• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/


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Well-Known Member
hell mine went from about 30% in 3 days up to 100%, been stuck to machine for a week so it kept me bussy, it shouldnt count in the gosip section though.


Well-Known Member
like if you havent been here long then its easy to get 100 activity because there is less time to compare to when you havent been active

i dont think he was talkin about you


Well-Known Member
what do yoou mean if you havent been here long
like it averages your activity.
if u been on here 3yrs as to 3months and have the same amount of posts right.. the one with 3months will have a higher activity %


100% Authentic A$$Hole
so it compares the lenght of time on here, dont seem right

Yeah I understand what they are saying.........Its harder for me to accumulate 100% activity being ive been here well over a year........you been here for so many months so yours would go up faster:peace:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
There are 3 AWARDS (Medals). They are: Chronic Roller; Overgrower; and Socially Engaged. I have no idea how they are awarded as I haven't been able to figure out a pattern or found anything posted from ROLLITUP as to how it's done.

Here are the current medal standings...



Well-Known Member
ya i found that but who decides who gets them. i see one there from abudsmoker. he`s not staff is he, not sure


Well-Known Member
Good discussion between me and kulanhunter:
[10:42] <datarecal> what really is the problem though witht hem
[10:42] <datarecal> them*
[10:43] <DN'Kulanhunter> the rules you mean or the people against them?
[10:43] <datarecal> the rules
[10:43] <datarecal> in your eyes what are the problems
[10:44] <datarecal> There may be places where explicit, obscene or vulgar language, graphics or behavior is appropriate however Rollitup is not one of those places. Posts containing explicit, obscene or vulgar language will be removed.
[10:44] <datarecal> i dont really think anyone looked at them closely
[10:44] <DN'Kulanhunter> its not so much the rules but how they were impemented. i was going to post in my journal and i had to abide by them before i couls interact with friend. no warning
[10:45] <datarecal> on the other side of things if i asked everyone to read them.. it would not have got done, then when we start handing out infractions "they didnt know"
[10:45] <DN'Kulanhunter> i know the rules have been there before but they look more like a regime than a code of conduct
[10:45] <datarecal> how is this a regine
[10:45] <datarecal> regime
[10:45] <datarecal> Be Cautious
[10:45] <datarecal> Be Appropriate
[10:45] <datarecal> Be Ethical
[10:45] <datarecal> Be Welcoming
[10:46] <datarecal> these are all fundamentals of being a human being
[10:47] <DN'Kulanhunter> no some times we are not, we can be critical and with out critazizum we would not espire to be more than we are
[10:47] <datarecal> where does it say that
[10:48] <datarecal> that you can not have a diff view from someone else
[10:48] <datarecal> im wrong a lot of the time and I would rather be corrected then told I was right
[10:49] <datarecal> debate is key to a good understanding of something
[10:49] <datarecal> but unless it is debated properly no one will get anything out of it
[10:49] <DN'Kulanhunter> sometime you need to be out spoken, now i can hold a debate but some people know no better. are they to be penalized due to a bad education even if they have amazing horticultral knowleage
[10:50] <datarecal> if they stopp to a high school level and start calling someone names well that is their problem
[10:50] <datarecal> stoop*
[10:50] <datarecal> then they get an infraction and hopefully they find a better way next time
[10:50] <datarecal> outspoken has nothing to do with the rules
[10:50] <datarecal> comon kulan
[10:51] <DN'Kulanhunter> to some people profanitys are a norm. it has i was banned due to my opinions
[10:51] <datarecal> profanity is not vulgar though
[10:51] <datarecal> big difference
[10:52] <DN'Kulanhunter> it a pointof view and whois right i am not that wise
[10:52] <datarecal> Profanity is &#8220;the quality or state of being profane&#8221; (see sacred-profane dichotomy). It can also relate to using inappropriate language, or desecration or disrespect toward an object of religious veneration. ...
[10:52] <datarecal> vulgar: having to do with ordinary, common people; rude, uncouth, distasteful, obscene
[10:55] <datarecal> lunch time
[10:55] <datarecal> let it blow over people are just blowing this way out of proportion
[10:55] <DN'Kulanhunter> i am going to have to go wife justcut her finger cutting the bread and its tea time. thank you foryourtime and i will start a thread there. might catch you late


Well-Known Member
Me and Bigbad
[11:05] <+DN'Th3bigbad> this has turned into a monkey fuckin a football
[11:05] <@datarecal> pretty much
[11:05] <@datarecal> https://www.rollitup.org/support/100827-rules-6.html
[11:05] <@datarecal> if anyone wants to read it
[11:05] <@datarecal> last page
[11:06] <@datarecal> bad ?
[11:06] <@datarecal> so whats the problem
[11:06] <+DN'Th3bigbad> i know its your site n all and you can make it anyway yo want, but it didnt start out with all these rules and monitoring
[11:06] * DN'TokeNTalk sets mode: +v DN'Kulanhunter96
[11:06] <@datarecal> the rules have always been there
[11:06] <@datarecal> i changed them slightly
[11:06] <@datarecal> to get the site back on track
[11:06] <+DN'Th3bigbad> lol just alil huh
[11:06] <@datarecal> what was the big change
[11:06] <+DN'Th3bigbad> what was the track?
[11:07] <@datarecal> the track is that this place is turning into a soap opera
[11:07] <@datarecal> people bitching eachother out... old members running away new members
[11:07] <+DN'Th3bigbad> wasnt that what 90% of it was at the start?
[11:07] <@datarecal> ?
[11:08] <+DN'Th3bigbad> some funny some lame but folks sound what they wanted when they wanted without fear of ans or anything elses?
[11:08] <+DN'Th3bigbad> bans*
[11:08] <@datarecal> so why not be responsible for your actions
[11:09] <+DN'Th3bigbad> i agree there needs to be rules, but they rules you chose where worded poorly
[11:09] <@datarecal> if i went into your growjournal called you a monkey fucking cunt that stole the pictures from another site wouldnt u want something done with that user
[11:09] <@datarecal> how is it worded poorly
[11:09] <@datarecal> im not hiding behind an large words or even making u read inbetween the lines
[11:10] * DN'TokeNTalk sets mode: +v DN'Mane2008
[11:10] <@datarecal> if i drop 12k into new servers for the forum i think they forum should get a *little* respect in return dont you ?
[11:10] <+DN'Th3bigbad> dude that has happened to me , and no i didnt want something done about it. its your oppion right or wrong
[11:10] <@datarecal> ok now what if that same user did it to every growjournal
[11:10] <+DN'Th3bigbad> yes i do, but c'mon no cursin?
[11:10] <@datarecal> where does it say no cursin
[11:11] <+DN'Th3bigbad> then every1 would know that user is ful of shit and skip his or her threads and posts
[11:11] <@DN'TokeNTalk> [RollItUp] New Post-> cfl vs hps - [ https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/101452-cfl-vs-hps.html ]
[11:11] <@DN'TokeNTalk> [RollItUp] New Post-> Stupid Stoner Maneuvers...... - [ https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/101453-stupid-stoner-maneuvers.html ]
[11:11] <@datarecal> profanity does not = vulgar
[11:11] * DN'TokeNTalk sets mode: +v DN'Jimmyspaz
[11:11] <@datarecal> but that user is not a productive member of the community so you get 3 chances and ur out
[11:11] <@datarecal> if ur here to be an ass then you can leave
[11:11] <@datarecal> or be forced to
[11:12] <@datarecal> NOWHERE in the rules does it say no cursing
[11:12] <@datarecal> the rules say do not be vulgar
[11:12] <+DN'Th3bigbad> thats fine i have no prob with that
[11:12] <@datarecal> Profanity is &#8220;the quality or state of being profane&#8221; (see sacred-profane dichotomy). It can also relate to using inappropriate language, or desecration or disrespect toward an object of religious veneration. ...
[11:12] <@datarecal> vulgar: having to do with ordinary, common people; rude, uncouth, distasteful, obscene
[11:13] <+DN'Th3bigbad> so why did i get a slap on the ass yesterday?
[11:13] <@datarecal> gimme the thread ill take a look
[11:13] <@DN'Gr0wTech> hmmm
[11:13] <@datarecal> i belive it was that fuck you post
[11:13] <+DN'Th3bigbad> just a sec ill have to find it, i pmed it back to you
[11:13] <@datarecal> yeah i think i remember
[11:13] <+DN'Th3bigbad> nonono
[11:14] <@datarecal> you dont think that was rude
[11:14] <+DN'Th3bigbad> i never said fuck you at all
[11:14] <+DN'Th3bigbad> rude alil but vular no
[11:15] * DN'TokeNTalk sets mode: +v DN'crazychomp
[11:15] <@datarecal> u called me out right in the thread
[11:15] <@datarecal> what do you want me to do bad
[11:15] <@datarecal> you even highlighted all the words
[11:15] <+DN'Th3bigbad> u closeing a thread the night before was kinda rude aswell
[11:15] <@datarecal> the night before ?
[11:15] <@datarecal> before what
[11:15] <+DN'Th3bigbad> hell dude i tried a dozen times to chat with you about it first
[11:16] <@datarecal> i saw it but i kept missing u
[11:16] <@datarecal> im running 18hr days here getting our new servers online
[11:16] <@datarecal> but u didnt send me a pm
[11:16] <@datarecal> via rollitup
[11:16] <@datarecal> im going to open the chat back up
[11:16] <@datarecal> unless you wanted to discuss anything else about the rules
[11:16] <+DN'Th3bigbad> <<<didnt know it was closed lol
[11:17] <+DN'Th3bigbad> what about reading others pms?
[11:17] <@datarecal> honestly you think i have time
[11:17] <@datarecal> i can barely respond to you pming me in live chat
[11:17] <@datarecal> this is how it WORKS: the system runs the pms through an akismat spam filter
[11:17] <+DN'Th3bigbad> maybe cuz your reading my pms lol
[11:17] <@datarecal> if the spam filter is triggered then it alerts me
[11:18] <+DN'Th3bigbad> \so its just spam happy pms that get looked at?
[11:18] <@datarecal> yes
[11:18] <@datarecal> come buy my viagra
[11:18] <@datarecal> you will have a 12" dong
[11:18] <+DN'Mane2008> lmao
[11:18] <@datarecal> or people msging other users to visit other forums
[11:18] <+DN'Th3bigbad> and we can curse, just not at any1 in a rude way?
[11:19] <@DN'Gr0wTech> no spammin the chat please rollitup :P
[11:19] <+DN'Th3bigbad> i already do lol
[11:19] <+DN'Th3bigbad> 12
[11:19] <+DN'Th3bigbad> when its warm outside
[11:19] <+DN'Kulanhunter96> what will akismat scan for exactly which words.
[11:19] <@datarecal> you can curse but we are adults, act like a human to one another
[11:19] <@datarecal> it runs it against the central database
[11:19] <@DN'Gr0wTech> share equal respect
[11:19] <@datarecal> its the same spam filter we use on here to stop spam threads
[11:20] <+DN'Kulanhunter96> then show some G/tech
[11:20] <@datarecal> anything else bad ?
[11:20] <+DN'Kulanhunter96> yes g/tech
[11:20] <+DN'Kulanhunter96> brb
[11:20] <+DN'Th3bigbad> thats fine by me, i just tend to say whatever pop into my head, i dont want to have to say shit like wowyzowy, inplace of badass in stuff like that
[11:20] <@datarecal> we are a grow forum not a church
[11:20] <@datarecal> but we need to keep things respectable
[11:20] <+DN'Th3bigbad> exactly
[11:21] <+DN'Th3bigbad> a'men
[11:21] <+DN'Toastedfox> I agree
[11:21] <@datarecal> the problem is one user scanned the rules and blew it out of proportion
[11:21] <@datarecal> half of them didnt read them at all
[11:21] <+DN'Th3bigbad> just for piece of mind where are the servers?
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