Round 2 Vertical: 2400 watts, Hydro AND Soil: Agent Orange, Trainwreck, Sour Diesel


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Well-Known Member
little's the plans i used to construct my 3000W octagon (next project)...super easy construction...$150 max

i'll post actual pics of it when i start the next journal...check out CC if you want to see it in action now


Well-Known Member
yea i have seen those octogons in action.. i want to make one out of pvc and do a nft or aero setup that would be really slick


Well-Known Member
that would be dope...i plan on running soil...upping to 3 gallon containers, 2 per shelf per ladder adding up to 64 total (4 levels of 16 plants)

but like i said...yours is looking A1 Flo...keep that shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit up


Well-Known Member
thanks funk.. yea it is really starting to fill out i cant wait till i just start seeing walls of colas... soothes the soul haha


Well-Known Member
Well guys been busy sorry i meant to update earlier but i guess now is as good of a time as any right! we are starting week four of flowering tomorrow.. time for these babies to start filling up!

i had to leave for 2 days for the holidays and came back to some nice canoeage due to a ph of 5! ahh.. anyways they had sucked down about 600ppms worth of food so they were definitely hungry! filled em back up, fed em some more, leveled out the ph and here is what we have today!

i think they have just about stopped stretching so when i change the nutes next time i am going to take out most of the nitrogen and add some more pk. as you can see they are getting some nice budage forming and omg the smell is amazing! I am CERTAIN i have the real deal trainwreck now more than ever i pinched a nug and immediately lemon pine hit me in the face.. already getting stick and lovely i am stoked! as you can see from the full system pics we have just about achieved the fabled WALL OF GREEN! looks crazy in there like a jungle let me tell ya LOL

The agent orange are getting fat as hell already and i can tell they are going to have some monster colas. they have a real skunky sweet smell to em

the D's are still stretchin out a bit but they are calming down and showing some flowers.. nothing to impressive so i will wait till the next update to snap some pics of them..

i really wish i had a better camera cuz the pics just dont do em justice! (i guess we all feel that way though lol)

as always comments and questions are encouraged! I am surprised i have not gotten more feedback and questions.. i really think that vertical growing is the way of the future. i cant wait till i can get it perfected and pull down 2 grams per watt... now that will be something

nice man, i like your set up :leaf::bigjoint: +rep


Well-Known Member
yes this is day 23 i believe... and ill go ahead and put some info together on the build and post it up here sometime soon


Well-Known Member
yea i vegged em with the hps for about 2 weeks till they were about 12 inches tall and then flowered em out

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
I also saw those plans by duckhead from CC, but was looking for a way to avoid hand watering. I hand water a stadium now and its too messy. I think FloJo's set up solves this problem for me. I'll be waiting on some plumbing details. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
yeah...i hear still throwing around the possibilities of duckhead's octagon with an ebb & flow system with a grow rocks medium...max plants, lighter weight then soil, no hand watering...

things could get interesting


Active Member
so from your setup it looks like the water drains out of the bottom of the white pots and into the gutters? where does the water go when it reaches the upright pillars (supports). From the looks of the pictures it blocks the water at that point.


Well-Known Member
once they drain into the gutters they flow around the perimeter of the frame and to my main downspout which then flows back into the res.. if you look up to post 134 there is a link to the construction which shows a little better how the plumbing works


New Member
agent orange is fun to grow. i have 2 females now in their 3rd week of 12/12, alongside tga's newest release, void2.0. the agent orange has this citrus smell when u rub your fingers on the stalk your hand smells like dank orange scented resin. its supposed to b some real high grade medical strain shit. the folks over at breedbay have alot of pictures, and information related to AO. i cant wait 2 smoke it.


Well-Known Member
ya that agent orange is a monster.. it grows so fat and is already getting some cola formation at the end of week 3.. its gonna be huge i cant wait.. it doesnt smell quite as much as the trainwreck but it def. has a nice citrus smell. ill post some more pics later this week