Root problems!


I have lowered the net pots a bit so that the water level almost touches the net pots, maybe 0.5 cm (0.19 inch) between water and pots. Does that sound about right?

And I have also pushed the rock wool cubes as low as I can in the net pots..

And one question: is it not ok to blow the cold air that comes in to the room under the lid of the res to help cool the water, but the air does flow freely out at the other end of the res, and I have sealed the tubes very well so the air does not flow in the tubes and around the root zone?

Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Even when you have roots coming out of the net pots, you should still be running the water level less than an inch below at most with that type of setup. You are running the level WAY too low from my understanding.
So true, you do not want to drop the solution level until they drop roots. Otherwise your roots will dry out. Drip is definitely the way to cure it.


Well-Known Member
no. you dont blow air on roots. if they wanted air they would not grow down in soil. thats why u have an airpump and stone, o2 in the water. check out air pruning, its what roots do to themselves with air.