Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.


Well-Known Member
I have a couple of questions so if anyone could help me out that would be great!

First the branches i took off her eailer on well as you no yesterday i took them down from hanging and cut them up smaller then i put the buds in an air tight bag then a glass jar, (put them in the bag cos i only had a massive jar! Didn't really want them just rattling around it there.) Anyways i have just checked them cos i thought i would need to take the lid of and open the bag every 12 hours or so. But i dunno whats going on, they don't seem to be damp at all there is no condensation on the bag or in the jar. They don't feel too dry so to speak cos they still feel sticky to the touch. Did i leave them hanging too long? Just wondered cos i thought the buds would be a least damp by this morning. Any ideas or advice anyone? Maybe nothing just thought i'd check though.

Moving on, well i have came to the desion that Trinity is coming down on Friday afternoon, cos although she doesn't have many amber trics on her lower buds, i can no longer count the amount of amber trics on her main cola proberly about 40% amber now at a rough guess. Also her soil is nearly bone dry and i don't want to really be watering her again before the chop. So she either comes down on Friday or will have to wait till monday and i think if i leave her that long she will be well on her last legs! So planning on giving her the chop on friday afternoon! I have heard of people putting them in the dark for 24hours before the chop, so do you think i should do that with Trinity? If so when do i want to be putting her in the dark 24 hours before or longer? Final question! Say i decide to put her in the dark she can't stay in the cab with the lights off cos my seedlings are in there now, so would she be ok just stood somewhere dark like in the back of my wardrobe?

Sorry for all the questions! Thanks in advance.

mr west

Well-Known Member
ok. 1 id try smoking the stuff in the jar to see how easy it smokes, what are the stalks like? Do the snap easy?. If ur gonna giv tin the dark treatment id get her in the dark now and then u can chop her on friday like u want, yeah i do mine in my cloke room cupboard in the hall as long as its dark and airy urll be fine. hope tis is a help to ya hmmm. Puff Puff pass>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks mr west. I should put her in the dark now then? Even though it's about 48hours from now till i'll be giving her the chop lol. Is there even any point in putting her in the dark? Cos it's seems a lot of hassle to me, will it be worth the effort in the end though? Yes the stems snapped quiet easy, i will have a bowl then in a mo to see wot it smokes like, since you insist mr west lol. puff puff pass back>>>>>>>>:joint:

ok. 1 id try smoking the stuff in the jar to see how easy it smokes, what are the stalks like? Do the snap easy?. If ur gonna giv tin the dark treatment id get her in the dark now and then u can chop her on friday like u want, yeah i do mine in my cloke room cupboard in the hall as long as its dark and airy urll be fine. hope tis is a help to ya hmmm. Puff Puff pass>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
they say the plant will be shocked into greater resin production with darkness for 36-48 hrs. Ive done it twice and tbh never noticed much difrence lol


Well-Known Member
lol, tell me about it i'm sick of being ill now!

lol lol lol sorry for twisting ur arm lol. Its medicinal any way ur poorly lol
Well that just filled me with confidence mr west lol. Although maybe it's cos your a man u didn't notice the diffrence only joking lmao.

they say the plant will be shocked into greater resin production with darkness for 36-48 hrs. Ive done it twice and tbh never noticed much difrence lol


Well-Known Member
Well mr west, here is my verdict after one bowl lol. so for starters i couldn't be arsed to go find my bong so i went with my lovley homemade one hitter i might even post some pics of it in a mo cos i got nothing better to do lol. Anyways back to the point. I can now say that it deffo tastes better for being hung to dry and not quick dryed, man i nearly forgot how nice it tasted not quick dryed lol. Has a really nice taste maybe would have been better for a cure or drying a bit slower i think though. I'll know for next time, like barking said i think it was barking lol, all good practice! I have to say i'm glad i chopperd a few branches off when i did to get an idea of how to dry and cure before the whole plant got the chop, it's made me feel a lot more chilled out about it now i have a better idea of what to do and some expereince with drying. I've gone off the point again now lol. It burns fine better than any i have quick dryed up to now, guess i'll only know how it really burns when i roll a joint of it later on. It has to be said it's a bit harsh but then i'm full of cold and can hardly talk at the mo, which i guess isn't helping!


Well-Known Member
haha i'm not anymore about warn off now, but not for long lmao. Just put a pizza in the oven lol. Plan on just sitting back and taking it easy tonight, think my aim can be to try watch final destination 1, 2, and 3 lol. puff puff pass>>>>>>>>>>:joint:

im wrecked on quik dried stuff lol, im leaning and everything lol

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Congratulations on a successful grow Hmmm.
You have done a great job on this and I have enjoyed following your journy.
We will be enjoying the best of our smoke around the same time.
That's nice to know. bongsmiliebongsmilie

Don't worry about that bud not feeling damp.
They are small buds and may have dried pretty much first time.

If you can break bits of to build a spliff by just rubbing it between you finger and thumb, then it's dry.
If you have to tear little bits off then it isnt ready yet.

I will be posting my harvest pics in an hour or so.


Well-Known Member
Well i'd just likt to say thanks to everyone that has helped me out with Trinity! You know who you are lol.

I have some news kinda, Trinity IS coming down tomorrow! I didn't put her in the dark in the end cos i decided it was just going to be too much hassle finding somewhere for her that was going to be dark for that length of time. Maybe next time we will see. I have my bright blue rubber gloves at the ready now lol, poor Trinity i kinda feel a bit sad lol, but excited at the same time. I might have to give her a talking to and explain yet cos i'm nice like that lol. I did plan on taking her outside today and trying to take some good pics of her, but now we have guests, so i guess i will have to wait and see if it's still light enough when they have left!


Well-Known Member
Good luck with the chop. Dont be saying bye just yet tho youve still got your havesting stories and pics to share! RIP Trinity :(


Well-Known Member
Just dropped in to say i havn't forgot did take pics of Trinity today, but to be honest i've had a very stressful evening so i can't be arsed to upload now, i'm off to bed night.