Russia protest Putin.

Russia Beyond is a Russian state-owned multilingual publication operated by TV-Novosti (since 2013 under Rossiya Segodnya),[2] offering news, comment, opinion and analysis on culture, politics, business, science and public life in Russia.

According to their own publication
How much money does an average Russian make? - Russia Beyond (

The average Russian worker makes an average range of $264-684 USD a month (around $400 $USD), I figure if we can bring that down to $100 a month average we should see some movement. If you want another revolution in Russia, then make the conditions like 1918 there. Cut off their internet or make it so they can look but not touch and slow outgoing traffic to near nothing. If China wants to let them through the great firewall to attack the west they will suffer similarly. All neighboring countries need to be put on notice too and given aid to accomplish this task or severe disincentives for non cooperation. Likewise a policy of cutting off oil & gas exports would be useful too, China won't be buying much of it for that long at the rate they are going green.

China wants to compete the west into the ground and that's just fine, one of the reasons for the American infrastructure program is humiliation by China. America no longer has the luxury of racism and massive military spending without a clearly defined purpose, you cannot afford to lose the resources any more. Joe is going to over see a large US drawback overseas and a concentration of forces to meet emerging threats from Russia and to keep Chinese territorial ambitions in the south in check. A similar thing happened with the British Navy in the late nineteenth century with the rise of German naval power. They were scattered all over the globe, but the bulk returned to the European and Mediterranean theaters.

America is gonna pull out of places that are less of a direct threat and not worry so much about international terrorism and more about domestic terrorism. Russia & China are the emerging threats, China is more of a long term economic threat though, but they are firmly entrenched in the international system of trade. They might not have liberal or democratic government in China, but they do have responsible government and are taking care of their own national interests. China doesn't want conflict, the current situation is working out just great for them and they can't grow at a faster rate. Russia on the other hand is not content with the world order and should have an economy many times it's current size, if not for massive corruption, the cultural damage of Stalin and stupid communist policies, Russia can best be described as a Kleptocracy.
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This kind of stuff makes it hard for me to take you seriously.
It sounded like a Russian narrative, the Ukrainian people had an orange revolution and elections, their polices reflect that they don't want Russian economic domination by a third rate power. Russia is punching far above it's weight and needs to feel the weight of the many enemies they have made, right down to ground level. Make conditions so bad there the people will have no choice but to toss Putin. I don't care if they have a worse internal government of ultra nationalist, as long as their interests lay inside their own borders. You don't kick King Kong in the fucking nuts without being torn apart and fucked over severely, reckless actions for a country with an economy smaller than Italy and dependent on a single resource export. America and its allies should demonstrate over the next decade just how reckless and disastrous that policy was.

Meanwhile infrastructure should contain a lot of things to harden the power grid, internet and the domestic operating systems used by people and companies. The internet is a battle front and needs to be treated as such, they do. It also should be made clear the republicans jumped into bed with the Russians, not just Trump, they need to pay a price for touching the hot stove and betraying their country. In a world without justice retribution is the only check and it should extend into American politics as well as international affairs. Retribution for many are beyond the reach of justice, at home and abroad.
This all has echoes of FDR and the new deal, followed by preparation for war if required. It's a myth America started the second world war from a stand still, British and French arms sales helped to fuel the recovery. FDR created an unlimited state of emergency and had a draft a year before the war began and was ramping up war production and planning with lend lease. When war was declared America was surprised, but not completely un prepared, the foundations for victory were already laid. Replacement ships showed up in the Pacific pretty quick because they were already under construction in most cases after Dec 7th the whole thing went on steroids. A good president takes care of his people and country, looks ahead for danger and prepares, FDR was such a president, he wasn't perfect, neither was Churchill, but they got the job done.
It sounded like a Russian narrative, the Ukrainian people had an orange revolution and elections, their polices reflect that they don't want Russian economic domination by a third rate power. Russia is punching far above it's weight and needs to feel the weight of the many enemies they have made, right down to ground level. Make conditions so bad there the people will have no choice but to toss Putin. I don't care if they have a worse internal government of ultra nationalist, as long as their interests lay inside their own borders. You don't kick King Kong in the fucking nuts without being torn apart and fucked over severely, reckless actions for a country with an economy smaller than Italy and dependent on a single resource export. America and its allies should demonstrate over the next decade just how reckless and disastrous that policy was.

Meanwhile infrastructure should contain a lot of things to harden the power grid, internet and the domestic operating systems used by people and companies. The internet is a battle front and needs to be treated as such, they do. It also should be made clear the republicans jumped into bed with the Russians, not just Trump, they need to pay a price for touching the hot stove and betraying their country. In a world without justice retribution is the only check and it should extend into American politics as well as international affairs. Retribution for many are beyond the reach of justice, at home and abroad.
If nothing else Ukrainians (and every other democratic nation) is under a constant attack by the Russian military.

If there is a war it is on Putin.

Him crying that Clinton said bad things about him is not the same by a mile to his using his nation's military to attack hundreds of millions of Americans (and every other democracy (at least)) in their homes constantly with his dangerous propaganda that is contributing to the over 500,000 dead Americans. He is essentially a internet troll in control of the Russian government.

And the only people that really have the ability to do anything are also all being attacked by him, the people of Russia.
Russia Beyond is a Russian state-owned multilingual publication operated by TV-Novosti (since 2013 under Rossiya Segodnya),[2] offering news, comment, opinion and analysis on culture, politics, business, science and public life in Russia.

According to their own publication
How much money does an average Russian make? - Russia Beyond (

The average Russian worker makes an average range of $264-684 USD a month (around $400 $USD), I figure if we can bring that down to $100 a month average we should see some movement. If you want another revolution in Russia, then make the conditions like 1918 there. Cut off their internet or make it so they can look but not touch and slow outgoing traffic to near nothing. If China wants to let them through the great firewall to attack the west they will suffer similarly. All neighboring countries need to be put on notice too and given aid to accomplish this task or severe disincentives for non cooperation. Likewise a policy of cutting off oil & gas exports would be useful too, China won't be buying much of it for that long at the rate they are going green.

China wants to compete the west into the ground and that's just fine, one of the reasons for the American infrastructure program is humiliation by China. America no longer has the luxury of racism and massive military spending without a clearly defined purpose, you cannot afford to lose the resources any more. Joe is going to over see a large US drawback overseas and a concentration of forces to meet emerging threats from Russia and to keep Chinese territorial ambitions in the south in check. A similar thing happened with the British Navy in the late nineteenth century with the rise of German naval power. They were scattered all over the globe, but the bulk returned to the European and Mediterranean theaters.

America is gonna pull out of places that are less of a direct threat and not worry so much about international terrorism and more about domestic terrorism. Russia & China are the emerging threats, China is more of a long term economic threat though, but they are firmly entrenched in the international system of trade. They might not have liberal or democratic government in China, but they do have responsible government and are taking care of their own national interests. China doesn't want conflict, the current situation is working out just great for them and they can't grow at a faster rate. Russia on the other hand is not content with the world order and should have an economy many times it's current size, if not for massive corruption, the cultural damage of Stalin and stupid communist policies, Russia can best be described as a Kleptocracy.

and @CikaBika says he wants to still suck Putins dick because it was way worse before him.
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If nothing else Ukrainians (and every other democratic nation) is under a constant attack by the Russian military.

If there is a war it is on Putin.

Him crying that Clinton said bad things about him is not the same by a mile to his using his nation's military to attack hundreds of millions of Americans (and every other democracy (at least)) in their homes constantly with his dangerous propaganda that is contributing to the over 500,000 dead Americans. He is essentially a internet troll in control of the Russian government.

And the only people that really have the ability to do anything are also all being attacked by him, the people of Russia.

the US stands with Alexei Navalny..and we're coming for you..we just needed to make a few..adjustments.

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Sounds like an appeal to emotion. I’d say millions in camps are a bigger priority than people scared by the possibility of invading Russians. If they actually turn agressive and invade than surely someone will be civilized enough to help them. Maybe get everyone vaccinated first...

Not at all, unless you consider threats of sovereignty to be trivial. If so, then you leave the door open and wait until someone is in your house with their dick in your wife before you start complaining. History says it wise to not let things get that far, nor is it wise not take those threats seriously, especially when one has actually committed the very acts they're threatening.
then he shall be a martyr..will Putin let that happen?
He already tried to murder him, this time it will be by tuberculosis and mistreatment. He is too brave and strong for Putin to tolerate, courage never goes out of fashion and Putin knows it. Putin is KGB and always has been, the shield and sword of the communist party and now looking to reclaim the lost Soviet empire. He should be working to improve the lot of his people and the economy of his country, not playing stupid games and making enemies while on a fools errand. Putin runs a kleptocracy and the oligarchs have replaced the party, he has his political base though and they are much the same as Trump's.
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Another CIA failed experiment/coup.. You can only kneel in front a CZAR. Slava Russia
and @CikaBika says he wants to still suck Putins dick because it was way worse before him.

They just made breakout news at Russian Tv..:(:(:(

Whole Russian government is Scared because some irrelevant stoners on some more Irrelevant forum are
threaten him... :clap::clap::clap::clap:

Uuuuu Novotny has your support.:sleep::sleep::sleep:
They are scared as fck.
Even your dear senile demented granpa biden doesn give a fck about their failed cia agent..


I know that you are lgbtqwyzl+ but what does your sexual fantasy has to do with this ??

I hope for other people sake, that no One reads RIU politic section..They would ban Weed again in USA..
Another CIA failed experiment/coup.. You can only kneel in front a CZAR. Slava Russia

They just made breakout news at Russian Tv..:(:(:(

Whole Russian government is Scared because some irrelevant stoners on some more Irrelevant forum are
threaten him... :clap::clap::clap::clap:

Uuuuu Novotny has your support.:sleep::sleep::sleep:
They are scared as fck.
Even your dear senile demented granpa biden doesn give a fck about their failed cia agent..


I know that you are lgbtqwyzl+ but what does your sexual fantasy has to do with this ??

I hope for other people sake, that no One reads RIU politic section..They would ban Weed again in USA..
Whole Russian government is Scared because some irrelevant stoners on some more Irrelevant forum are
threaten him...
We are merely a mild reflection of the larger society and a pretty laid back one at that (at least some are). America and it's allies will fuck mother Russia until she shits out Vlad make no mistake. They were in Afghanistan of 20 years and they will be on Russia's ass just as long and even harder. Don't kid yourself, America hasn't even begun, but will soon, Russia has an economy smaller than Italy's and it will soon show. Average wages are now about $400, US a month, when we get it down to a hundred bucks we should see some movement. Patience comrade, these things take time and effort.
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Another CIA failed experiment/coup.. You can only kneel in front a CZAR. Slava Russia

They just made breakout news at Russian Tv..:(:(:(

Whole Russian government is Scared because some irrelevant stoners on some more Irrelevant forum are
threaten him... :clap::clap::clap::clap:

Uuuuu Novotny has your support.:sleep::sleep::sleep:
They are scared as fck.
Even your dear senile demented granpa biden doesn give a fck about their failed cia agent..


I know that you are lgbtqwyzl+ but what does your sexual fantasy has to do with this ??

I hope for other people sake, that no One reads RIU politic section..They would ban Weed again in USA..

you insult me during my Moon Blood.

@DIY-HP-LED Thank you for good laugh.. Your stupidity is Epic..And your expertise on Russia is on point..
Do you know that RT has USA headquarters?
Let someOne reminds me how long is US in Afghanistan?
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