RoundBound Transplant


Just transplanted plants into a bigger pot.. and as I suspected they were a little rootbound. I transplanted into foxfarm ocean forest soil using only 2 teaspons of lime dolomite in a mixture and saturated the pots with distilled water.. noticed the plants are wilting two days after transplant and soil is still damp
is this normal.. i am looking into getting some rooting hormone but wanted peoples opinions first. I will post pictures in a few hours when lights shut off but feel free to comment and advise :)
thank you


Well-Known Member
you dont need rooting hormone for established plants like that, its more of a clone thing, and i use a tablespoon of lime per gallon.
IMAG0481.jpg seems like some leaves are turning yellow..and some wilting as well. soil still moist should i be worried? The plant on the right has been supercropped some weeks ago because was having some height issues. and figured it would be nice to experiment