Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.


Well-Known Member
lol, i have been out my room for an hour or so, and i only have a small popcorn bud drying in there, and it's stinking my whole room out lol.

Edit: lol forgot to congratelulate u on trinitys pics lol.

All this talk of cuttin bits off made me go and cut a few lower branches off my bubbleliciouse and pppcross, it now hanging behinde my light in the veg room and should be good to smoke by tomoz lol. Cant belive i left it 8 weeks b4 i took a tester lol.


Well-Known Member
Ok so i chopped a few of the lower buds/branches off Trinity today so there now hanging in a box. Also i fixed my cab door at last lol so now it's all light proof! And i made a drying box for Trinity well you can hardly say i made it all i did was get a pc fan cut a hole out of a carboard box and tie some string up to hang her from. Havn't germanated my seeds today as it was too late by the time i'd finished with Trinity and i couldn't be bothered maybe tomorrow we will have to wait and see.

Onto the pics. The first pic is just of the buds/branches i chopped off Trinity today. The second picture is of my ghetto drying box. Then there is 2 pics of my cab and drying box cos i tidyed up today so thought i'd take some pics while it wasn't a mess lol. And finally the last 5 pics are of Trinity after i chopped some of her lower buds off, you can't really tell i don't think though.


mr west

Well-Known Member
hehehehe bet u cant wait can u lol. It always seeems a shame to chop such a lovely plant as the ones we all lovingly grow and nurture. I always feel a bit sad wen im cutting down a tree. Hope its everything u wanted. Puff puff pass (ak74)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
Yer i know what you mean i was a bit sad when i chopped some off her lol, the way i see it is she is gonna die soon anway of old age lol. puff puff pass back>>>>>>>>>:joint:

hehehehe bet u cant wait can u lol. It always seeems a shame to chop such a lovely plant as the ones we all lovingly grow and nurture. I always feel a bit sad wen im cutting down a tree. Hope its everything u wanted. Puff puff pass (ak74)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
I can see the difference in one picture.
She used to have 3 branches either side of the main stem.
Now she's only got two! lol lucky you owned up hehehe
I think I will have to snip another bit from one of my ladies tomorrow.
Either that or buy some and the money is a bit tight at the mo.

I gave Charley a boost of nute just over a week ago and she has had a growth spurt.
There are loads of new pistils coming out on all of her buds.
Probably added between 5 & 10% to the weight.
woohoo :hump: :hump:


Well-Known Member
Hey Hmmm got a ? for you.. that one bulb u using it's a full spectrum light huh? and u used that for the whole Life cycle??


Well-Known Member
Yep been using the same bulb right though, all i did was turn the bulb one way then when i knew the sex i flipped the bulb over so it had more of the spectrum it needed for flowering facing her. If that makes sense.

Hey Hmmm got a ? for you.. that one bulb u using it's a full spectrum light huh? and u used that for the whole Life cycle??


Well-Known Member
Had to water Trinity again today her soil was bone dry. Not to bothered though cos i'm not in a rush for her now cos i'm full of cold at the moment lol. I have been slowly making it darker for longer over the last few days so now her light shedule is: lights on from 12am to 4pm lights off from 4pm to 12am. Just the one pic of her today. Also a pic of my latest art design, just need to decide whether i want a white or gray background but i can't decide lol.


mr west

Well-Known Member
hows tinys trics hmmm? id go for a brite colourd back grownd with a high contrast, magenta or orange lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
hope ur feeling better now hmmm. must be nasty feelin rotton when the weathers really nice like it has been recently


Well-Known Member
hope ur feeling better now hmmm. must be nasty feelin rotton when the weathers really nice like it has been recently
Thanks mr west, i'm feeling a bit better today, just have a bit of a sore throat which isn't too good for hitting the bong lol.


Well-Known Member
Ok just thought i would let you all know that about 30mins ago i started to germ my last 3 lowryder 2 seeds. My decsion why i did this is because Trinity has devleoped quiet a few more amber hairs on her main cola not much sign of amber ones on her lower buds though. Anyways my seedlings should fit in the cab with trinity if the worse comes to the worst. Was just wonder what people thought, i'm heading towards just carrying this jounral on with my 3 new seeds, what do people think should i start a new jounral or just contiune with this one when the time comes?


Well-Known Member
lol, i have something to confess to mr west *hides from mr west lol* I couldn't resist she had a little popcorn bud all on it's own just asking to be chopped off so it came off lol. Hopefully it should be dry by this evening. Hoping it's going to be even better than the last time i tryed her. Can i come out now mr west? Or am i still in trouble for chopping some more off trinity lmao.

good excuse for eating plenty of ice cream tho, get the ben and jerrys out lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
hey it makes no diggy to me hun i mean hmmm lol after all ur not growing for anybody else are you. Aslong as your not disapointed im smiling lol


Well-Known Member
lol, true only growing for me, so if i wanna chop bits of then i will i guess lol. I hope i'm not gonna be chopping anymore off her now though, hopfully she should be done in a few days.

hey it makes no diggy to me hun i mean hmmm lol after all ur not growing for anybody else are you. Aslong as your not disapointed im smiling lol