_3384.JPG IMG_3355.JPG Top pic is my purple chemdog x Headcandy (maybe give it 10/15 more days)) it's @ roughly 45 days in.. I've Bought from sannies site over the last two/three years and I'm impressed by the calibre of seeds/breeders and the Genetics/prices are excellent.!
Just ordered some 'jahliceous' and some Turkish landrace...
I've just finished a NAW seeds strappleberry (above -Top^^ ) and got maybe two more weeks left on my purple chemdog x headcandy freebie(bottom) ..
Happy growing
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He went dead silent? Seriously? I really can't believe what I'm reading here. Both in terms of people not getting their seeds and complaints about the quality. I've been using sannies for 7 years and although I am missing my latest package I have close to 10 with zero issues. I also like everything except one strain that I've purchased through the years, and yes, I've tried several other breeders. Great germ rates too with sannies seeds.
I emailed him about my package and he replied in 24 hours and said he'd reship. Nothing in the negative comments here sounds like the breeder I know. Crazy. We'll see if I get my package and if I don't we'll see if he blows me off. He's always been known as a stand up guy and has a big fan base of happy customers.

Agreed. Ive made almost 10 orders, all using cash. Any orders that didnt show up, he replaced withotu question. And orders that i thought didn't show up, showed up a week or two later

Sannie is a stand up dude and breeder, im having a hard time believing hes just ripping people off AND ignoring them,especially considering hes very active on the forums, daily.

And the guy not getting any freebies, that doesnt make sense to me. Its why most of us shop there, we love the famous freebies.