Me and Bigbad
[11:05] <+DN'Th3bigbad> this has turned into a monkey fuckin a football
[11:05] <@datarecal> pretty much
[11:05] <@datarecal>
[11:05] <@datarecal> if anyone wants to read it
[11:05] <@datarecal> last page
[11:06] <@datarecal> bad ?
[11:06] <@datarecal> so whats the problem
[11:06] <+DN'Th3bigbad> i know its your site n all and you can make it anyway yo want, but it didnt start out with all these rules and monitoring
[11:06] * DN'TokeNTalk sets mode: +v DN'Kulanhunter96
[11:06] <@datarecal> the rules have always been there
[11:06] <@datarecal> i changed them slightly
[11:06] <@datarecal> to get the site back on track
[11:06] <+DN'Th3bigbad> lol just alil huh
[11:06] <@datarecal> what was the big change
[11:06] <+DN'Th3bigbad> what was the track?
[11:07] <@datarecal> the track is that this place is turning into a soap opera
[11:07] <@datarecal> people bitching eachother out... old members running away new members
[11:07] <+DN'Th3bigbad> wasnt that what 90% of it was at the start?
[11:07] <@datarecal> ?
[11:08] <+DN'Th3bigbad> some funny some lame but folks sound what they wanted when they wanted without fear of ans or anything elses?
[11:08] <+DN'Th3bigbad> bans*
[11:08] <@datarecal> so why not be responsible for your actions
[11:09] <+DN'Th3bigbad> i agree there needs to be rules, but they rules you chose where worded poorly
[11:09] <@datarecal> if i went into your growjournal called you a monkey fucking cunt that stole the pictures from another site wouldnt u want something done with that user
[11:09] <@datarecal> how is it worded poorly
[11:09] <@datarecal> im not hiding behind an large words or even making u read inbetween the lines
[11:10] * DN'TokeNTalk sets mode: +v DN'Mane2008
[11:10] <@datarecal> if i drop 12k into new servers for the forum i think they forum should get a *little* respect in return dont you ?
[11:10] <+DN'Th3bigbad> dude that has happened to me , and no i didnt want something done about it. its your oppion right or wrong
[11:10] <@datarecal> ok now what if that same user did it to every growjournal
[11:10] <+DN'Th3bigbad> yes i do, but c'mon no cursin?
[11:10] <@datarecal> where does it say no cursin
[11:11] <+DN'Th3bigbad> then every1 would know that user is ful of shit and skip his or her threads and posts
[11:11] <@DN'TokeNTalk> [RollItUp] New Post-> cfl vs hps - [ ]
[11:11] <@DN'TokeNTalk> [RollItUp] New Post-> Stupid Stoner Maneuvers...... - [ ]
[11:11] <@datarecal> profanity does not = vulgar
[11:11] * DN'TokeNTalk sets mode: +v DN'Jimmyspaz
[11:11] <@datarecal> but that user is not a productive member of the community so you get 3 chances and ur out
[11:11] <@datarecal> if ur here to be an ass then you can leave
[11:11] <@datarecal> or be forced to
[11:12] <@datarecal> NOWHERE in the rules does it say no cursing
[11:12] <@datarecal> the rules say do not be vulgar
[11:12] <+DN'Th3bigbad> thats fine i have no prob with that
[11:12] <@datarecal> Profanity is “the quality or state of being profane” (see sacred-profane dichotomy). It can also relate to using inappropriate language, or desecration or disrespect toward an object of religious veneration. ...
[11:12] <@datarecal> vulgar: having to do with ordinary, common people; rude, uncouth, distasteful, obscene
[11:13] <+DN'Th3bigbad> so why did i get a slap on the ass yesterday?
[11:13] <@datarecal> gimme the thread ill take a look
[11:13] <@DN'Gr0wTech> hmmm
[11:13] <@datarecal> i belive it was that fuck you post
[11:13] <+DN'Th3bigbad> just a sec ill have to find it, i pmed it back to you
[11:13] <@datarecal> yeah i think i remember
[11:13] <+DN'Th3bigbad> nonono
[11:14] <@datarecal> you dont think that was rude
[11:14] <+DN'Th3bigbad> i never said fuck you at all
[11:14] <+DN'Th3bigbad> rude alil but vular no
[11:15] * DN'TokeNTalk sets mode: +v DN'crazychomp
[11:15] <@datarecal> u called me out right in the thread
[11:15] <@datarecal> what do you want me to do bad
[11:15] <@datarecal> you even highlighted all the words
[11:15] <+DN'Th3bigbad> u closeing a thread the night before was kinda rude aswell
[11:15] <@datarecal> the night before ?
[11:15] <@datarecal> before what
[11:15] <+DN'Th3bigbad> hell dude i tried a dozen times to chat with you about it first
[11:16] <@datarecal> i saw it but i kept missing u
[11:16] <@datarecal> im running 18hr days here getting our new servers online
[11:16] <@datarecal> but u didnt send me a pm
[11:16] <@datarecal> via rollitup
[11:16] <@datarecal> im going to open the chat back up
[11:16] <@datarecal> unless you wanted to discuss anything else about the rules
[11:16] <+DN'Th3bigbad> <<<didnt know it was closed lol
[11:17] <+DN'Th3bigbad> what about reading others pms?
[11:17] <@datarecal> honestly you think i have time
[11:17] <@datarecal> i can barely respond to you pming me in live chat
[11:17] <@datarecal> this is how it WORKS: the system runs the pms through an akismat spam filter
[11:17] <+DN'Th3bigbad> maybe cuz your reading my pms lol
[11:17] <@datarecal> if the spam filter is triggered then it alerts me
[11:18] <+DN'Th3bigbad> \so its just spam happy pms that get looked at?
[11:18] <@datarecal> yes
[11:18] <@datarecal> come buy my viagra
[11:18] <@datarecal> you will have a 12" dong
[11:18] <+DN'Mane2008> lmao
[11:18] <@datarecal> or people msging other users to visit other forums
[11:18] <+DN'Th3bigbad> and we can curse, just not at any1 in a rude way?
[11:19] <@DN'Gr0wTech> no spammin the chat please rollitup

[11:19] <+DN'Th3bigbad> i already do lol
[11:19] <+DN'Th3bigbad> 12
[11:19] <+DN'Th3bigbad> when its warm outside
[11:19] <+DN'Kulanhunter96> what will akismat scan for exactly which words.
[11:19] <@datarecal> you can curse but we are adults, act like a human to one another
[11:19] <@datarecal> it runs it against the central database
[11:19] <@DN'Gr0wTech> share equal respect
[11:19] <@datarecal> its the same spam filter we use on here to stop spam threads
[11:20] <+DN'Kulanhunter96> then show some G/tech
[11:20] <@datarecal> anything else bad ?
[11:20] <+DN'Kulanhunter96> yes g/tech
[11:20] <+DN'Kulanhunter96> brb
[11:20] <+DN'Th3bigbad> thats fine by me, i just tend to say whatever pop into my head, i dont want to have to say shit like wowyzowy, inplace of badass in stuff like that
[11:20] <@datarecal> we are a grow forum not a church
[11:20] <@datarecal> but we need to keep things respectable
[11:20] <+DN'Th3bigbad> exactly
[11:21] <+DN'Th3bigbad> a'men
[11:21] <+DN'Toastedfox> I agree
[11:21] <@datarecal> the problem is one user scanned the rules and blew it out of proportion
[11:21] <@datarecal> half of them didnt read them at all
[11:21] <+DN'Th3bigbad> just for piece of mind where are the servers?