I remember reading of his forum that some genetics were lost and he was making them again. Not sure what strain(s), but this might be the reason.
A year ot two ago I opened 2 threads on Sannie's "Open Grow" site after he announced he made another seed run after running out of Sugar Punch seeds. As often is the case, when breeders try to duplicate their prior strain quality, it falls short. I was pounded as a troll from others, but Sannie did pipe in assuring everyone the quality is exactly the same.
Actually, I think his 1st new run was a disaster and he was forced to make an additional seed run because the prior seeds were not usuable, or they hermied, or didn't sprout or whatever after the test grow. If you remember, S.P. was not available for quite a while, maybe 8 months or so.
It's pretty obvious he was unable to replicate the past quality.......
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