Ron Paul meets a medical MJ patient

but I wouldn't vote for anyone who endorsed Ronald Regan, remember he is the one that said ketchup is a vegetable, so dont give children who receive free lunches anymore fresh veggies and fruits. How bout the Iran Contra Affair , on his watch.
About the wait list. I understand that england has a much higer death rate from like prostate cancer because of the waits lists. There are a lot more cases diagnoised in the US but not as many die because it gets treated fast.

A judge in Canada ruled that access to a wait list was not access to medical care there by overruling a Canadian law that said you could buy your own health care.
Ron Paul is about the most liberal republican there is

Where the HELL do you get your information? He's the most conservative, consistent, most economically brilliant candidate I have ever seen. I just wonder if he is even real. I may vote for him, but I don't think he will make it. He is just what America needs, which makes him a "fringe candidate."

Liberal....humph! Liberal is Rudy Guliani. He is the biggest advocate of freedom and justice and liberty and small government that there is. I would recommend that you retract your statement. At the very least, don't ever insult such a great leader in our country like that ever again.
i would never vote for anyone that doesnt know who they are...he's a liberal socialist when it's convenient and he's a republican when needed...there ia a third party...independent...if your too chickenshit and confused to run as what you are then maybe you shouldnt be running at all...

yea this belongs in the politico sec...just ruined a good buzz with this "vote for him shit"..

thats why someone went thru all the trouble to put it there...oh well..i'll just roll another

In times where Hillary doesn't know how to deliver health care, Kucinich doesn't know how to buy black votes, and Oboma refuses to say whhat he stands for, we need a candidate with a REAL...CONSISTENT record that bases his platform on real smalll government conservatism. Socialist and Ron Paul can't be said in the same breath without being a complete buffoon. Oh and Ron Paul is sooo chickenshit that he takes UNPOPULAR positions, like ending the war on drugs, long before the battle even started. Tell me one just ONE thing that Paul has done that is socialist...I'll send you the check instead of Ron Paul...just so long as you don't send the money to Barak Osama...then that would make YOU a little confused, sir.
but I wouldn't vote for anyone who endorsed Ronald Regan, remember he is the one that said ketchup is a vegetable, so dont give children who receive free lunches anymore fresh veggies and fruits. How bout the Iran Contra Affair , on his watch.

Wow, in 8 years you found a ketchup stain! Get real...
Geez, If you are on this site and you don't want to be arrested I think he would be your man.

People don't think like this, duck. They think....I am a certain party.....must not stray......I am a certain party........must not stray. You know, kinda like 1984.
I see something different about this Ron Paul fellow. Instead of pick a position on an issue based upon how many votes he will receive or what the commonly held view of his party is , he uses a little thing called TRUTH which he has derived from LIFE EXPERIENCE. He is not a sheep or a figure head who will sit back and let the powerful wealthy sway his stance and corrupt the constitution as it was founded. America has become a nation as corrupt as any in history and i truly belive this man can change that. I usually feel like I only have an option to pick between the lesser of a few evils but for the first time someone who i actually WANT to vote for.
The appeal of RP is mainly to single issue voters. Today, more and more Americans have only one or two issues they vote on. If you are a person with a strong single issue such as pro-life, Second Amendment, anti big government, for lower taxes, small business, secure borders, anti war, anti war on drugs, etc, you will want RP as president.

Consequently, RP bring out voters neither of the big front runners will touch due to this single issue factor. So, many voters will come out that would otherwise stay home. If you always vote the party line, or want the lesser of two evils, you will likely stay with mainline candidates.

RP's chances hinge on press coverage. Currently the Associated Press has been very good with him. Other news outlets still have him on the wacko watch list.

Right now RP is a long shot. But, if he does a fourth place in either New Hampshire or Iowa he's a contender. Also, can he keep internet donations coming in? If he has money, he's in the ring.
I think that while he is not yet very popular, he has more momentum than McCain, Romney, Huckabee. I would have him beating Obama, but not Clinton. This country is going to change SO MUCH if the first lady becomes the first man.
lmao theres this truck that drives around town with "who the fuck is Ron Paul" on the back...just thought it was funny
In times where Hillary doesn't know how to deliver health care, Kucinich doesn't know how to buy black votes, and Oboma refuses to say whhat he stands for, we need a candidate with a REAL...CONSISTENT record that bases his platform on real smalll government conservatism. Socialist and Ron Paul can't be said in the same breath without being a complete buffoon. Oh and Ron Paul is sooo chickenshit that he takes UNPOPULAR positions, like ending the war on drugs, long before the battle even started. Tell me one just ONE thing that Paul has done that is socialist...I'll send you the check instead of Ron Paul...just so long as you don't send the money to Barak Osama...then that would make YOU a little confused, sir.

check his bios...he's the one that sez he is a liberatarian... a mouse in an elephant suit doenst make him a conservative republican and i'm more worried bout things like my taxes and a plethora of other issues than getting busted for weed...views on weed is kinda way down on the list when i'm voting for the next knucklehead
Ron Paul is more of a constitutionalists than a conservative republican. Socialist you can find those guys in the democrat party just listen to all the things they want to take away guns, freedom to choose and pay any doctor I want, to smoke any where you want. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need that's their way.
The defination of conservative republican has changed quite a bit. Conservative republicans have always been supporter of small goverment, low taxes, staying out of other country's business etc. The Neo-cons decided to be big goverment republican's.

The difference between Ron Paul and lots of conservative republican like Newt Gingrich is that Ron wants the goverment to stay out of you personal life also.
u might also want to look at his standpoint on guns. with him regulating this, many more guns will be on the streets. idc if he agrees wit weed. im gonna do it anyway whether or not its legal, im doing it now w/o a problem. u just have to be smart about it. if i could have a blunt outside the mall, is no diff than l-riding TO the mall. i dont need it that bad. theres worse shit goin on in the country that he isnt fit to control.

not tellin ppl to drive/smoke...
I suggest we throw out old ideas of what a repub or demo is supposed to look and act like. This election is so far away from the norms that old generalities won't work here.

This election is about one issue voters. For decades the majority of voters have told pollsters that they will vote for a woman, regardless who she is, over a male candidate. Many voters would stay home and not vote, if only two women were on the ballot. The same situation applies for a black candidate. Also historically, a candidate whose last name ends in a vowel, or has an unusual sound, have not done well in national elections. If the past bias remains in place, Hillary, Obama, and Guliani are in the same boat. They would never receive a plurality in the popular election, according to pollsters. Their only chance of victory comes in a three-way race.

So in the next year, a strick Constitutionalist may seem like the most "normal" candidate, for most of the American voters.