Room build: my first ever grow build (with pictures)

Like what? I'm all ears...well, eyes actually

For one ~ if your just using one lamp for each room ~ i would go 1000 for your flower ~ More bang! 14 sq ft vrs 9 on a 600
If you ever expand to use you entire flower space This would be a Great set up ~ if you Used Entire Bloom Room ~ You would need 2800 watts for 7x8
But also your Grow room is a bit big for your 400 ~ For you Sq feet it requires 700watts to be OP in the 3x5 area ~ if u used entire grow area u would need 5x6 1500 watts

Some Advice ~ I would Get a 1000 for you flower
Move your 600 to your grow & move the 450 to your flower ~ this will almost fill your watts Per Sqare Feet ~ You Are UNDER W/ your set up now
u think your 600 is gonna grow a 4x6 area??? thats pushing it for a 1000 watt ~ 600 watt foot print 3x3 9 Sqare feet
1000 is 4x4 16 sqr feet

also For you one Lamp Grow ~ not sure on Where u live but your in a basement ~ Which means it's naturaly Cooler ~ no need for All the fancy fan ~ maybe one osc. fan on lamp
Summer might need to run something better If it gets hot
beasting room. I wish I could do something like this but i dont have a basement and it would cost a fortune to have one made. Anywho I cant wait to see how this ends up



instead of a double zipper for closing them off you could use overlapping plastic and it could work to block light and as a passive intake...peace
Nice room. I'll agree with above regarding the 1000w. If you're like me, you'll wish you had more light before you're done with the first run. And as far as humidity, once plants and water are in there it will go up. My room can jump 20% after watering. Good luck with your grow!
what strains are you thinking of using?

Im thinking about chem dog and green crack so far... Need to decide on 1 more strain for this grow

Nice room. I'll agree with above regarding the 1000w. If you're like me, you'll wish you had more light before you're done with the first run. And as far as humidity, once plants and water are in there it will go up. My room can jump 20% after watering. Good luck with your grow!


i understand and agree with the guy above that says I am not utilizing my entire rooms. The thing is this is just for my medicine. I want room to move around in the rooms while I am working the plants. Also the rooms have to be big enough to keep orderly or else my OCD kicks in.

thanks about the RH....I'm just gonna wait till I get some activity in there and see if the RH goes up.
I think its a perfect setup to start with and I would put money on it you end up adding more lights in the future, and you will have to do very little to add them. Having extra room is a great thing. What style of growing do you plan on doing? Where in Michigan are you? I might have some extra blueberry clones soon.
I think its a perfect setup to start with and I would put money on it you end up adding more lights in the future, and you will have to do very little to add them. Having extra room is a great thing. What style of growing do you plan on doing? Where in Michigan are you? I might have some extra blueberry clones soon.

Thanks man. I think you are right about the lights. Since this is my first grow, and also since this is just for my own personal medication, I wanted to keep it small.

I am about 30 minutes north of detroit....what about you?

Installing transfer grill from one room to the other connected by flexible duct will allow air on left to pass through to the room on the right as long as the room on the left is in a positive pressure... as in the door from 711 is hard to get into is a positive pressure
I about 20 min west of Ann Arbor, There is a group of guys from your area over on, one of them has been breeding and selling genes, Ice River Genetics is the name of the outfit. Might want to check it out.
For passive air, I just saw someone cut a large square hole and instal a furnace filter. I'll try to find who it was. No matter what, your going to be dealing with dust and pollen. It's nice to catch it when you can.
Built a cabinet to house/ dampen the sound of the fans... Bottom of each side holds a fan, top side of each side is a plenum to reduce the wind noise


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