Roots Showing!?!?!? Unhealthy Hydro Need Help!!!!

50% grade h2o2 whats the diff in gades
the percentage of pure H2O2 in the solution.
and where is the cheapest place to get it?
Hydro shops are the most expensive, try foodservice equipment suppliers (they'll have 35% grade, which is applied at 1.7ml/L) or chemical supply houses, which will have 50% grade.
its just water with extra oxygen right hence the H2O2?
Yes, that's the chemical formula, but you don't get H2O2 from bubbling O2 thorough H2O.
When you say find some system do you mean schedule? i have a pump 12 gallon resi and a million ft of tubing should i water each cube individually with a tube? or flush and resume flood and flow????

Ok, you have a flood and drain system.
When i say flick the water out of the rockwool, i mean like swing the rockwool and the wait of the water will push out of the rockwool. As Newgrowth says, let the rockwool dry out. Them young plant only need to be watered once every 2 days, then water them once a day when they can handle more food.
How much (what strength of) nutrients are you using?

Oh gotcha, I have been doing that gently since I thought it might have been over watering as well with a lil nute burn to boot and thanks for the explanation I just wasnt following you on the flicking concept but im good now. . .

I checked the roots again this morning and they are worse the entire topside of the rockwool is full of roots. . . im glad my little buddy has good roots and lots of them but why are they still growing upward i havent top watered for about 2 days and have flooded only once with a diluted solution of mostly H2O could the cubes still be too soaked to give oxygen to the roots?? Growth seems to be picking up in my runt as well seems like Im on my way to fixing the little ones after all. Thanks again I can use all the help I can get!!

Got some pics check em out lemme know what you think..................


The roots are seeking upward because it's too wet below. RW is highly absorbent and can not tolerate frequent watering. Your droop is likely root rot beginning, due to overwet media.

Watering from the top means you have nice yummy plant food and water on a medium that is exposed to light. Any passing algae spore is likely to find it rather hospitable. Don't top water and the problem will never start. Once you have algae on the media tops, it'll be fairly hard to get rid of completely, but don't stress. It's on the top of the media, not in the plant's rootmass, so no harm done. Like any plant algae needs food, water & light. Take away as many as you can and it will slow or stop. Block light with a disc of panda film with a hole for the plant's stem and a slot on the radius for fitting.

Flood your RW blocks 1x/lights-on for about 1-2mins. That will be sufficient until the plants recover and grow more vigorously.

Treat your nute soln with 50% grade H2O2 @ 1ml/L every 3-4 days, will help fix the root probs, oxygenates the roots and will kill smaller colonies of algae.

i thought i did, tell me what i missed omnipotent one
hydro flood and drain imsrry i dont mean to be a dick but their was somthing about nutes in their somewhere too
Kinda out of the ordinary Bobbyboy but I used FloraNova and obviously its hydro look at the thread title. . .nutes were at about 1/2 strength too much I guess so early Im waiting for them to bounce back then going 1/4 strength.
Just a note about FloraNova- it is partly organic, meaning it is incompatible with H2O2. Use a fully inorganic nutrient instead if you intend to control pathogens and oxygenate roots with H2O2.
Just a note about FloraNova- it is partly organic, meaning it is incompatible with H2O2. Use a fully inorganic nutrient instead if you intend to control pathogens and oxygenate roots with H2O2.
All I can say is that I use Flora Nova AND H202 (3%) and I do not have any problems. I thought I would when I heard it is partly organic, but someone on here said that it is not really organic per se, it is more like it has supplements that are similar to organic ferts. From what he said, it doesn't use bacteria to break them down for the plant. Seriously Al, I'm not stalking you to disagree with you, but I thought I should post what I do and what works for me. :weed:
The problem is that we don't know for sure what organic components are in FloraNova. If they specify that it is part organic, SOME part of the stuff will be broken down by H2O2. This might appear as nutrient deficiencies, depending upon what part of the FloraNova is being decomposed. It's much better to use a fully inorganic nutrient, of which you can be sure will not be affected by H2O2.

You'll be using quite a lot of 3% H2O2 to get a 500ppm concentration, about 17ml/L. You'll save a lot of dough by using 35% or 50%. Also, low-strength H2O2 must have a stabiliser added to prevent the stuff breaking down while still in the bottle. 35% & 50% do not require any stabiliser.
The problem is that we don't know for sure what organic components are in FloraNova. If they specify that it is part organic, SOME part of the stuff will be broken down by H2O2. This might appear as nutrient deficiencies, depending upon what part of the FloraNova is being decomposed. It's much better to use a fully inorganic nutrient, of which you can be sure will not be affected by H2O2.

You'll be using quite a lot of 3% H2O2 to get a 500ppm concentration, about 17ml/L. You'll save a lot of dough by using 35% or 50%. Also, low-strength H2O2 must have a stabiliser added to prevent the stuff breaking down while still in the bottle. 35% & 50% do not require any stabiliser.
Well, I just checked the MSDS ( on the brand of hydrogen peroxide I use, and there is no phenacetin or any other stabilizer added. The only two ingredients listed are hydrogen peroxdide and water. I saw some older MSDS's on the web for H202 that did list phenacetin in it, but maybe now its banned because of its carcinogenic properties. IDK, all I can say is that not all 3% H202 products necessarily have the stabilizer added. I recommend that people look on the bottle first to see if one is listed before buying it.
As long as there's no stabiliser in it, should be OK to use. However, if there's no stabiliser in such a low concentration H2O2 soln, it may not have the concentration you are expecting as it may be breaking down while still on the shelf.
good point, i just like it because it is cheap and easy to find/buy. but i know i really should buy the industrial grade stuff.
Well, the last time I priced some 3%, it was about $3.00 for a 250ml bottle. If 3% of that 250ml is pure H2O2 and 97% is water, you're getting 7.5ml of H2O2 for your $3, which maths out to $400 per litre of pure H2O2.

I get 25L jugs of 50% for $125. There's 12.5L of pure H2O2 in that 25L, at $10 for each litre of pure H2O2.

Pretty good motivation to go to the trouble to search up the stronger stuff if you ask me. I was a cheap bastard long before I was a stoned slacker. ;)
Well, the last time I priced some 3%, it was about $3.00 for a 250ml bottle. If 3% of that 250ml is pure H2O2 and 97% is water, you're getting 7.5ml of H2O2 for your $3, which maths out to $400 per litre of pure H2O2.

I get 25L jugs of 50% for $125. There's 12.5L of pure H2O2 in that 25L, at $10 for each litre of pure H2O2.

Pretty good motivation to go to the trouble to search up the stronger stuff if you ask me. I was a cheap bastard long before I was a stoned slacker. ;)
Woah :o, thanks for sharing that with us. I never thought of it that way before. I definitely will be acquiring some of this stuff soon.
wow you too should date i would of thought it was an H202 datting thread
Well, actually I was just being nice and stating the fact that his information was very helpful when he broke it down in cost/unit. Not everyone online is a dick, you know.
The h2o2 info no doubt was good and needed so relax Im not a dick and im not on anything you guys are too tempermental. . . it was just getting a little off topic to me thats all and I need ur help I still have roots lots of them now comin up dont kno if I should take the cover off(might slow growth) or just leave the cover on and leave them alone. . .The cubes are much less soaked and drying out nicely, plants seem to be perking up a bit. . .
P.S. do you guys kno about how far away I should keep my light set-up? its a sun systems VII dual ballast 250w MH and 250w HPS one hood one reflector Im sure you know what Im talking about the lights are about 12-14" away right now should they be closer?
And is it too soon to foliar feed instead of top watering and flooding to let the cubes dry out? Thanks and I hope I didnt offend anyone I was stoned and thats what came out you two were going back and forth for over a page. . . no hard imtended let me know that you all are thinkin!!!!!!!!!