Well-Known Member
Everyone and anyone feel free to post ur high ideas. I'm really baked and I just hit my and my ears started ringing and I for some reason had this random spur of a memory like a week or two ago when that royal baby was born. I was watching a show on NBC that bear grylls show where everyones competing and eating gross shit for mad money. anyway I was watching that because I was expecting Siberia (at the time I thought it was a reality show, I later found out its a scripted drama about a reality show and I was totally pissed) to be on it wasn't. It was interrupted and schedualed to air the next week which was a total buzzkill and I felt mad at that baby. I can honestly say that's the only time in my life I was enraged because of a baby. But it wasn't the babys fault it was fucking NBC's fault why does anyone in America give a shit about a baby born in England for anyway and at 10pm of all times that baby was born at 4pm they coulda interrupted the news or something to tell the news haha. Ne way that isn't my highdea that was my high rant I guess lol, My highdea is more of a high daydream idk what I'd call it lol I was thinking when I found out the baby was named George I was bumbed out for 2 reasons, 1 being we as americans don't have good history with royalty from England and, 2nd is I wanted that baby to be named Steve or Bob or something super average. That way one day when that kids way older there will be a King Steve and I think that'd be pretty awesome.