Ron Paul meets a medical MJ patient

was it not reagan who started the war on drugs?

Richard Nixon, at the start of his second term, wanted to deflect anti-war issues by starting a drug issue. Then it became a war on drugs, which had carried forward pretty much the same until Reagan came to office. He then escalated policy issues. Nancy spear-headed a school program of just say no to drugs. Also, Reagan developed a drug free work place. This instituted work place drug testing. Which legitimized the policy of a positive test keeping you out of work for a year or more, in some industries.
who cares if he is republican. the guy is sharp as a tack and wont throw me in jail for smoking the plant i love. i suppose you would rather vote hillary or obama in JUST because they are democrats. you think those people will solve Americas problems. good luck!
check his bios...he's the one that sez he is a liberatarian... a mouse in an elephant suit doenst make him a conservative republican and i'm more worried bout things like my taxes and a plethora of other issues than getting busted for weed...views on weed is kinda way down on the list when i'm voting for the next knucklehead

Drawing imaginary party lines doesn't aid this discussion. You may say he is a libertarian, but who is arguing with that? Nobody. He is running as a republican because he would be an outcast as a Dem. He gets exposure this way and he already said he will not run for pres. as a libertarian. A mouse in whats a ma what? He is small government. A TRUE conservative. What the hell do you want? If he ran as an Inidpendent would you even bother considering him on the above issues?

Your worried about taxes? Well what the F*#k are you crying about Ron for? Do you even know who he is? He isn't some kook legalizing weed. He is the biggest proponent of tax reduction and lessened federal spending of ANY candidate. He has a 100% NRA rating and yet people call him a socialist. You really need to check yourself.
Drawing imaginary party lines doesn't aid this discussion. You may say he is a libertarian, but who is arguing with that? Nobody. He is running as a republican because he would be an outcast as a Dem. He gets exposure this way and he already said he will not run for pres. as a libertarian. A mouse in whats a ma what? He is small government. A TRUE conservative. What the hell do you want? If he ran as an Inidpendent would you even bother considering him on the above issues?

Your worried about taxes? Well what the F*#k are you crying about Ron for? Do you even know who he is? He isn't some kook legalizing weed. He is the biggest proponent of tax reduction and lessened federal spending of ANY candidate. He has a 100% NRA rating and yet people call him a socialist. You really need to check yourself.

Yes, all that is true, and more. Look at the issues section of RP's web site. Then cross check what is stated with other web sites and he looks good. Do that with Kucinich and he looks like a lier, a socialist, and a clown. And oh, Kucinich forced the city of Cleveland into bankruptcy; an accomplishment for which he is very proud.
Kucinich forced the city of Cleveland into bankruptcy; an accomplishment for which he is very proud.

I'm not surprised. By far my least favorite candidate this election. He thinks black people need checks to make them shut up about slavery. Just what is this mad man up to? Its almost like saying you go, your ancestors suffered THIS much...valid at your local bank. Its the most irresponsible way of going about things, especially because many whites were slaves and Asians, too. How a check makes that kind of pain mean nothing is beyond me. I can see alot of wealthier, more successful African Americans being insulted with his measly "reparations." Not to mention race warfare. Joe got a check because he's black, but Tim had to pay for it next door? Any body that writes check to people because of the color of their skin, let alone who didn't even suffer themselves as individuals has a spot in no government that I have ever heard of other than Nazi Germany.
This guy stopped by my town. Had about 90 people show up to greet him. He's really fooling nobody. His only real group of supporters are gays. He is offering up just as many promises to them.

I have no idea what you are talking about though. Tell me about this bankruptcy issue.
im gonna do it anyway whether or not its legal, im doing it now w/o a problem. u just have to be smart about it.

u might also want to look at his standpoint on guns. with him regulating this, many more guns will be on the streets. idc if he agrees wit weed.

Examine the quote above regarding your illicit marijuana use....and alas you have the answer to how criminals view illegal handguns. Isn't it interesting that criminals care little about a candidates NRA rating?

Point blank, its not more shootings in the street, its more guns in law abiding citizens homes. BTW, illegal guns are a prime source of income for street terrorists. You make stuff legal (like marijuana, guns, abortion) and its value goes down...dramatically.

P.S. What I mean by abortion is the value of life goes down, rather than the cost of getting an abortion. Kind of a sidenote but I really just wanted to get some liberal juices flowing.
Ron Paul all the way. I was born in 1984 but the book scares me... the smaller the government the bigger the people.