rogue plant


New Member
now that pistils are showing up those pistils will turn into buds. They just keep popping out more and more until they make a bud. Im not sure if yours is an indica or sativa but as you get later on into flowering you will notice that the pistils are held onto the plant by what they call calyxes. that is what makes up 50%+ of the bud.

I really think your going to have to find something else to force flower her though the plant will @ least double by the time its done flowering.
There is a possibility that you will be able to start flowering like that and the time will change to the outdoor flowering times and youll be able to let her flower on her own from there, I severely doubt that will happen though so dont get too excited about it...

You may want to consider digging it up and putting it into a pot. Then you can move her inside for her 12 hours dark and put her back outside for the 12hrs light. That seems like the easiest way to me anyways


Well-Known Member
yep that will work but your asking for problems have fun and keep us posted youll wana do the 12 12 thing for like two weeks and you cant miss a day.


Active Member
first get it out of the front yard, its only worth it if you able to smoke it!!! second, stick a 5 gallon bucket over it so its not as obvious as a bag being put out there every day. all you have to do is move the bucket. dark bucket if possible. uncover at 6 or 7 in the morning and ccover at 6 or 7 at night. lc


New Member
yep that will work but your asking for problems have fun and keep us posted youll wana do the 12 12 thing for like two weeks and you cant miss a day.
umm, dude. Have you like done this before? Be honest because if you had you would know it takes longer than 2 weeks:roll:
Ive missed a few days before and it isnt definite to cause hermies. Actually every time Ive done it I missed @ least a day a week by 2 hours on that day.
As long as it isnt several days back to back he'll be cool.

Its gonna outgrow the can soon though....It will double or triple by the finish of flowering so he either needs to move it or risk having it found. If its found then hell most defiantly have it stolen or go to jail....
I say move it, even if its to the back of the yard with the trash can over it.


Well-Known Member
Alright I'll let yall know what happens when it's done doing what it's supposed to do. I'm done listening to everyone tell me to move it and do this and that. I'm letting it do it's thing if anyone asks it's a damn tomato bush, or I had no idea what it was I'm not a gardener I thought it was just a weed. Have fun guys later.


New Member
Alright I'll let yall know what happens when it's done doing what it's supposed to do. I'm done listening to everyone tell me to move it and do this and that. I'm letting it do it's thing if anyone asks it's a damn tomato bush, or I had no idea what it was I'm not a gardener I thought it was just a weed. Have fun guys later.
If you didnt want a honest opinion about it then you shouldent have inquired as far as what to do with it.
If you dont want people to tell you the disadvantages about something then dont ask about the advantages of doing something different than the norm.
Taking offense to advice is a very childish action. Im starting to wonder if this is your house or your mothers that this plant is sitting outside of....

Truth of the matter is as simple as this, If the plant is 3/4 or more the size of the can, its gonna fuckin outgrow it. If you dont do something about it in the meantime then using the can will just break the top of the plant off. In case you didnt know that is where the cola to the plant forms. Most of the bud is formed on the cola and its also the best smoke off the plant.
Good luck to you and thanks for showing your true character:finger::peace:bongsmilie
im out now, peace


Well-Known Member
I actually just got tired of everyone saying to transplant it. I know that transplanting causes stress and i really don't feel like stressing it. I'm sick of everyone always saying stop being dumb and move it. Honestly if i get caught that's apparently gonna be my problem then. maybe i do have a bad attitude but maybe that's from all the negativity. I was taking your advice i just don't feel like hurting the plant. I went out and bought a huge plastic tote that's like 5 feet tall. so i'm gonna use that for now. I will post more pictures once it starts to noticably change. sorry if i came off a bit harsh i'm just tired of being called an idiot, for lack of a better word. later bro


Well-Known Member
Alright I'm now at almost 20 days of 12/12. I see more and more pistils coming out, however, my question is now what am I supposed to watch for? How am I supposed to know when it starts turning into bud? I'm noticing a small, pod-like, shape starting to pertrude out of where the pistils started to show up. Is this a flower or is this possibly the beginning of the cola? Sorry for being such a jerk had some problems at home with the wife. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
ive been quitely watching this thread im not subscribed or anything but i feel the same i wouldn't transplant it if it were doing so well outside nature is best when left alone right?? anyway i started growing about two weeks bfore i saw this thread im indoor but i like to see were u are compared to were i am anyway that was just sensless stoner talk gl and ill be watchin YOU REALLY NEED PICS THOUGH


New Member
Alright I'm now at almost 20 days of 12/12. I see more and more pistils coming out, however, my question is now what am I supposed to watch for? How am I supposed to know when it starts turning into bud? I'm noticing a small, pod-like, shape starting to pertrude out of where the pistils started to show up. Is this a flower or is this possibly the beginning of the cola? Sorry for being such a jerk had some problems at home with the wife. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
sounds like you got calyxes appearing but it could be hermie balls. I would have to have pics to tell you for sure


Well-Known Member
I actually got a really good picture today but I haven't uploaded it yet. I'll probably get that done tomorrow so high and sleepy. I'm pretty sure it's not a hermie just based on pictures i've seen on here, but you'll see tomorrow. later


New Member
how about that pic? If you google "marijuana calyx" then you should see a pic of it on google images if its a calyx...
If its a hermie you got bad news....


Well-Known Member
oh I really couldn't tell you how old it is really cause like i stated before i have no clue when it actually came outta the ground. but here are the 3 pictures. lemme know what ya think.

the last picture is zoomed in 3 times on my cell phone. just so no one gets the wrong impression lol.


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Well-Known Member
Alright so I've been doing some reading. Looks like i'm gonna have popcorn. I've been meaning to put into detail about all that i do with this plant here. well she's not getting exactly 12/12. it's more like 11 1/2 and 12 1/2. The start of the day is direct sunlight for one hour. then the rest of the day is just soaking up indirect light. Around 8:30 to 9 it goes completely dark thanks to the can. So far so good. Surprising that everyone asked for pictures and I've had no posts about them yet. =( lol.
Just kidding.


New Member
oh dude you made me think that she was a bush or somethin. She may be a lil bit tall but you can tie her over with no probs. I couldent tell if you had any calyxes forming but I could see some hairs in one pic:)
She looks good for a slightly neglected girl. Are you giving her nutes?