Safe switching to 12/12?


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

Working on bringing my first plant to fruition, and I have a question! Currently my plant is a little under two feet tall, and is working on its seventh node at its top. This Blueberry from Dutch Passion was planted on the 12th of May, but it has yet to show its sex.

I have read that switching from a full 24 hour light schedule to 12/12 before preflowers show can cause the plant to stress and hermie, but I am afraid of the plant getting much bigger than it is. This being my first plant that has made it this far, I'd prefer to let it go natural and not attempt LST or anything else like that. I have had two young plants die on me in the past, and I would like to bring this girl to the finish line so im being as hands off as possible.

Does anyone have any input on this topic? I have read that lots of people even start their plants at the 12/12 schedule, im just not sure if those plants were clones that were already sexually mature >.<

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Some plants take a lot longer then others to reach sexual maturity if a clone is taken from a sexually mature mother it will pre flower almost instantly you could flower your plant now if you want changing the light cycle is only going to trigger flowering, why don't you take some clones first tho if your worried or want to keep strain going the longer you veg the better it will flower tho so your not doing any damage holding out will actually do you good in the long run :-)


Well-Known Member
I've only had one female produce balls and it was a DP BB :(. Never did try again. I veg all my seed grows for 21 days and other than the one (it was years ago fyi) they all finish with no issues. Not sure if flowering early is a cause or not. It is my belief that stress plays a small role in the whole thing but Im a newb growing indoors. My plants probably get more than their fair share of stress lol. Perhaps I've been lucky!!! Grown 12-15 strains in hydro.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that, Cann.i.bliss :) My main concern is it growing too big for my room! Its already two feet or so tall, and I have read that plants can double in height from when they start flower to harvest. Dont think my light is big enough for a 4-6 foot tall untrained plant lol.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that, Cann.i.bliss :) My main concern is it growing too big for my room! Its already two feet or so tall, and I have read that plants can double in height from when they start flower to harvest. Dont think my light is big enough for a 4-6 foot tall untrained plant lol.
Yeah very true I vegged my light of Jah for almost 3months and they went nuts in flowering stage at least doubled in size!! Had to throw one of unfortunately ran out of room lol


Well-Known Member
That sucks......
Yea, this is just a temp setup until I buy our next home. Id have to make some changes to this one if I wanted a true room to use, and its not worth the time since we will be selling soon :) I plan on swapping to hydro in the future though, seems like fun!\

On another note, I went ahead and set up my timer. Im going to the 12/12, and hopefully nothing bad will happen. Just cant have this girl getting five feet tall on me >.< wish me luck!


Active Member
If you're worried about height then top it or train it. Growing indoors with height restrictions is not a natural situation. Otherwise you better switch immediately but you'll be giving up a lot of yield.


Well-Known Member
If you're worried about height then top it or train it. Growing indoors with height restrictions is not a natural situation. Otherwise you better switch immediately but you'll be giving up a lot of yield.
I decided to switch :) It may be a bit silly, but im afraid to get really hands on. Its my first plant to make it this far, and I feel like ill just fuck it up xD once I get a full grow under my belt though, I think ill be more comfortable with the idea of LST training.

I also dont have a huge light yet, so im already going to suffer in the yield department. Thats alright though, its all been a great learning experience for me so far.


Well-Known Member
I hear you about the heat issues! I shut my grow down for 4 months due to heat. Also understand the height thing, thats why I limit my veg to 20-30 days. A few of my strains actually triple in size. You should be able to bend it over (tie it down) to keep it out of light. Good luck!! If it goes well you'll have some great smoke. I ran BB clones for four years from three moms. It became famous lol. Had people lining up in the fall lol.


Well-Known Member
I hear you about the heat issues! I shut my grow down for 4 months due to heat. Also understand the height thing, thats why I limit my veg to 20-30 days. A few of my strains actually triple in size. You should be able to bend it over (tie it down) to keep it out of light. Good luck!! If it goes well you'll have some great smoke. I ran BB clones for four years from three moms. It became famous lol. Had people lining up in the fall lol.
Thanks for the encouragement :D if I manage to make it to harvest, ill post some pics!


Well-Known Member
Yea, this is just a temp setup until I buy our next home. Id have to make some changes to this one if I wanted a true room to use, and its not worth the time since we will be selling soon :) I plan on swapping to hydro in the future though, seems like fun!\

On another note, I went ahead and set up my timer. Im going to the 12/12, and hopefully nothing bad will happen. Just cant have this girl getting five feet tall on me >.< wish me luck!

The other thing you can do is run your system at night when its much cooler.