run, rend pawl, run!

I have no emotional attachment whatsoever to skin color. You have shown over and over that you do. It doesn't piss me off at all because it has zero effect on my life. Your cheer leading the false point shows your feelings bright and shiny though.

BTW, I've been meaning to ask. What is the story about you shitting on a Wendy's floor? Is this true? or is it like the gerbiling thing and just something to troll with?

nice try, we know how you feel about those "poor defenseless blacks" though.

and when i was 17, i shat on the floor of a wendy's right next to the toilet because my buddy was the one who had to clean it up. we did shit like that to each other all the time.
I agree, too much bullshit over race in this world. It shouldn't matter what race a person is, but when it's the number one concern of our government when taking census or reimbursing healthcare it's unavoidable. When it's focused on with laser like precision from certain groups, it will always be a subject of contention.I like to think of people as people and give them the benefit of the doubt when dealing with them. If you are an asshole, your skin color is irrelevant, if you are a net positive in my life, your skin color is irrelevant.

How many million years ago would say we were all the same race? How many millions of years from now do you think we evolve back to this? Seems like a waste of energy to focus on one race LF.
Human Genome Project states race evolved during the past 140,000 years.
nice try, we know how you feel about those "poor defenseless blacks" though.

and when i was 17, i shat on the floor of a wendy's right next to the toilet because my buddy was the one who had to clean it up. we did shit like that to each other all the time.

I don't feel one way or another about a person's skin tone. The "poor defenseless blacks" was a knock on you that you missed.

Glad I asked about the floor shitting. I was under the impression it may have been recently. We all do stupid things as a 17 year old.
I don't feel one way or another about a person's skin tone. The "poor defenseless blacks" was a knock on you that you missed.

Glad I asked about the floor shitting. I was under the impression it may have been recently. We all do stupid things as a 17 year old.

that wasn't stupid, it was hilarious. stupid is when they broke into my car, put it in neutral, dropped the e-brake, and nearly rolled my car into the clubhouse. i walk off the 18th to see my car rolling across the parking lot. now that was stupid.

and your "poor defenseless blacks" remark only showcased your ignorance, since without civil rights and the force of law, blacks are indeed defenseless against the discrimination they faced. a little poorer too since they had to pay double for gas or were resigned to a smaller and inferior set of goods and services.

good job on being stupid.
that wasn't stupid, it was hilarious. stupid is when they broke into my car, put it in neutral, dropped the e-brake, and nearly rolled my car into the clubhouse. i walk off the 18th to see my car rolling across the parking lot. now that was stupid.

and your "poor defenseless blacks" remark only showcased your ignorance, since without civil rights and the force of law, blacks are indeed defenseless against the discrimination they faced. a little poorer too since they had to pay double for gas or were resigned to a smaller and inferior set of goods and services.

good job on being stupid.

You still find shitting on floors of a public eatery hilarious? OK then....

Yes, over 50 years ago, the laws enacted against blacks in the past caused much harm and misery. 100's of years ago pedophilia with slaves was somewhat of a status symbol, I doubt that would fly in society (Catholic Church excluded) today anymore that what you speak of. This is just a philosophical difference we have re: our fellow man. I believe we evolve more with freedom than force, you don't and somehow equate my stance as being racist and ignorant. Odd little man you are Buck.

Again, I can discriminate against you for a myriad of reasons legally, why are you good with this? Either you are OK with discrimination or you are not, your stance is some discrimination is fine, some are not. I don't understand this reasoning.
...I doubt that would fly in society today anymore...and somehow equate my stance as being racist and ignorant.

only because it is though.




only because it is though

You equating not being able to get a wedding cake from the one specific baker that refused with the struggle the blacks overcame in this country? Wowzers.

Chick fil a discriminates? I'll need proof of that one.

Dave Bing was a childhood hero of mine. I grew up in the same city as him and am proud for him all that he accomplished. He won several awards as a top black businessman as the founder and CEO of Bing Steel. He only employed blacks. This didn't bother most, some were pissy about the hypocrisy, but mostly people just admired his business skills and the man himself. I voted for him as my Mayor even. If you were to be consistent in your views, this man should have been locked up and not be able to run for office, but because liberals only know hypocrisy, I'm sure you don't feel this way. I could be wrong, and if I am, please speak up, say he should have had to hire whites and I'll apologize.

I prefer a legal system that is the same for all of us and color blind. I don't think we fix racist laws from the past with new laws based on race.
both are matters of basic civil rights.

The fact anyone thinks that being able to purchase a wedding cake from every single baker in the country by law is taking civil rights to the extreme I would say. That same baker could deny to bake for anyone with an Oregon address and be within his legal rights. Doesn't make much sense to me. He could refuse you service because you need corrective lenses to get to 20/20, he could refuse if your parents drive a buick, he could refuse you service if purple is your favorite color, if you have curly hair or too many freckles, bad teeth, obesity, leg length difference, too tall, too many cowlicks in your hair, work for the railroad, have manboobs, big feet, went to X high school, have a mother living, have a brother named Tim, etc etc. You get the idea I hope.

Picking the fight with the bakery and equating it to the suffering blacks overcame in this country negates any point you are trying to make.
The fact anyone thinks that being able to purchase a wedding cake from every single baker in the country by law is taking civil rights to the extreme I would say. That same baker could deny to bake for anyone with an Oregon address and be within his legal rights. Doesn't make much sense to me. He could refuse you service because you need corrective lenses to get to 20/20, he could refuse if your parents drive a buick, he could refuse you service if purple is your favorite color, if you have curly hair or too many freckles, bad teeth, obesity, leg length difference, too tall, too many cowlicks in your hair, work for the railroad, have manboobs, big feet, went to X high school, have a mother living, have a brother named Tim, etc etc. You get the idea I hope.

Picking the fight with the bakery and equating it to the suffering blacks overcame in this country negates any point you are trying to make.

the point is that they are denying service to gays simply because they are gay, just like many, many businesses used to (and still would) deny service to blacks just because they are black.

this doesn't seem to bother you a bit.

in fact, you feel that basic civil rights are "extreme".

the reality is that the extremists are the ones like you who rail against civil rights.

and by the way, it was the bigoted cake baker who picked the fight. they gay couple were just paying customers trying to buy a cake for the happiest day of their lives.

but good job on trying to frame the situation in the most stormfront way possible.
the point is that they are denying service to gays simply because they are gay, just like many, many businesses used to (and still would) deny service to blacks just because they are black.

this doesn't seem to bother you a bit.

in fact, you feel that basic civil rights are "extreme".

the reality is that the extremists are the ones like you who rail against civil rights.

and by the way, it was the bigoted cake baker who picked the fight. they gay couple were just paying customers trying to buy a cake for the happiest day of their lives.

but good job on trying to frame the situation in the most stormfront way possible.

The gay couple could have bought a cake from anyone else and most would have. At one time in the south, blacks were limited to black only. Not even close to the same thing. The gay couple chose to make it a fight.

And you are right, I don't feel buying a cake from that particular baker to be a basic civil right and feels it cheapens the entire civil rights fight by saying it is. Your philosophy of using government force to make people behave the way you want is in direct contrast to my philosophy of freedom brings the most advancement. I would enjoy a philosophical debate about the subject, been trying to get you to join in for years and explain why you think the way you do, but so far you haven't shown the ability.
The gay couple could have bought a cake from anyone else and most would have.

and the blacks could have just chose to buy a sandwch from that other shop, or drive an extra 20 miles to get gas.

nice attitude there, bigot.

The gay couple chose to make it a fight.

actually, i think they went in there to give a cake maker money to make them a cake.

but nice job on the further stormfront spin.

Your philosophy of using government force to make people behave the way you want is in direct contrast to my philosophy of freedom brings the most advancement.

freedom for who?

bigots and racists who want to deny service to gays because they are gay and blacks because they are black?

they still have the freedom to open up a private club and do just that. what you want for them are "extra rights" and "special rights" to cause harm to others.

you are a bigoted, racist asshole.

go die in a fire.
and the blacks could have just chose to buy a sandwch from that other shop, or drive an extra 20 miles to get gas.

It's not even close to the same thing.

Also, if gay bakers wanted to serve only gays, it's perfectly legal. If heteros wanted to serve only heteros it's illegal. It's YOU who are fine with discrimination, as long as it's discrimination you approve of.
Also, if gay bakers wanted to serve only gays, it's perfectly legal.

not in states where sexual orientation is a protected status, like oregon.

If heteros wanted to serve only heteros it's illegal.

not in states where sexual orientation is not a protected status, like most of the fucking nation.

you are so retarded. you sit here arguing civil rights but you clearly don't understand how they work. sexual orientation is (sometimes) a protected class, not homosexuality. skin color is a protected class, not black skin.

everything you post reeks of stormfront.
not in states where sexual orientation is a protected status, like oregon.

not in states where sexual orientation is not a protected status, like most of the fucking nation.

you are so retarded. you sit here arguing civil rights but you clearly don't understand how they work. sexual orientation is (sometimes) a protected class, not homosexuality. skin color is a protected class, not black skin.

everything you post reeks of stormfront.

You are completely missing the point yet again, not that anyone is surprised.

There would be no prosecution of the gay baker who refuses the hetero, Dave Bing was not only NOT prosecuted for discrimination, he won several black business awards. If you or anyone else has a problem with Bing only hiring blacks, you are clueless to what he endured growing up in Detroit in the 50's and 60's. If you knew his story, you would not only understand why he did it, you would applaud it. What does this mean?

We have different laws for different people. I don't agree with this being what's best for our country moving forward.

But then, you've already admitted you think a black man should do more time committing the same crime as a white man if the victim is white. That's liberal logic folks.
At one time in the south, blacks were limited to black only. Not even close to the same thing. The gay couple chose to make it a fight.

Let me quote Buck on this one to explain why.

blacks were resigned to a smaller and inferior set of goods and services.

According to Buck, since blacks could only use other blacks for services and goods, harm was done. According to Bucky, blacks are inferior by nature and are incapable of providing good service or producing things of quality.

Step out of the closet with your pointy white sheet on Bucky.