Russia protest Putin.

is that steven seagal on the back?
I thought it was, I think I googled something like 'Putin lover meme'.

Were you in love With Trump?
My question was about that lutenet That has almost lost his life, from that pig. Any American would be outraged.. But instead of saying that is great policy that cops cant do nothing to army serving people, you were rarher bashing me.. Like really guys?

My Gouvermant is your Bitch and we dance how you play.. Wtf I have to be proud for?

This sounds pretty west oriented to me.

You are still just snow flaking.

Why don't you find that on something credible. Whatever it is that you are trying to hate on America about, find it on something like the AP news and post that. Because Sky news is bullshit. Bad stuff happens all the time, there is noway around that one, and there are defiantly things that we should apologize for and try to make right.

And no, I did not like Trump at all. But that has nothing to do with you saying you love Putin even though he is attacking citizens in whatever nation it is that you call home with nonstop dangerous propaganda.

As for your nation, has the standard of living increased since they allied with us or decreased?
Were you in love With Trump?
My question was about that lutenet That has almost lost his life, from that pig. Any American would be outraged.. But instead of saying that is great policy that cops cant do nothing to army serving people, you were rarher bashing me.. Like really guys?

My Gouvermant is your Bitch and we dance how you play.. Wtf I have to be proud for?
You probably can't understand this, but when Putin put bounties on the heads of US soldiers in Afghanistan, in the US, it was an act of war and Biden has been very careful and calibrated in his response. The correct answer from Putin and his toadies should be "thank you". But of course even though Russia is weak, they can't admit that and so they get all uppity and shit.

We will do worse until Russia changes it's ways. But we will do it with other countries and it will all be nice, legal, nonviolent and proper. In other words it will be done exactly the opposite of how Putin got Russia into the mess it's now in.

What do you think? Putin hangs in two years or will it take three?
why do we need real ambassadors? we've got seagal for russia and dennis rodman for north korea. lol.
You don't have him, he's in Vlad's pocket. Rodman is a mere idiot, Segal is a traitor who chose America's moment of vulnerability to drive the knife in yer back. He kicked Uncle Sam in the balls while he was down, I'd take a hard line on the fucker myself.
Joe needs to put a bunch of anti Russian shit and only Russian shit in a bill and present it to congress and see if the Republicans back Russia or America, make it stark and make it a hard choice for Moscow Mitch. Things like making Russian owned property and other assets in America liable to confiscation and a host of other goodies that only a new law can do.

Watch the republicans traitors dance to that fucking tune with their base, make em all traitors in the eyes of most Americans and perhaps listen to the final howl from Mar Logo as Vlad squeezes Donald's nuts for relief and to make sure the GOP stays on the side of Russia. Infrastructure and military money should be spent on hardening critical infrastructure ASAP and I'm sure they're getting the Russians out of the government systems as fast as they can.
He could just be mentally ill.

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I'm pretty hardline on Russia, one of the Hawks at riding meetings, but Russia doesn't come up much. They attack my country too as well as my friends and allies country's. Vlad turned a good thing, the internet, to evil purposes and used it as a weapon of war. A drop of shit in a ton of ice cream turns the whole thing into shit, but a drop of ice cream in a ton of shit makes little difference.
It's going to be interesting and dangerous in Biden's policies toward Russia w/Vlad in charge. He needs to be made to pay for his actions the last 4yrs. in which Cheetoman absolutely bowed down in a humiliating way as far as I'm concerned I wanted to throw up. Right now his balls are swelled w/all he's gotten away with. The thing is he needs to be checked but all he has left is his macho man bravado to hold on to. He needs to get the memo not to FK w/US but not be humiliated at the same time. If that happens all bets are off as to how far he'd go w/brinkmanship. He believes the West cannot or will not suffer and will play that card to what he perceives is his advantage. He's sitting on a lot of firepower to be playing games in which miscalculation cannot be imagined.ccguns
It's going to be interesting and dangerous in Biden's policies toward Russia w/Vlad in charge. He needs to be made to pay for his actions the last 4yrs. in which Cheetoman absolutely bowed down in a humiliating way as far as I'm concerned I wanted to throw up. Right now his balls are swelled w/all he's gotten away with. The thing is he needs to be checked but all he has left is his macho man bravado to hold on to. He needs to get the memo not to FK w/US but not be humiliated at the same time. If that happens all bets are off as to how far he'd go w/brinkmanship. He believes the West cannot or will not suffer and will play that card to what he perceives is his advantage. He's sitting on a lot of firepower to be playing games in which miscalculation cannot be imagined.ccguns
The retribution will be on the economic front, where America has a massive advantage. The average Russian makes around $400/mth, I figure if we can get that down to $100/mth we should see some movement. There are lot's of unfortunate things that will happen to Vald's and his buddy's personal wealth in the west. Mostly the suffering will fall on the Russian people, Putin has his political base too and they are much the same as Trump's base, except more patriotic, but just as racist and bigoted.
The retribution will be on the economic front, where America has a massive advantage. The average Russian makes around $400/mth, I figure if we can get that down to $100/mth we should see some movement. There are lot's of unfortunate things that will happen to Vald's and his buddy's personal wealth in the west. Mostly the suffering will fall on the Russian people, Putin has his political base too and they are much the same as Trump's base, except more patriotic, but just as racist and bigoted.
I just get a queezy feeling with Putin,and your right the Russian People will ultimately pay and he will twist that to make the US the bad guy. I think he thinks he can he can play the I'm willing to take more loss than you are game and mistakes can result from this as it's time for the US to stand up also. I also don't trust him in Ukraine either as it's a gamble he might take thinking it can break NATO., which is probably a decent bet from his line of thinking as I am not certain NATO would get into a shooting war if he rolls in there.ccguns
There's yer answer a dead man walking, more guts than brains, Putin tried once and this time he will succeed. Putin is scared though and perhaps for a reason, he has his base though and they are much like Trump's base and for many of the same reasons. If opposition coalesces around a charismatic and courageous figure he could have trouble one day and that's why this guy has to go. If Joe does what I think he's gonna do, harden American systems and critical infrastructure like the power grid, while strangling the Russian economy, there could be trouble inside Russia. The Average Russian makes around $400/mth and the target might be $100/mth to put the heat on Vlad and the people in the streets.

Vlad started cold war 2 and will have to live or die with the consequences. One of the greed driven oligarchs will probably do in Vlad because he is bad for business and they are pissed off that his stupid fucking spy games cost them billions and access to the west.
Putin Critic Alexei Navalny 'Could Die At Any Moment,' Doctor Says : NPR

Putin Critic Alexei Navalny 'Could Die At Any Moment,' Doctor Says
Imprisoned Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny is three weeks into a hunger strike protesting the lack of medical attention he's received while in prison. Now, his doctor fears his death is imminent.

Physician Yaroslav Ashikhmin said test results that Navalny's family shared with him reveal increased potassium levels, which could lead to cardiac arrest, as well as heightened creatinine levels from deteriorating kidneys.

"Our patient could die at any moment," Ashikhmin wrote, according to a translated version of his Facebook post on Saturday.
Well let's just hope that his downfall goes off without too much of a hitch, he's cut from same cloth as Cheetoman in that he has no humility, and will never ask himself the question "who am I to?" ,self centered MF's like these guys don't ever consider the equation of all this suffering for one man.So basically until Putin is done the amount of possible shit he can stir up is pretty scary to ponder,because I really don't know what his limits are,or where he draws the line. In his deranged mind he probably thinks that Russia can't survive without him when in all actuality Russia survives in spite of him.ccguns
Well let's just hope that his downfall goes off without too much of a hitch, he's cut from same cloth as Cheetoman in that he has no humility, and will never ask himself the question "who am I to?" ,self centered MF's like these guys don't ever consider the equation of all this suffering for one man.So basically until Putin is done the amount of possible shit he can stir up is pretty scary to ponder,because I really don't know what his limits are,or where he draws the line. In his deranged mind he probably thinks that Russia can't survive without him when in all actuality Russia survives in spite of him.ccguns
Vlad is not the same as Trump, Vlad has a brain, but unfortunately he also has a dream too and does view himself as a patriot. His primary motivation is not personal wealth, though he's accrued plenty, his goal is to restore Russia's greatness. The oligarchs just replaced the party, as capitalism replaced communism.

Vlad's problem is his country has an economy smaller than Italy and is only a nuked up military bully, not an economic power in a globalizing world. He can have very little economic clout on the countries that surround Russia and parts of the former Soviet empire and his only tools of control are, cutting off natural gas supplies, military power and of course spies and disinformation. He uses spies and disinformation to disrupt his adversaries in the west (Europe and Asia too) and gain political influence in neighboring countries by using assassination and black mail too. Corrupt politicians are his prey and there is no shortage, cause disinformation and social division create them.
Vlad is not the same as Trump, Vlad has a brain, but unfortunately he also has a dream too and does view himself as a patriot. His primary motivation is not personal wealth, though he's accrued plenty, his goal is to restore Russia's greatness. The oligarchs just replaced the party, as capitalism replaced communism.

Vlad's problem is his country has an economy smaller than Italy and is only a nuked up military bully, not an economic power in a globalizing world. He can have very little economic clout on the countries that surround Russia and parts of the former Soviet empire and his only tools of control are, cutting off natural gas supplies, military power and of course spies and disinformation. He uses spies and disinformation to disrupt his adversaries in the west (Europe and Asia too) and gain political influence in neighboring countries by using assassination and black mail too. Corrupt politicians are his prey and there is no shortage, cause disinformation and social division create them.
All true,but how does it end?, The West has looked the other way for too long which has emboldened him further,now it looks like we're finally starting to confront him,do you think oligarchs can conspire to bring about his demise internally? In the tete a tete vs West I can't see him backing down, he thinks the West is incapable of serious action eg what do we do if he moves into Ukraine, is it worth a shooting war?,and if the West lets this go down NATO is finished. If we get into a cyber deal w/him,he's betting that Russia can take suffering much more than the West can,these are the issues that grab my attention, so I'm hoping your scenario of oligarchs growing sick of losing money bring him down from within and put someone in place more attuned to moving Russia forward internally while backing off externally, this would work out fine as I'd like to see Russia move toward the West as it would really enable us to confront the Chinese from a better position.ccguns
All true,but how does it end?, The West has looked the other way for too long which has emboldened him further,now it looks like we're finally starting to confront him,do you think oligarchs can conspire to bring about his demise internally? In the tete a tete vs West I can't see him backing down, he thinks the West is incapable of serious action eg what do we do if he moves into Ukraine, is it worth a shooting war?,and if the West lets this go down NATO is finished. If we get into a cyber deal w/him,he's betting that Russia can take suffering much more than the West can,these are the issues that grab my attention, so I'm hoping your scenario of oligarchs growing sick of losing money bring him down from within and put someone in place more attuned to moving Russia forward internally while backing off externally, this would work out fine as I'd like to see Russia move toward the West as it would really enable us to confront the Chinese from a better position.ccguns
Vlad has been getting a free ride, the ride is over, there are ways to give Vlad nightmares and Joe gonna use them. Patience is the name of the game, and hardening Americas critical infrastructure against attack, while slowly strangling the Russian economy is how it will go down. America invented the internet and can reinvent it, with national security in mind and in the future can offer protection to Russia's satellite countries on this front as well as others along with your NATO partners and the EU. This will be a cold war like the first cold war, a progressive surrounding and containment of Russia in the economic, cyber and military realms, along with economic strangulation. China can be encouraged to be active in the former Soviet Asian republics too, they are greedy and greed will do most of the work. There are lot's of Muslim "stans" to cause trouble in there.

Lot's of highly motivated and extremely intelligent people are creatively thinking of novel ways to fuck Vlad and cut Russia off at the knees. These people, their mentors and former bosses cried tears of rage during the Trump years and apprehend the danger. They won't forget the 21st century Pearl Harbor attack on America any time soon, even if the morons in America do. Vlad sowed the wind and he will reap the whirlwind. Millions of Americans who support Putin and Russia cause they have their noses up Trump's ass and have their heads filled with shit, will be on the wrong side of the national security community and federal law enforcement and will be regarded just like the American communists were decades ago.
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