honestly i didnt start with attacks as you can see i started with this "
Originally Posted by
i just started and i dont have any tactics besides logic and it doesnt take a fuckin retard to connect the 2nd amendment getting stripped from us to special interest groups. Every thing im talking about is relevant because it has to do with us losing our rights or is this not what this thread is about."
and what research do i need to do. you have brought nothing to the table AT ALL. ive explained every point ive made. go back and read my posts, compare them to yours. how much info is in each and how much of that info is relevant to the topic. once again ive explained what ive said and when youve com back at me i again explain my self. not only is there no substance to what you are saying, you tell me i have nothing. respond to what i have said in my above posts that is relevant to the topic and by that i mean dont point out the one thing that isnt relevant ie me telling you that you suck. because thats not what this thread is about or what we are arguing about.
put some substance in what you say and someone might listen. but obviously your bullshitting at this point because you havent backed up a single thing youve said since
i started posting
have a nice day