San Pedro Tea and a Bounce House Water Slide on July 4th!!!!


Well-Known Member
should i use distilled water when I boil the cactus? and should i freeze the stars and thaw a few times or is that a myth? boiling is the most chemistry i can do


Well-Known Member
these san pedro teas have been hit and miss... or foul tips anyways. i have had a balls to the wall trip and a minor threshold trip with the same cacti and roughly the same dose. I think it is all in the preparation. I am going to try and get like 4 pulls from about 3 foot of fairly thick cactus. My blender broke :( so I have to scrape the walls of the wax with a knife and get all the green goo.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it should matter much for tea. In an extraction you use some distilled water and some brine depending on what you're doing.


Well-Known Member
Pickard is a hero to the psychedelic community..he gave his life to make us smile!...I can't find it but there is a san pedro tek on youtube I use that is end up swallowing 10 pills or so of green powder..and trip nutz!


Well-Known Member
It was about a lot more than just making us smile. Did you know that he is the only man ever convicted of LSD manufacture twice in the US, and one of only two repeat offenders among LSD cooks. The other is Nick Sand but his second conviction was in Canada because he fled the US after his conviction related to Orange Sunshine. Fascinating men.
So here is a message sent to my friend who gave us the acid:
"So earlier I wanted to show my wife how I awesome the light refracting off the mylar in the grow looks. The first time in human history a man wanted to show a woman something awesome in his bedroom that wasn't his penis. Then we got distracted. Turns out there was something amazing in the bedroom. It was my penis."
My wife was describing it to a friend and said we had an orgy even though there was only two people because that much fucking can only be described as an orgy.
Ironically the lube stain handprint on our bottom sheet was from the night before. It was our first weekend without my daughter in a long time.


Well-Known Member
Yes I knew he did 5 years before..his neighbor smelled chemicals and called the cops thinking it might be a meth least that's the story I duck,I trust you're feeling better since you were able to keep the neighbors


Well-Known Member
Did you ever get the little flat metal discs with the holographic prints on them on tour? They had a dimple in the middle and you could make them spin like a flat top or dredle(jewish top)..the holographs would reflect the light and send colors everwhere..everytime I look at mylar I think of those...
The night me and my friends tried this cacti extract and sorry but can't remember the name. Anyways, it tasted a lot worse then any extract I've had before. We found it best to just down cup after cup. Had a fantastic night after that and only one weak stomached person threw up.