S.o.s. Omfg please help!


Well-Known Member
It's finally started flowering and so I added some super bloom 12-55-6 to it and today its fucked.

I cannot fucking believe its gonna die. I don't know what to do. I havent had any problem with it. It has done great and now my hopes are dashed.

I have no way to buy anything to fix it and the worst part is no fucking sun is coming out today its overcast. It's in a 5 gal pot.

Any of you with experience if you can give me any hope please do.

I know its gonna die i can just feel it. Im crushhed!



Well-Known Member
hmmmm, the pics are not that great but they get the point across. Do you think you may have giving it too much fert? Double check the dosage and make sure. If you did then you should flush her immediately. To do this just use plain water and a lot of it. You want to rinse out all that fert. Is this in the ground or in a pot?


Well-Known Member
Looks like it needs water?
Good luck.

I'd likely dig around the plants base a bit to loosen the soil and ensure even water distribution.


Take it out the pot straght away break al the roots up ((but dont distroy them)) [rinse it for a while till all the muds off] repot it aand use new soil mud what ever you have ! Disinfeckt the pot and clean it all properly ! Should be back to normal in no time (*)[e][a][c][h](*).


Well-Known Member
First off thanks soo much for replying. Im sorry my camera sucks, its all I have. Yes its in a 5 gallon pot. Yesterday it was flourishing like it always has. Hairs were coming from everywhere and I was happy. So i added the ferts. I added 1 tbl spoon for outdoor plants as it suggested, but I think I fucked it up cause I added a little bit of shultz thinking it would give it an extra push. I am a dumbass. Then it rained. I woke up this morning to these pics.

I have a 2700 cfl. If i was to bring her inside underneath that would it help since the sun prolly aint gonna come out today?


Well-Known Member
If rain caused your plant to look like that, then your drainage in inadequate. Dumb question, but do you have holes in your bucket? Added perlite? I wouldn't bring it inside but I would re-pot it.


Well-Known Member
yes I read this forum before this first grow. perlite is in it I used foxfarm soil when I repotted it and let nature to its thing. So the adding of the nutes is the only thing I can come up with. And of course there are drainage holes it would have already died if didnt have that lol. I just dont know how to fix it. Its prolly gonna die there goes 10 months of my time for nothing.


Active Member
the soil looks great right there, just plant the damn thing, then leave it the f*ck alone. it looks like root shock from over fert or over watering


Well-Known Member
Give her lots of water and wait.
I think she'll be looking way better in just 1-2 days.

I thought if I gave it more water it would get worse? I should have never fertlized it. I shoulda have just kept adding some goat shit on top every week like i did and I wouldnt be here right now. It was nice too thats whats sad about it.


Well-Known Member
yea id say add clean fresh water. too much nutes cause the roots to close up and not absorb any, that plant looks thristy. you gotta start adding nutes at a gradual pace. 1/4 strength, then a week later 1/2 strength and so on.

now, id say just pure water.


Well-Known Member
yea id say add clean fresh water. too much nutes cause the roots to close up and not absorb any, that plant looks thristy. you gotta start adding nutes at a gradual pace. 1/4 strength, then a week later 1/2 strength and so on.

now, id say just pure water.

The only problem is we are gonna be getting rain from a tropical low reminence. So you dont think it will make it worse if I flush it right now and then the rain coming?

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
Take it out the pot straght away break al the roots up ((but dont distroy them)) [rinse it for a while till all the muds off] repot it aand use new soil mud what ever you have ! Disinfeckt the pot and clean it all properly ! Should be back to normal in no time (*)[e][a][c][h](*).



Well-Known Member
Okay, So i just went out and flushed the living shit out of it with fresh water and made sure the drain holes were clear. I must have used 3 5 gallon buckets of fresh water. So to everyones tips. She's flushed!

I'll post some more pics in a few days and we'll see what happens. Thanks again!

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Okay, So i just went out and flushed the living shit out of it with fresh water and made sure the drain holes were clear. I must have used 3 5 gallon buckets of fresh water. So to everyones tips. She's flushed!

I'll post some more pics in a few days and we'll see what happens. Thanks again!
Good stuff, Patience pays. We'll be waiting for an update.
Good Luck!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I added rep to everyone! Thanks again! Man I hope it pulls through cause this was some AWESOME weed before the seed!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I Started it inside. It started to flower. Cops kept coming next door to the nieghbors cause they cause trouble so I felt weird so I moved it outside. It shed off its bud and went back into veg. Then it went into flower again. So I added the nutes and here we are. It's day 2 and no change at all yet. If it dies ill be pissed, but I don't know what else to fucking do. I guess Ill be smoking some leaf joints, fuck it all...

It been growing since December 08, so it def. has some value in my heart we went through alot.. grrrrr