San Pedro Tea and a Bounce House Water Slide on July 4th!!!!


Well-Known Member
How about some mescaline and a bounce house waterslide on Independence Day? I am going to make the tea tonight or tomorrow. Fuck trying to spell tomorrow BTW. What would be the perfect time to drink the tea? I am going for a as much as a dose as I can stomach for a good trip. I am thinking around noon and start drinking. I should be done with the tea around 12:30. That should be good for the fireworks right? Plus the bounce house dude comes at 9:30.


Well-Known Member
Just be careful..bouncing on a FULL stomach sux,as well as cleaning up a bounce house covered in bouncing wrong and breaking something while tripping suck(I cut a toe open bad on 5hits of acid..not fun) start at 12 and consume half and another half at 2 if u want full spectacle fireworks..


Well-Known Member
Yeah, cactus and a bouncy house sounds like a recipe for ricocheting projectile vomit. Just ponder on that thought before you decide what to do.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, cactus and a bouncy house sounds like a recipe for ricocheting projectile vomit. Just ponder on that thought before you decide what to do.
its a water slide more than a bounce house but I get your point. one i get passed the initial taste of the tea I don't ever have to vomit. I just get the shits on tea.. but I will be home so thats not so bad. you need to come over and teach me some extractions. I got more cactus than one needs lol


Well-Known Member
I am training for a marathon at the end of August. I run a average of 40 miles a week right now. If I took extracted mescaline, not tea, could I go for a run safely or would it be dangerous for my heart? I feel like I could jump higher, run faster, and could be better in a fight high on mescaline. But thats probably just the drug talking. I have read about Vikings taking mushrooms before battle. I just don't want my heart to explode incase I take off running for 30 minuts


Well-Known Member
Doc ellis pitched a nohitter and stole a base on lsd...ur fine..just don't go out like len bias...


Well-Known Member
Got a signed baseball card by doc ellis...and a fractal card of him also..I tell everyone drugs excell at some


Well-Known Member
If you run for a few miles or less and don't go all out you should be fine.
I just get the urge to run ... It does not feel safe though. I can run at a full sprint and I don't get winded. I feel like I could run at a full sprint for miles and not run out of breath. It concerns me a little . But I am sure you are right about just a few miles. I tried googling working out or exercise and mescaline or LSD... really the only major Athletic accomplishment on LSD I can find is Doc Ellis or mushroom eating 'Viking Berserkers'. I know lots of people do lots of crazy shit on LSD , running around and such. but if you don't feel like you run out of breath , or signs of physical depletion , that can't be all good


Well-Known Member
I have two running stories..both are funny now as I'm outta was when my old friend came back from oregon..he had white blotter that was laid fresh..gave me a QUARTER HIT!...I did wind sprints in the feild in front of my I literally vomited! the feildis occupied by a jewlwry store and my old house is tore down..other story involves me and a friend playing 'cop darts'..a game where you throw bottles at cop cars in parking lots at shows..I ran after scoring a direct windsheild hit(100 points) and ended up hunkered by my buddys van as I ran hunched over..just so happened I ran into a squad of cops who asked why I was running so happily...I responded by saying I was late for the show.


Well-Known Member
I just get the urge to run ... It does not feel safe though. I can run at a full sprint and I don't get winded. I feel like I could run at a full sprint for miles and not run out of breath. It concerns me a little . But I am sure you are right about just a few miles. I tried googling working out or exercise and mescaline or LSD... really the only major Athletic accomplishment on LSD I can find is Doc Ellis or mushroom eating 'Viking Berserkers'. I know lots of people do lots of crazy shit on LSD , running around and such. but if you don't feel like you run out of breath , or signs of physical depletion , that can't be all good
I think I did the equivalent of running a marathon on Sunday with my wife.


Well-Known Member
We had a good time, she enjoyed it but didn't find it that amazing other than the sex. Which was fantastic. The upshot is that she hasn't had her chronic low grade headache since then and breaking her headache cycle was the reason she wanted to do this. We'll probably try something shorter acting for next time. I think 2c-b would be great for us.


Well-Known Member
Lol..I'm glad it was fun for you two..maybe to blow her away a 5 strip is needed..I have a friend who has cluster headaches(or really bad migraines) that wants to try L for the same reason...VERY happy for your wife that the L helped :-D


Well-Known Member
I took a half hit of 25-c nbome last night..feeling groovy today..wish there was some 25c around...where's a chemist when you need


Well-Known Member
Lol..I'm glad it was fun for you two..maybe to blow her away a 5 strip is needed..I have a friend who has cluster headaches(or really bad migraines) that wants to try L for the same reason...VERY happy for your wife that the L helped :-D
She started with about 150ug and we ate another 200ug each about two hours in. I died for a little while and was everything and nothing. The way her brain works she's kind of on a low dose naturally. Short of ego death I don't think she'd find it as interesting I do. Though if her headaches stay away she may grow to love Lucy more than Ricky Ricardo and myself combined.
I took a half hit of 25-c nbome last night..feeling groovy today..wish there was some 25c around...where's a chemist when you need
At my keyboard :)