Rollitup Supports Fake Reviews FTC NOTIFIED

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To be fair, the OP isn't wrong. The contest offered a chance to win goods for any review, real or fake.

@White_Devil_Cannabis if you're mad you didn't win don't be too upset, they aren't the best lights. I actually purchased one from @Spiderfarmerled a week before they changed their product to offer an external dimmer and they wouldn't refund or offer an exchange to upgrade the light to the one with the new feature. Some people will think this is a minor gripe but it's more the principle.

Just be happy you didn't win one and have it almost catch on fire, right @Zephyrs ?
Weel well wwel. I just got a call from Lina M. Khan and she's shutting down this whole message board. She says that she's had enough complaints against spidder framer and she's takin' this whole rotten to the core operation down.
Tell Lina to pound sand. We are owned by the NSA. It Trumps the FTC. We laugh at them. I mean the NSA laughs at them!
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