safest way to transplant?


Well-Known Member
(picture of the pot, attached below)

i have tried with my other pots filled with soil
i waited for 1 to get real dry... but it doesn't even slide out of the pot
it breaks down completely... leaving chunky clmups...

^ that can damage my roots, in the soil)
& i have tried when it was moist, but it's just hard to even budge
i have to pound the bottom of the pot, for it to come out...

^ hitting the pot, for it to come out, i don't know, sounds rough though)

so, does anyone have any ideas, on how, i can safely transplant?
with the pot that i have...



Well-Known Member
I moisten mine, palm over pot, turn upside down, give a little bump and it'll come out. just have your transplant pot close by and ready to go. even if the dirts starts to break just be gentle and get it into the new home quickly. you're not gonna kill it. a fast gentle transplant has suprisingly little'll see


Well-Known Member
you can use a plastic knife to scrape around the inside edges of the pot, that'll help seperate the pot from the dirt. shouldnt hurt the roots too bad either


Well-Known Member
alright, i'll try one of those

my roots are getting real tangled...
& reason being, my pot right now, is way too small
i just want a safe transplant, so i don't have to deal with shock

thanks for the replies guys

Barrack Osama

Active Member
Honestly if you never expose the roots the light then the plant wont even notice its been transplanted. I do my best to grab excess soil around the roots so basically the plant doesn't even get "transplanted" per say, just moved around a little. Done like 8 this weeks without the slightest notion of stress on my girls.


Well-Known Member
^ yeah, i've heard of that before
i was thinking of transplanting under a 'green light'
it's been said that, 'green lights' have no effect on 'marijuana' what so ever

thanks for your input though
i appreciate it


Well-Known Member
Honestly if you never expose the roots the light then the plant wont even notice its been transplanted. I do my best to grab excess soil around the roots so basically the plant doesn't even get "transplanted" per say, just moved around a little. Done like 8 this weeks without the slightest notion of stress on my girls.


Well-Known Member
What I found helpful was preparing the new home first. Put the soil you are going to use in your new pot, put your plant in its current pot inside of that and fill the soil around it, water it in, remove the plant, now go about putting it in the new home without the old pot. VV


Well-Known Member
^ yeah, but the thing is, with the pot i have, my plant in
it will be harder to get the soil out of the pot, in a way
because, i have did tests with, real dry soil & moist soil

i have tried with my other pots filled with soil
i waited for 1 to get real dry... but it doesn't even slide out of the pot
it breaks down completely... leaving chunky clmups...

^ that can damage my roots, in the soil)
& i have tried when it was moist, but it's just hard to even budge
i have to pound the bottom of the pot, for it to come out...

^ hitting the pot, for it to come out, i don't know, sounds rough though)
thanks for the reply, i appreciate it
if only it was that easy though :(