Russia protest Putin.

a gift @CikaBika:wink:

more to come:mrgreen:

poor Trump; it's going to be the tea and out the window.
@DIY-HP-LED Thank you for good laugh.. Your stupidity is Epic..And your expertise on Russia is on point..
Do you know that RT has USA headquarters?
Let someOne reminds me how long is US in Afghanistan?
RT is there for now, but it doesn't really matter where an internet propaganda operation is located, Russians can get American propaganda too. Nope the the focus will be on the economy as America employs it's strength and will range from all that money laundered property in NY city to killing pipeline deals. You've no idea what will be unleashed, not over Ukraine, though that will be part of it, but other things like Trump, computer attacks, bounties on US troops, trying to mass murder Americas with disinformation etc, the usual things an enemy does.

Vlad was floating the idea of "retirement", pull the strings from outside government, but I think he dropped the idea, as it would fool nobody. Make Russia even poorer and cut off from technological advance, unfortunately it will be the old and vulnerable who will suffer the most. Vlad has his political base and it will feel the pain for a long time, if you are middle aged or older you won't live to see the end of it probably, these clowns are as entrenched as their communists fathers. But rest assured, a large target has been drawn on the back of the bear.
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Let someOne reminds me how long is US in Afghanistan?
8 years longer than Russia and we (Canada too) are leaving to deal more directly with Russia. Russia left Afghanistan with it's tail between it's legs and never worried about collateral damage with airstrikes or using torture on the Taliban to extract information.
RT is there for now, but it doesn't really matter where an internet propaganda operation is located, Russians can get American propaganda too. Nope the the focus will be on the economy as America employs it's strength and will range from all that money laundered property in NY city to killing pipeline deals. You've no idea what will be unleashed, not over Ukraine, though that will be part of it, but other things like Trump, computer attacks, bounties on US troops, trying to mass murder Americas with disinformation etc, the usual things an enemy does.

Vlad was floating the idea of "retirement", pull the strings from outside government, but I think he dropped the idea, as it would fool nobody. Make Russia even poorer and cut off from technological advance, unfortunately it will be the old and vulnerable who will suffer the most. Vlad has his political base and it will feel the pain for a long time, if you are middle aged or older you won't live to see the end of it probably, these clowns are as entrenched as their communists fathers. But rest assured, a large target has been drawn on the back of the bear.

they'll just do like the old days..line them up in front of mass grave and machine gun them down and in.
Cika just posted another of his low fact and high right wing bias videos.

These right wing trolls are stuck in the past. That shit doesn't work any more.

Pro-tip, cika: AP and Reuters are free as well as highly accurate and unbiased. The crap you just posted is neither. I don't care one way or the other but if you don't like being laughed at for posting like a naive child of some right wing dictator, you might try posting something that is believable and unbiased.

Did not watch the vid. But here's what Cika refers to as information. lulz

Sky News Australia

Sky News - Right Bias - Republican - Conservative - Generally Credible

Factual Reporting: Mixed - Not always Credible or Reliable

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports, and omit information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

  • Overall, we rate Sky News Australia Right-Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that mostly favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to failed fact checks, unproven claims, and the promotion of conspiracy theories and misinformation.

Joe follows the advice and counsel of people smarter than he is and he's no dummy himself. The response to Russia will be a team effort and will go on for as long as the democrats are in power. So ya might as well go all out in 2022 and 2024 to install traitors and republicans (same thing). New sanctions against Russia announced to day, Joe wants Kalanick's head delivered, but we know Vlad won't. Besides, I can see "retirement" in Vlad's future for "health" reasons, if Konstantin costs him too much money, he might find an open widow.
Aussie sky news are faar right but british sky news are left as fck..


joe schmoe follows only his handlers..
And Obama's dog is smarter than him..

I Supposed you are all Married 35y guys, and by working, growing weed, I am ammased how you get time to study and be so expert in Russia..

But hell in USA all is so good and Peachy.. So wtf would you take care of garbage in your yard.

I wrote on other topic how in EU countries police cant fck with people in army..
And I got spit on! Lol! Do any of you consider yourself Patriot?
Starvation is cheaper
The WH just announced another round of sanctions on Russia, but it hasn't really even begun and is still in the planning stages, it will be a long term plan.

but what about the bodies? that's why lining them up just like the Bolsheviks works- don't know how they could do the children though..couldn't they just exile them?
But hell in USA all is so good and Peachy.. So wtf would you take care of garbage in your yard.
It's easier to focus on the garbage at the top of the Russian government, people and governments often externalize their problems and blame others too much, but it is what it is.
but what about the bodies? that's why lining them up just like the Bolsheviks works- don't know how they could do the children though..couldn't they just exile them?
The Germans found such things to be bad for moral, even among the SS, hence the showers and gas. Stalin had a different method, he would transport whole nations of people to the tundra where they would wander among the bones of previous deliveries, thousands of kilometers from anywhere. Then there were the Gulags and the mass slave labor internments.
Aussie sky news are faar right but british sky news are left as fck..


joe schmoe follows only his handlers..
And Obama's dog is smarter than him..

I Supposed you are all Married 35y guys, and by working, growing weed, I am ammased how you get time to study and be so expert in Russia..

But hell in USA all is so good and Peachy.. So wtf would you take care of garbage in your yard.

I wrote on other topic how in EU countries police cant fck with people in army..
And I got spit on! Lol! Do any of you consider yourself Patriot?
What do you consider a 'patriot'?

You say you are not Russian, but you are in love with Putin. That doesn't seem very patriotic.
Aussie sky news are faar right but british sky news are left as fck..


joe schmoe follows only his handlers..
And Obama's dog is smarter than him..

I Supposed you are all Married 35y guys, and by working, growing weed, I am ammased how you get time to study and be so expert in Russia..

But hell in USA all is so good and Peachy.. So wtf would you take care of garbage in your yard.

I wrote on other topic how in EU countries police cant fck with people in army..
And I got spit on! Lol! Do any of you consider yourself Patriot?
dude, just quit it with the fake bullshit.

You posted crap from AU sky news which is the equivalent of Fox news here. It doesn't work anymore. You and other right wing clowns have used up any and all credibility that we gave you at first.

Sanctions against Russia are being levied. They aren't all that extreme and Putin goes nuts, enacting "war games" at the border with Ukraine in a tantrum reminiscent of a powerless child. That isn't working either. Whether you like it or not, Russia needs the West more than the West needs Russia. Eventually, sanctions will bite. This is only the beginning and you are already crying like a bitch.
What do you consider a 'patriot'?

You say you are not Russian, but you are in love with Putin. That doesn't seem very patriotic.

Were you in love With Trump?
My question was about that lutenet That has almost lost his life, from that pig. Any American would be outraged.. But instead of saying that is great policy that cops cant do nothing to army serving people, you were rarher bashing me.. Like really guys?

My Gouvermant is your Bitch and we dance how you play.. Wtf I have to be proud for?

This sounds pretty west oriented to me.

is that steven seagal on the back?

Russia has appointed the US actor Steven Seagal as a special envoy to improve ties with the United States.
Seagal was granted Russian citizenship in 2016 and has praised President Putin as a great world leader.
Born in the US, the martial arts star gained international fame for roles in the 1980s and '90s like Under Siege.

The Russian foreign ministry made the announcement on its official Facebook page, saying the unpaid position was similar to that of a United Nations' goodwill ambassador and Seagal would promote US-Russia relations "in the humanitarian sphere".
The Flight of Fury star, still popular with Russian audiences, has recently defended the Russian government over claims that it meddled in 2016 US elections.

The 66-year-old has called President Putin "one of the great living world leaders", and when Seagal was granted Russian citizenship, said he hoped it would be a symbol of how relations between Moscow and Washington were starting to improve.
Seagal was also granted Serbian citizenship in 2016, following several visits to the Balkan country.

I think Seagal has been on his back with Putin for a while now.

Russia has appointed the US actor Steven Seagal as a special envoy to improve ties with the United States.
Seagal was granted Russian citizenship in 2016 and has praised President Putin as a great world leader.
Born in the US, the martial arts star gained international fame for roles in the 1980s and '90s like Under Siege.

The Russian foreign ministry made the announcement on its official Facebook page, saying the unpaid position was similar to that of a United Nations' goodwill ambassador and Seagal would promote US-Russia relations "in the humanitarian sphere".
The Flight of Fury star, still popular with Russian audiences, has recently defended the Russian government over claims that it meddled in 2016 US elections.

The 66-year-old has called President Putin "one of the great living world leaders", and when Seagal was granted Russian citizenship, said he hoped it would be a symbol of how relations between Moscow and Washington were starting to improve.
Seagal was also granted Serbian citizenship in 2016, following several visits to the Balkan country.

I think Seagal has been on his back with Putin for a while now.
A traitor is not a good choice for an ambassador...

Russia has appointed the US actor Steven Seagal as a special envoy to improve ties with the United States.
Seagal was granted Russian citizenship in 2016 and has praised President Putin as a great world leader.
Born in the US, the martial arts star gained international fame for roles in the 1980s and '90s like Under Siege.

The Russian foreign ministry made the announcement on its official Facebook page, saying the unpaid position was similar to that of a United Nations' goodwill ambassador and Seagal would promote US-Russia relations "in the humanitarian sphere".
The Flight of Fury star, still popular with Russian audiences, has recently defended the Russian government over claims that it meddled in 2016 US elections.

The 66-year-old has called President Putin "one of the great living world leaders", and when Seagal was granted Russian citizenship, said he hoped it would be a symbol of how relations between Moscow and Washington were starting to improve.
Seagal was also granted Serbian citizenship in 2016, following several visits to the Balkan country.

I think Seagal has been on his back with Putin for a while now.
why do we need real ambassadors? we've got seagal for russia and dennis rodman for north korea. lol.