Salvia is completely insane.

I too tried salvia for the first time a couple days ago (20x),i had 3 seperate trips and all were enjoyable & not in the least unpleasant,fukin crazy yes,but not unpleasant,i drank a few beers before to relax and spent bout 10 mins before each hit just think about the plant itself,(uses,history etc) not sure if that helped but i know i enjoyed all 3.

I cant really remember the first 2 but the 3rd one i did in a basically pitch black car wit sum soft country playin and immediately after the hit i started pissin myself laughing as the car turned into; The Corn Wagon,the car was now a flourescent wagon made of bright green & yellow corn,but words dont even describe the colours or the fun i was having,it basically subsided when i let my dog into the corn wagon,after that there was just more hysterical laughter & a shitload of salivating.All in all 3 enjoyable experiences.
My advice to anyone wanting to try it for the first time is dont expect anything,try and relax,dont be peer pressured into pulling a romper of a cone and STOP READING HORROR STORIES OF BAD TRIPS like 90% of em on here.
Well at the time i really, really did up salvia i had grandaddy purp too. So i rolled a super fat salvia blunt, sat out on the porch of my appartment and smokes about 3/4 of that fucka. Yes it tasted like shit. No i did not loose it but i am also 100% resistant to novacaine and cocaine, have to use something else at the dentist. They used to literally strap me down as a kid, and wonder why there was no swelling!!!! cause the shit don't work!!!!!!! my homie a dentist ad thats how i found out about all that....................THE TRIP. I sank into the ground a little. Not visually, but the concrete porch was like a grey tranpeline and the sun got brighter like the rasin bran sun but in real life. It took a veteran blunt run to do this, or about 20 bucks in i say "fart sound" to salvia. Unless someone can recomend some super strength shit. I can get it where i live. Grow it too i think.

If you enjoyed it, you should try it again, salvia is one of the few active substances for which your tolreance decreases...
same thing happened to me powerisknowledge said. felt like intense needles and pins on my whole body very uncomfortable. lasted about 5 mins. sucks.
I loved it.

I will do it again.

If you just understand that you are going to be taken some where that you will have little control over, and go with it. The second you try to fight it, it becomes a bad trip. Just float with the wind, go where ever it takes you Have the understanding before hand that it will pass and dont panic and it should be an entertaining ride.
im relativly experianced with salvia divinorum, starting with the pure leaves to just see whats up, that produced a slight body buzzed feeling. then i moved up to the 5X over the corse of afew month the gram was gone and the effects were more intense than the pure leaf, but not too extreme, really good body buzz and the most visual i got was a tunneling (like i was in a tunnel and everything was commin at me) then i stepped it up to the 20X. that produced extremly intense visual and an almost numblike body feeling. it was funny cuz i remember hearing someone callin my name but then when i came too i realized it was jsut me sayin my name in my head or something..idk it was really odd. my most recent salvia experience was one of my favorites. i was at my girlfriends house it was about 5 am and i decided to take my last hit of salvia(its now illegal in ohio as of april 1st(son of a bitch!)) first hit through my 2 foot zong and teh body buzz came one, another hit snaped the bowl and i held it in as long as i could. next thing i know the entire room tilted on its side and compressed together and started rotating, but it wasnt like a centered rotaton, it was as if the center of it was to my left and i was in the middle of it...if that makes any sense...apparently i was bein kinda loud and woke up my girlfriend...she came out and seen me there wrapped in a blanket laughin my ass off, i told her i want to go lay down in the bed so she helped me get up(it took me 5 minutes+ jsut to figure out how to get out of the blanket, i seen it as water on me that wouldnt come off. i finaly got to the bed and was soakin wet in sweat and got that akward body tingle feeling. 5 minutes or so later i was back and fell asleep shortly after...too bad its now illegal to buy gonna have to start growin my own and extracting it myself....damn hardwork..but its a hellofa lot cheaper
it really affects all people differently
the only way you can get a feeling for what its gonna do is to try it
if your worried about what its gonna do start with a low dose extract and work your way up(But remember it has a reverse tolerance)
what is salvia exactly? an addative? or type of weed or strain? if so whats the most potent of the strains i need to get me some of that shit lol
f'n ay man I love trippin so i tried the salvia a while back and it really didnt do much. But jeez i wanna go to other dimension and ride roller coasters and flouresent country music, smurfs, hopefully that one that was a slut will b there, but damn i didnt think it was like all that . does anyone know a reputible internet source for some 50x. i love when people are exposed for who they really are.
damn i bet if i smoked some of that shit i would turn into dopey smurf!!! I know it!! ill let you guys know if i do!! im goin for it.
Thhat is a FUCKED UP story mate!:lol::lol::lol:

I rember the first time i took a hit of some 15x in the back of my mates car on the way back from the head shop, started trippin out like crazy in the back seat!

Its fun at the start, then it just gets all sick and weird.
Its hard to say wat makes a person have a bad trip coz me & my cuz tried it at the same time and were both in good moods and relaxed so i dunno,i think once u start feeling the effects whether u fight it or completely go with it has a big bearing on ur experience.
We both felt the 'pulling' of salvia,especially on my first hit it felt like there was ropes that looked like they were made of wat gas fumes look like coming from my balcony light and hooking me in the back of my throat then back to the light like a big V shaped conveyer belt.
On my second i cant really remember anything of wat i saw all i know is i was in the most beautiful place with people i knew (dunno who), and then when my cousin spoke it just brought my world crashing down & it felt like he had destroyed the most beautiful thing in the universe. (i still count it as a good experience though)
Thats bout as much as i can explain, im expecting 2g in the mail any day though! woohoo,its a great thing.
I've done it yeah it trips you out pretty good. But it only lasts literally like a few seconds, and it's not worth the money to me. If someone has it Ill try it again lol but I wouldnt buy it. The only drug I would probably never do again (and i've only done once) was PCP. THAT is a triiip.
Anyone who hasn't tried it, dont be afraid, and also you can start with a smaller extract like a 20x instead of say a 60x.

I am glad that somebody mentioned trying it in a smaller potency the first time. I haven't personally tried it myself yet, been thinking about checking it out for awhile now. I have heard people's reactions to it starting from as little as "feeling as it you have tunnel vision and can only see a few feet in front of you" and then on to the crazy trips like those on here. Another good suggestion for first timers have a friend who can hang out and help you out if needed.
I keep on seeing the same reaction... people don't reach breaktrough, and want to then jump to crazy concentrations of this stuff....

just repeat smokeing what you have for god sake, your body will loose its tollerance, evertime, you will get further on less... its just the way salvia rolls...
my trip was exactly like blazed's, except i was lookin at a forest atm i "blacked out" and it was just turning spring so all the leaves were dead, so just boney trees. The trees turned into an inner cogworking of the human race's existence with puzzle pieces and gigantic letters moving( at this point you are unable to movebut are conscious you are either about to die, or are experiencing a demon like vision) and everytime a new corner closed someone was killed (i witnessed them all except the people looked more cheesy but still very relatable to my acquaintances) and everytime one opened a baby was born,
I came out of it punchin the car i was in, and hitting my friend as when i had seen him, i was still unsure if iw as back in reality or not, either way have not done salvia since and i was on 50x mixed with more potent shit too, so either way i dont know what to say. its FUCKED

people that barely get giggly or are still conscious NEVER were high on salvia trust me, its either nothing at all, or the FUL BLOWN EFFECT. worst part was is i did it at like 11:30 when i was 16 on a school night, damn was that a bad decision. I will try it again very soon tho, to see the difference, but ayahausca or raw dmt are my next goals, although i am not willing to compromise the quality of the experience, for quickness. I am planning trips overseas to get the full experience within the jungles and whatnot.

Little tidbit, salvia is related to by many as dmt's evil cousin or brother etc. No salvia trip i have ever heard was pleasant when actualy induced( hyperdimensional existence within a parallel universe) and not just laughing or whatever the placebo effect has made that person think they "feel". Salvia removes the connection of your senses, and induces a very close state to that of dreaming,(dmt) but they have never been pleasant for me, or anyone else.
BTW this was my 6th time doing salvia, i tried the 10x/20x/40x/60x(alone) many times until i tried the 50 w a little bit of 120(illegal here i think, but could be talkin out my ass who knows im blitzkreiged) until i truly was on salvia divinorum, and it was the scariest thing i have experienced induced-wise in my 2 decade life.
damn dude i was trippin on that shit 2.i repeated wat the fuck like 10 times.i got all confused and shit but after that had a good feeling..its alright but i ratherspend my mmoney on shrooms
Wow! What a trip! You described it so well I felt like I was living it.

After reading your story I have no desire to try it. Sounds too intense for me.