run, rend pawl, run!

I don't think this will be true for centuries if at all.

For it to be true, whites would have to be outnumbered by other ethnicity, not just by the sum total of all other ethnicity but white. If they are 60/15/15/5/5 now and it becomes 40/20/20/10/10 someday, this does not equal minority.

Weird thing to cheer by the way. How much disdain do you have to have for a skin color to get excited about diminishing numbers? Buck, you got this one?
me stating a fact, does not constitute a cheer.
Having a hard time getting anyone to answer how they feel about the increase of interracial relationship. How about you ? Does this bother you.
me stating a fact, does not constitute a cheer.
Having a hard time getting anyone to answer how they feel about the increase of interracial relationship. How about you ? Does this bother you.

Not at all, why should it? Does it bother you? It doesn't make me sad, it doesn't make me happy, it doesn't really hold any thoughts in my head other than, good for people who are happy.

Repeating over and over that the majority will be the minority and getting likes every time from Bucktard appears like cheerleading to me. You seemed so excited by the prospect, but common sense should be telling you it's not entirely true, Your apparent disdain for the majority skin pigmentation clouded that line of reasoning. If it weren't so important to you, you wouldn't keep repeating this falsehood, you would stop and think for a sec.

Are you the type of person that walks in the room and does a mental racial census? I see this a lot out of liberals... There's too many X color and not enough Y and Z color!! Then you call people racists. Liberals... the only people I know who call centuries old failed ideas as progressive.
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I think that we need to be worried and address this issue. I don't want my grandchildren or children living in a country dominated by other races.

This has always been a white country, we've done quite well for ourselves.

When or if it gets to minorities having a controlling percentage, it would be like giving the people in the trailer park down the street access to the checking account.

It won't end well for white people, I wouldn't be surprised if the minorities elected vindictive politicians and enacted bigoted policy directed at the distribution of white wealth.

It won't end well.
I think that we need to be worried and address this issue. I don't want my grandchildren or children living in a country dominated by other races.

This has always been a white country, we've done quite well for ourselves.

When or if it gets to minorities having a controlling percentage, it would be like giving the people in the trailer park down the street access to the checking account.

It won't end well for white people, I wouldn't be surprised if the minorities elected vindictive politicians and enacted bigoted policy directed at the distribution of white wealth.

It won't end well.

Just.. fucking.. wow, dude.
Not at all, why should it? Does it bother you? It doesn't make me sad, it doesn't make me happy, it doesn't really hold any thoughts in my head other than, good for people who are happy.

Repeating over and over that the majority will be the minority and getting likes every time from Bucktard appears like cheerleading to me. You seemed so excited by the prospect, but common sense should be telling you it's not entirely true, Your apparent disdain for the majority skin pigmentation clouded that line of reasoning. If it weren't so important to you, you wouldn't keep repeating this falsehood, you would stop and think for a sec.
I think a world with one race would be awesome. Might stop some of the bullshit. do you know anything about dominate vs recessive genes. We all come from the same...maybe we can all get back to the same.
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I think that we need to be worried and address this issue. I don't want my grandchildren or children living in a country dominated by other races.

This has always been a white country, we've done quite well for ourselves.

When or if it gets to minorities having a controlling percentage, it would be like giving the people in the trailer park down the street access to the checking account.

It won't end well for white people, I wouldn't be surprised if the minorities elected vindictive politicians and enacted bigoted policy directed at the distribution of white wealth.

It won't end well.
that's the shit the klan says. that's fucking shameful. I don't want my grandchildren or children living in a country dominated by close minded bigots.
If I could be at peace that the minorities wouldn't get vindictive when they get the reigns of power, I wouldn't mind.

I wouldn't care if my grand kids were even mixed race. It could be an advantage for them.

I just feel it very likely that with how awful whites have acted in the past, that the minorities would seek punitive measures if possible.
I think a world with one race would be awesome. Might stop some of the bullshit. do you know anything about dominate vs regressive genes. We all come from the same...maybe we can all get back to the same.
I kind of agree with that. And with modern transportation, I wouldn't expect much racial diversity in 1000 years.

We only have races because of genetic isolation over time to geographical areas.
I think a world with one race would be awesome. Might stop some of the bullshit. do you know anything about dominate vs regressive genes. We all come from the same...maybe we can all get back to the same.

I agree, too much bullshit over race in this world. It shouldn't matter what race a person is, but when it's the number one concern of our government when taking census or reimbursing healthcare it's unavoidable. When it's focused on with laser like precision from certain groups, it will always be a subject of contention.I like to think of people as people and give them the benefit of the doubt when dealing with them. If you are an asshole, your skin color is irrelevant, if you are a net positive in my life, your skin color is irrelevant.

How many million years ago would say we were all the same race? How many millions of years from now do you think we evolve back to this? Seems like a waste of energy to focus on one race LF.
Then why can't you quote it?

i can quote it though.

I don't think this will be true for centuries if at all.

For it to be true, whites would have to be outnumbered by other ethnicity, not just by the sum total of all other ethnicity but white. If they are 60/15/15/5/5 now and it becomes 40/20/20/10/10 someday, this does not equal minority.

Weird thing to cheer by the way. How much disdain do you have to have for a skin color to get excited about diminishing numbers? Buck, you got this one?

i love how much it pisses people like you off.
I kind of agree with that. And with modern transportation, I wouldn't expect much racial diversity in 1000 years.

We only have races because of genetic isolation over time to geographical areas.

1000 years from now will most likely look very much like it does now. Norway will not set up exchanges with West Africa.
that's the shit the klan says. that's fucking shameful. I don't want my grandchildren or children living in a country dominated by close minded bigots.
I've no idea what the KKK says.

From what UncleBuck has taught us with his Klan ministry they want to separate and form their own nation, carved out of this one to the exclusion of all others.

I didn't promote anything like that.

Had I chosen to elaborate I would have said I favor incentive for birth control among minority women, many of whom are having lots of children while single. This creates lots of problems for them and the state who has to support them.
i love how much it pisses people like you off.

I have no emotional attachment whatsoever to skin color. You have shown over and over that you do. It doesn't piss me off at all because it has zero effect on my life. Your cheer leading the false point shows your feelings bright and shiny though.

BTW, I've been meaning to ask. What is the story about you shitting on a Wendy's floor? Is this true? or is it like the gerbiling thing and just something to troll with?
1000 years from now will most likely look very much like it does now. Norway will not set up exchanges with West Africa.
People will set up their own exchanges.

1000, 3000 eventually all taboos among mixing will be gone.

It won't go directly from Nigeria to Norway, it will blend slowly all the way.
People will set up their own exchanges.

1000, 3000 eventually all taboos among mixing will be gone.

It won't go directly from Nigeria to Norway, it will blend slowly all the way.

We will still have differing shades based on geographical residency obviously. Liberals will then label the shades and do counts. My skin is actually darker side by side than 2 of the 3 blacks in my office yet I'm white and they are black. The labels won't go away.
We will still have differing shades based on geographical residency obviously. Liberals will then label the shades and do counts.
Blacks have different shades now, from blue gum to high yellow.

Whites from ginger to olive.

Asians from Korean to Indian or New Guinean.