Rocky Mountain High Grow Journal (CFL's exclusively)

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Mattso & Ozone,

Thanks a ton for the advice, I truly appreciate it.

I did find the lights at home depot. I was only able to find 50watt and 75watt varieties in the HPS. My flowering 'room' is 2' deep, 4' wide and about 5' tall. What can I get by on? I was hoping 2 of the 50watt would be sufficient, (they are on sale $30 each, the 75w is $70. What's your guys take?

Thanks again for the help and advice.


Well-Known Member
There will not be very much of a heat differnce between the two. But they do get pretty hot so your gonna want to vent out the hot air if your not already. I say keep your cfls and get 2 of the 50 watters if there on sale. So with all that light you should be able to get a good result. I seen a thread were a guy grew some nice buds under one 70w HPS. Good luck!

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
My problem is I keep breaking the damn things! Usually trying to force 3 into 1 hood.

And now I just went to get one from my stock to post the correct packaging details and guess what? dropped it on the floor and it broke! Guess I'm a clumsy fricker.

Any thoughts or suggestions??

Thanks fellas.

Hey man, CFL contain mercury! If you break of one those, you should 'un-ass the room for at least 15 minutes_if you have good circulation. If you don't have, really good circulation of fresh air in that room, I'd leave for the rest of the day and come back tomorrow.

AND, you have a pregnant woman nearby?????

Be real careful handling CFL's, these babies are dangerous!:hump:

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member

Thanks again, I appreciate it. How goes the wiring? The stuff I've read on the boxes of the lights say they simply need a 120v current. Can I just wire them into an extension cord and plug them into the wall, or is there more to it than that?



Well-Known Member

Thanks again, I appreciate it. How goes the wiring? The stuff I've read on the boxes of the lights say they simply need a 120v current. Can I just wire them into an extension cord and plug them into the wall, or is there more to it than that?

You got it man! thats all I did. since your dealing with water and a three prong extention cord that grounded. just in case you dont want a fire!

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member

Man you are a life saver! Thanks for all the advice and help. When I finally get some smoke, I'm gonna burn one in your honor!!

Obviously I'm in the states, any suggestions for buying seeds?

I'm just using bag seeds now but would really like to grow a strong sativa or haze, any suggestions on a strain? Looking for the up-cerebral-motivated-creative high I read about but have never experienced, always just couch locked.

Thanks man.


Well-Known Member
Youy right its all in genetics. I dont really know were a good place for you to get seeds. I haver from some other yanks that BC seed king is reliable and also Nirvana seeds. If your looking for a nice up high with good yeild I would go with Big Buddah Cheese


Well-Known Member
Hey there again. I was think about stains for you go chech out Mandala Seeds. They are a spanish company with great genetics also they are cheap like 50 bucks for a 10 pack. I say go with thier strain Satori. It has that up high your looking for plus it won High Times top 10 strains of the year.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member

I guess great minds think alike!! I have that issue of HT and I was really thinking about Satori, that picture looks so damn good! Plus it's the 'up high' I'm looking for.

I took your advice and went to and placed an order. I got 10 Satori, 10 Sadhu and 5 feminized Nebula. Only about $150 with shipping, which is what I was looking at else where for 10 seeds, thanks for the tip on the bargains.

I'm gonna pick up a hydro farm 250watt HPS, system at my local grow store. They are having a 1 day sale with 15% off everything in the store on December 28th, so I will get it then for about $170. Hopefully the last piece to this puzzle, for awhile anyway.

Once I get that up and going I will move all my CFL's to the side for side lighting. What do you think?

If this grow has taught me anything it's more and more patience, I'm gonna leave my plants alone and let them grow and just weed out the weak and wait for them to show on their own.

Now I'm lickin my chops for these new seeds to come!! Can't wait!!


Well-Known Member
Congrates! You got it down man! start with good genetics and you will get good weed! I say that 250 watter and all your cfls should give you a good result. Just don't grow too tall so your light penetrated down further. Good luck man I will be watching

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Thanks for all the help. I finally came across some black/white poly to line my flowering room. Before I just had black plastic to keep the light out, now I got some white to keep it in!!


Well-Known Member
Nice I use the same stuff. its much cheap er than Mylar! It is 90% reflective. were Mylar is 98% reflective so your really not losing very much

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Finally got some pics up, had to mail them to another computer in the house.

Anywho, Here is my 'new and improved' flowering room....Hopefully !!

First is the whole room, then one of the fans, then the same fan with the 'light shroud' over it, then the inside with some of the lights hanging.


Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Here is one of the females, man I wish I had a good digital camera, these on the camera phone SUCK. I plan to get one before I get my seeds going so I can document them step by step.

Then my 'Veg Room #2' which is on top of the flowering room.

Thanks for checking on me guys, I surely appreciate and need it!!


Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Today was a 'day of reckoning' as I whacked out two males I had in 2 gallon pots. I also killed off a couple of plants that were weak which made room to move 4 veggys into the flower room for sexing. That opened up space in veggy 'room' #2 so I moved the 3 best from veggy room #1 to #2 and then I was able to take my 5 best seedlings, a few of which are supposed to be from the gov weed, and transplant them into 8 inch pots.

I'm quite happy with the space, I think all the plants will get much more light now!!

The 'enlightenment' came when I was mixing my fertilizers today. I have been using Fox Farm products from top to bottom. Seedlings in Light Warrior soil, transplanted to Ocean Forest (which I absolutely love and swear by). Then the fertilizers, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom and Grow Big. When I went to mix some up I put my turkey baster in 'deep' and got a completely different substance than I had been using, looked 'dirty'. Come to find out, my dumbass has NEVER shaken these up!! IDIOT! So who knows what they were getting before, just the filler, straight nutes, ????

Live and Learn I guess!

I have to admit I LOVE being a FARMER! I enjoy getting my hands dirty in the soil and mixing the fertilizers etc., I think I may have missed my calling in life!

Will post some pics of the transplants soon.