Rocky Mountain High Grow Journal (CFL's exclusively)

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Hopefully one of these is the gov strain, I choose these out of the 10 seedlings as they exhibited some characteristics I believe to be female.

Any help on those other questions guys and gals??


Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Woohoo, another baby girl lifted her skirt for me today!! I had been about 50-50 on which it was then a couple of days ago I thought I saw a pistil but wasn't sure. This morning there they are!!

So now I have one more in 2 gallon pots to worry about, thinking it's a male though.

Since I made some room with the 'day of reckoning' I started 10 more bag seeds into germination. I am going to follow these babies from day one.

I will post some pics too of the girls!!


Well-Known Member
Those are looking good how old are those ladies total?

I can't wait until mine start getting bigger!! I've been very patient with all of this...more patient than I thought I would be...

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member

I believe these were born on October 1st. I got kinda carried away with germinating every seed I could find and ran outta room and didn't tag them properly to track them. My best guess is October 1st tho.

I have cleared out some room so I'm starting 10 seeds from germination and will track these from start to finish.

Thanks for coming by, I'm kinda lonely in my journal!


Well-Known Member
I know how it goes, there's only so many people that are willing to comment :(

Plus there's really only so much excitement with a plant that's not producing nice looking buds....

Someday, my grow journal will be 60+ pages like Hum ;) Once I get some buds going.....LOLz

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
yeah, I hear ya. Humboldt's journal is the shiznit! I can't wait to get to the buds!

I guess we can keep each other company in our journals!!

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Well I went to check on the seeds I started germinating yesterday and 8 of the 10 have already cracked!!

I have to admit I have a great germination rate, especially since its old ass bag seeds. I keep them in the freezer, then put them in a cup of ph balanced water(6.5) for about 24 hours or so. I then double up a paper towel and place the seeds inside and wet them and that one side with ph balanced water. I fold the towel twice and put it into a ziplock baggie but leave it open. I then place it on top of my 2ft floro set up and I get them cracking in about 2 days!

will post a picture later.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I'm farmin hard!!

Here's a quick update.

I have taken two clones and they seem to be doing fine in root cubes and cups with plastic wrap on top and a heating pad underneath. I used clonex and added some B1 to their diet with foliar feeding.

I also moved 2 more plants into the flowering room from the veggy room #2. One of the ones put in on 12-1 has shown itself to be a female, woo hoo!!

So in my flowering room I have 3 plants that are about 1 month in and 1 that is 3 weeks and 1 that is 2 weeks in. Not sure how that's gonna go harvest time.

The flushing of the plants has seemed to work as the nute burn has stopped and they are back on the 'juice'!

Also the 10 seeds I germinated all popped, 100% on the bagseed! I put them into root cubes for a few days and then into small cups full of Light Warrior from foxfarm.

Everything seems to be undercontrol, cross my fingers, no pests no real problems.

does anyone know if you need to flush the ladies for harvest when using fox farm fertilizers? They claim it's not necessary but I've found better answers on here.

Thanks for coming by guys I appreciate the support and need more!!

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Great Journal RMH.

I also think Fox Farms soil is the best. Your transplants had good looking roots.

With 2 weeks to go prior to harvest, I would stop all the Fox Farms and just go to molasses & ph water.

If you got flying insects, put up a roll of fly paper.

Sorry for not posting more in your journal, I'm in a lurker mode lately

I'm here, watching 8) Holler if you need anything.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
speaking of ph'ing the water with the fox farm ocean floor, what would you balance it to? I've been religious in keeping it between 6.3-6.5 (got a handy dandy digital ph'er, I love it!) is that where I need to be? I sent FF an email through their site but have yet to get a response. Also should it be different for different stages? (can you tell I love using the meter?) seeds, clones, veggy and flowering?

Thanks again.

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
I try and keep the same ph targets as you do.

Soil, unlike hydro, takes longer to respond, but is more forgiving, IMHO. I personally believe that your soil will take on the ph of the applied nutes. That said, I'm not an expert but do believe that if your let your soil get too dry, the evaporation process creates un-necessary salts and other buildups, which will change the ph.

If you use a clay pot_which I prefer_it is harder to keep the roots warm, due to the evaporative characteristics of clay vs none in plastic, but the clay has a tendency to 'wick' the salts out of the soil and into the clay. If this is true, then the soil benefits which helps the plant. I'm beginning to believe the best scenario is a clay plot with one of the CFL's actually touching the pot to transfer a bit of the heat to pot, thereby keeping the roots warm.

Like you, I'm into the digital toys. How kewl are they? :). I'm getting a new digital thermometer with the waterproof probe_from fish store_this coming Tues. Can't wait 8)

Keep the ph @ 6.3 ~ 6.5, I don't think you can go wrong with that setting.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Thank you sir, I appreciate your advice.

I tend to 'overwater' a little so I think that's why I haven't had much problem with nute burn, I wash them all away!! Hope not but always wonder. The clay pot sound interesting, what about a heating pad placed under it?

Toys are the best! I love em all.

Thanks for the reassurance on the PH, I appreciate it!

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Have you learned about 'Mycorrhiza'. Uber kewl. A must have for the grow. It is an enzyme and you mix it in with your ocean forest every couple of weeks. Plants love it.