Rosin, long term storage.


Well-Known Member
Im just trying to be ready for when I get setup.

Looking for storage requirements.

The first issue I see is how to deal
With first and second pressings.

Assuming Im working with a single strain throughout a series of 1oz flower pressings.

When Im done I would have a stack of firsts and pile of second pressings
On papers

I would collect, ending up with
Two globs.

I bet if I used different temps I would end up with different consistencies
So in this example
Lets pretend it was all the same heat etc

1 is there any kind of cure I need to do?
If so what is the process?

2 how best to contain and store
For several months.

I don't see any reason why the rosin can't be frozen long-term. Put the glob of rosin on some folded parchment paper and then put that into a small canning jar and vacuum seal the jar and put it into the freezer for as long as you need to store it.
If its made from good sift or ice it could pontetially stay stable a very long time, from flower i doubt it due to the very high concentration of waxes etc.
If its made from good sift or ice it could pontetially stay stable a very long time, from flower i doubt it due to the very high concentration of waxes etc.
Then maybe instead of pressing it all at once I would be better off just curing and storing the weed and press as needed.
Then maybe instead of pressing it all at once I would be better off just curing and storing the weed and press as needed.
Maybe if you kept the cured bud in the fridge at close to 0 C in order to not propensiate decarboxylation. Tbh flower rosin is like dabing candles, try either fresh frozen or good dry sift hash and it can be as good as a lot of shatter made with solvent. However the returns are a joke in comparison though.
I've stored and am presently enjoying some Romulan Rosin that's maybe 14 months old. No issues and tastes superb still. Wasn't in the fridge either. Room temp storage.
I've never had any go bad...some got more crystal like but not bad by any means.
I feel it stores very well long term. In my experience anyway.
Maybe if you kept the cured bud in the fridge at close to 0 C in order to not propensiate decarboxylation. Tbh flower rosin is like dabing candles, try either fresh frozen or good dry sift hash and it can be as good as a lot of shatter made with solvent. However the returns are a joke in comparison though.
Lol, candles don't sound good
Would winterizing help that and if so
I assume the taste n smell would suffer? I guess i just don't know exactly what compounds are squeezed out.
Fats n waxes?
Lol, candles don't sound good
Would winterizing help that and if so
I assume the taste n smell would suffer? I guess i just don't know exactly what compounds are squeezed out.
Fats n waxes?

I suppose winterizing would just defeat the purpopse of solventless extraction. Might as well do an alcohol soxhlet extraction and subsequent filtration, distillation and recrystallization. The older rosins ive seen looked like womething i wouldnt want to dab, unstable goo.
My rule of thumb is if i can see through it and crack it at room temp then you got carboxylic acid in stable form an should literally last you decades in a freezer. There are different ways to achieve it but ive had best results with everclear/pharm grade ethanol and a mix of 70/30 butane to propane ratio in closed loop (best for terpene profile).
Indeed, get a crayon and put it in the oven at 80c and youll see it melt, plant fats are in liquid form and to coagulate you need extremely low temps. So ye add heat and pressure and youll be literally squishing out a lot of undesirables. Heck a lot of rosins test for similar levels of total cannabinoids as bomb hash... Fair enough it can be stinkier, but from my experience, it tends to volatilize fairly quickly.

Conclusion, rosin is great to just do a couple of squishes with friends or to test how good an extract a more apppropriate extraction procedure could produce.
I suppose winterizing would just defeat the purpopse of solventless extraction. Might as well do an alcohol soxhlet extraction and subsequent filtration, distillation and recrystallization. The older rosins ive seen looked like womething i wouldnt want to dab, unstable goo.
My rule of thumb is if i can see through it and crack it at room temp then you got carboxylic acid in stable form an should literally last you decades in a freezer. There are different ways to achieve it but ive had best results with everclear/pharm grade ethanol and a mix of 70/30 butane to propane ratio in closed loop (best for terpene profile).
Indeed, get a crayon and put it in the oven at 80c and youll see it melt, plant fats are in liquid form and to coagulate you need extremely low temps. So ye add heat and pressure and youll be literally squishing out a lot of undesirables. Heck a lot of rosins test for similar levels of total cannabinoids as bomb hash... Fair enough it can be stinkier, but from my experience, it tends to volatilize fairly quickly.

Conclusion, rosin is great to just do a couple of squishes with friends or to test how good an extract a more apppropriate extraction procedure could produce.
I appreciate hearing your thoughts on it.
Waxes are a given when it comes to smoking flower. But rosin gives you the option of dabbing a full-melt concentrate that can be vaped instead of smoked. That's one thing.

Also, I think rosin tastes better than many solvent extracts. It doesn't taste like candles to me! I will say that a good batch of bubble or sift is hard to beat....but also hard to find....and the learning curve for making your own bubble or sift is a lot bigger than it is for making least in my experience it is! :)

See, for me, I ended up with a bunch of mediocre flower from my last grow and it wouldn't have turned out any good bubble or sift -just didn't have the kind of trichomes that makes good bubble. It never would have made a full-melt product. Pressing it into rosin did make it a full-melt product.
I vape and/or smoke out of a nice, glass bubbler and when the vapor is filtered through water, much of the wax is deposited on the glass as it coagulates. I've seen these fatty deposits come out of solvent extracts and bubble hash, alike. This is true of almost any concentrate shy of a pure distillate.
Bho is selling for half the price of rosin in the stores here in Washington.
I grow for a friend and I and he loves it so Im committed at this point.
I just hope he don't change his mind or ill have to juice his head in my vice

The good news is summer is coming and Ill have enough material to squeeze kief too.

Anyway it looks like fun and if I didn't
At least try for myself it would eat at me.
It doesn't taste like candles to me!

What i meant is that its so full of waxes it dirties up nails like its going out of fashion (at least from flower), im sure youve noticed. I have a friend who was really into it for about a year (here in spain no one is into it btw) and he stopped cause he had the most horrible cough and claimed he felt his lungs were full of shit. He stopped and he improved, this is a non smoker btw only dabbed rosin or the ocasional bho id give him. The guy even made a hand press that with its design could exert close to 1 ton of pressure, hes not used it since.

I will say this....Making rosin is a VERY smelly process....EXTREMELY smelly!

That can be enjoyable but that also volatilizes the hydrocarbons. Ive made rosin and bho from same flower and rosin after one week had noticeably lost a lot of its aroma and gone slightly darker while 1g of bho still stank up the whole room (both stored in fridge). And btw if bho doesnt stink more than bud, whoevers done it is doing it all wrong or using badly grown material.

This press will sit right in my grow room on my nute cabinet

LOL On that youre right. I have a closet just to keep the extraction equipment, 2 ladders, 1 freezer, antistatic mat and bracelet, standing fan plus the oven and pumps and shit for the bho. Not to mention it takes a good 20 min to build it (its also much taller than i am with all the dewaxing chamber) plus the time it takes to sacrifice a goat so that the gods bestow me with kindness and prevent me from blowing up.
What i meant is that its so full of waxes it dirties up nails like its going out of fashion (at least from flower), im sure youve noticed. I have a friend who was really into it for about a year (here in spain no one is into it btw) and he stopped cause he had the most horrible cough and claimed he felt his lungs were full of shit. He stopped and he improved, this is a non smoker btw only dabbed rosin or the ocasional bho id give him. The guy even made a hand press that with its design could exert close to 1 ton of pressure, hes not used it since.

That can be enjoyable but that also volatilizes the hydrocarbons. Ive made rosin and bho from same flower and rosin after one week had noticeably lost a lot of its aroma and gone slightly darker while 1g of bho still stank up the whole room (both stored in fridge). And btw if bho doesnt stink more than bud, whoevers done it is doing it all wrong or using badly grown material.

LOL On that youre right. I have a closet just to keep the extraction equipment, 2 ladders, 1 freezer, antistatic mat and bracelet, standing fan plus the oven and pumps and shit for the bho. Not to mention it takes a good 20 min to build it (its also much taller than i am with all the dewaxing chamber) plus the time it takes to sacrifice a goat so that the gods bestow me with kindness and prevent me from blowing up.
If I had your setup Id probably enjoy the process more. I could never get the ole lady to bite. So I had to do it like a newb.