Runoff vs No Runoff COCO


Well-Known Member
I've been running 10 gal pots of coco/perlite and have a row of plants with a drain to waste system and a row of plants with no drain to waste where the plants just sit right in the tray and drink up any overwater..

Running Maxibloom I have noticed the plants that receive runoff only require higher EC feed than the plants that are having no waste runoff.

If there are no rootzone pH issues, rootzone EC is in acceptable range what are the pitfalls of not having runoff waste?

Are runoff systems/tables just a waste of money if you are willing to hand water each plant and let them just eat up everything?

Not saying one way is the right or wrong because I am honestly failing to recognize the benefits of runoff, especially with Flushing being an unnecessary step..
Runoff ensures that your nute ratios in the root zone stay closer to optimal.

Theoretically, if you fed the plant precisely what it required, no more, no less; runoff would be useless but that's not reality.

You don't need a lot of runoff, 10% is plenty, so it's not terribly wasteful to ensure the nute ratios don't get out of wack.

Makes sense. I'm going to be needing more drain trays it seems like. D: