Sure I have some complaints about his tax break to the rich that oddly enough really gives rich real estate tycoons a great boost, so much that for the wealthiest are now paying a lesser percent of their income in taxes than any other economic group.
I also am not a fan of his attempts to divert funds from areas like cyber security of our electorate to his fake vanity project of rebuilding the wall that Obama already built.
I do not like arresting people for coming here because they happen to be born in a very dangerous place, with Trump breaking our countries laws along the way.
I do not like his stripping of important environmental protections because he wants to pay back the people who want to drill in them.
I do not like him inviting foreign countries to continue to fuck with our vulnerable citizens with lies on a epic scale.
I do not like him giving our electorate's voting data to the Russians, allowing them to pinpoint our people down to the district they live in so that they can more easily pick the worst candidates to push propaganda at.
So many things really. He is seriously incompetient and has incompetent people running our country.