samsung hard strips

Cool, how are you using them? What driver, amp wattage?
I ordered a bunch of them to play with and to get the price down to $3.65 each. For now I'm testing some bucket designs running 3-6 strips in a 5G bucket. I may end up making a panel similar to my other ones using the baking sheets. I have a number of different drivers depending on use case. I have cheap 300ma drivers that that I got for less than $3 that'll power up to 4 or 5 of the strips but I also have meanwell hlg-48As I can use if I'm doing a big panel.
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if you want to save a decent amount you could order these and run them soft and they'd be close in spec:

the driver you mention will work, but you will need to make sure you are running many strips in parallel -- if you just plugged up a unit or two to the driver you'd be pushing them way over spec. the linked strip is running a test current of 240ma. If you plugged 1 strip up to that driver, it would try and push 2.5A to it.
I have been gone for a bit and shut down.

What is the advantage over cobs like the vero 10? I have. I'm about to start germinating and vegging in a small area while I get a grow size cab set up. Unfortunately I lost all my previous research and data to know how many of my leds I need to use anyway.

My cab area is 20" x 30" and 30" tall with no real way of venting heat other than leaving it open.
update..the 50 @20wvrigid strips with drivers apparently are in our country now and i hope to
get/try them a par test..crunch the actuall cost numbers and see where i am

i am excited..

ps i really like my 600 w of meanwell/cree cobs..and about to finially get my smaller meanwell/nichia cob bars "a goin"

i got the strips i like em..don't know what brand they are


what is the best way for me to hook multiple strips and their drivers to one power source so i can cut down on a/c plugs

at 20w each there are alot of strips and i would like to hook up 24 to one plug..
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i got the strips i like em..

what is the best way for me to hook multiple strips and their drivers to one power source so i can cut down on a/c plugs

at 20w each there are alot of strips and iwouldlikemtohooknup 24to one plug..howdo i attach each driver to a communal a/c

wire and plug?
what driver are you using?
I got 10 of those boards ⬆ in 3000K but haven't done much with them yet.

The boards and drivers are made by an Italian company TCI:

The seller told me that the boards were custom built for a lighting manufacturer but the product was discontinued and he bought the surplus. He couldn't tell me what type of LEDs they use - all I can tell is that they are 5630 SMDs and that each board is configured as 16 serial sets of 6 leds in parallel to make 96 LEDs in total. There are other boards on the TCI website but nothing the same as these. TCI does have a partnership with Samsung.

The driver looks like it is a TCI superslim driver (

This is a 25W constant current driver that can be set to output 350, 400, 450 or 500ma depending on what the dip switches at one end are set to - I think the dip switch settings should be:

         1    2
400ma         On       
450ma    On   
500ma    On   On

I am considering connecting 4 or 5 boards in serial or parallel to a larger dimmable driver instead of using the supplied drivers to see how then run at around 700ma each (with a suitable heatsink).
Hi Guy
interesting what you want to do..thanks for the dipswitch diagram..i guess what ever they are set to now is ok..
why don't you just use the drivers they are pretty efficient..700ma will increase or decrease w?

also yes you think they are necessary with fans blowingn over them..are they necessary at all configured at the watt they are for the supplied driver?
it will take me a while to get them ergonomically set up..i want to make vertical bars with a strip on two or three sides..
like a suncloak..i think they should rock..
i taped the TC strip to the outside a piece of 3/4 " auminum angle bar and the driver
scotch taped on the inside[yes pro tester i am]

no fan no air movement @ 22c...i saw 37 c on the driver..

47 on the angle bar and from 47-52 c on the back side of the 400mm 20w rigid strip...maybe 50c pointing at tghe diodes

obviously a muffin fan or rotating fan on it would keep it cooler

i have no idea if 54 c is a workable temp..i did see it said max 89c for the chips on the board..

dunno what i would use instead of the angle bar as a vertical light stick
At 700mA they will produce more light (and also more heat) and will consume more power but will be less efficient (lower lm/W).

I will try them with the supplied drivers first to see what the output is like.

The boards are quite thin so for a heat sink I will try a 2" wide aluminum U profile or angle (wide enough for the board), a larger heat sink will be needed to run them passively or with limited airflow. Around 50c should be fine.

I plan to use them in a 2x2 tent - some lighting from the top and some from the sides.
i am hopefully getting 1.5" x 1/8" aluminum angle bar made up into

6@ 3 fftx 4 ft "Zunkloakz" style hanging frames...using at least 200 w each...the guy mayhave some channel material too.

i'd like to be able to put all those drivers somewhere in the frame...maybe he will have some channel alluminum

the rows are double unlike the suncloak so i may end up with more wattage....i willhave fans on em..

thanks for the inspiration hybridway
I'm far from an electrical expert, so bear with me. I've built a few COB lights now basically using templates from other builds so my grasp on the wiring portion may be a bit tenuous. Anyway, from what I understand on a simplified level, wiring in series = shared voltage while wiring in parallel = shared current. That said, I have an Epson power supply rated at 24v and 2.1 amps and I'm hoping to drive some strips with it. I'm looking at either:


The first runs @ 240 mA and second runs @ 480 mA. Can anyone elaborate on whether it's possible to run these strips harder than their specifications? For example, using the power supply above, could I run only 4 of the 240 mA strips in parallel or would it be pushing too much current (they'd effectively be using about twice their rated current)?