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Well-Known Member
Nope i removed the signature for him.
If your signature is in violation of any of these new rules, the Staff may remove it without prior notice. If you have any questions as to whether something is acceptable, please PM a Staff Member.


Well-Known Member
He had the open forum for long enough and never made one solid point.... i pasted the important part of the transcript then he calls me out that I was hiding something... honestly..... either way its done with.


Well-Known Member
says the man who has been here a month
Not a hijack just help..Zeke. you said you had troubles getting to chat..since Jan I couldn't get on till about a month ago..If you don't have it download java script..I had it but couldn't get in before.. but that being said it can be slow to connect..I just kept trying and boom one day it worked ??????...

returning thread..bongsmilie
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