Rollitup Supports Fake Reviews FTC NOTIFIED

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This is a privately owned site. You agreed to the TOS when you came here. There is no 'free speech' here. Just as there is no free speech in my house. If you come in and piss me off I'm deleting you and locking you out too.
Well except that your house's existence doesn't depend on the guest who add value to your home by being there. I just don't like that analogy.
watch thread will be locked soon-
Admin can do as they wish - their site/forum, select who/when to help ,including what sponsors to support- they dont care about the members its about advertising / revenue ..... doubt it will change at any stage- welcome to social media

Will say , get sick of certain company's spamming the forum for reviews/comments/new products(which are not new) - other sponsors get sick of trying to compete ... just my view , please note- this is all forums not just this one .... :joint:

about time Spider and Mars trade under one name - less BS
watch thread will be locked soon-
Admin can do as they wish - their site/forum, select who/when to help ,including what sponsors to support- they dont care about the members its about advertising / revenue ..... doubt it will change at any stage- welcome to social media

Will say , get sick of certain company's spamming the forum for reviews/comments/new products(which are not new) - other sponsors get sick of trying to compete ... just my view , please note- this is all forums not just this one .... :joint:

about time Spider and Mars trade under one name - less BS
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