Robin Williams Suicide

Oh, it is definitely the 30 yo at Walmart. Working on pools will get you a lot of pussy. I'm sure our pool scrubber has some outlandish stories of hot daughters and their friends doing double time on him every week. My landscaping business allowed me access to some seriously rich and delicious pussy.

Now I just change people lives for the better and there is not much pussy in that.


are you familiar with apache junction arizona?

only thing you can get there is an STD.
i have nothing against manual labor, gotta do another 6 hours or so of it tonight.


Good luck with that
People keep saying that but I have trouble believing it from personal experience.

Are you an alcoholic?
Absofuckinglutely. You want any information about being a fucked up piece of shit drunk, just holler. I can spot one when I see one.
Absofuckinglutely. You want any information about being a fucked up piece of shit drunk, just holler. I can spot one when I see one.

No thanks, I could write a book about it. I was drunk for 2 decades. I really dont have any cravings, desire or much thought about alcohol. It is boring to watch other people get drunk.

You could get that monkey off your back, it isnt about the drinking and you may or may not know that.
No thanks, I could write a book about it. I was drunk for 2 decades. I really dont have any cravings, desire or much thought about alcohol. It is boring to watch other people get drunk.

You could get that monkey off your back, it isnt about the drinking and you may or may not know that.
I'm still a drunk. I'm sorry about your suffrage. But, you still act and feel like a pathetic drunk in your posts. I hope that you understand you will never be a "real human". You are just a pathetic and fucked up as I am.
I'm still a drunk. I'm sorry about your suffrage. But, you still act and feel like a pathetic drunk in your posts. I hope that you understand you will never be a "real human". You are just a pathetic and fucked up as I am.

What is a *real human* exactly?
I can tell you one thing, ain't me or you.

You said I will never be a "real human" and when I ask what that is your reply is that it isnt me or you... So what??

I used to believe that I had to do everything perfect or it was shit. And I caused pain in my head trying to meet impossible standards. At some point I realized what I was doing and was able to reprogram my brain to understand that I am not required to be perfect, just good enough. I have given myself slack and removed the pain and now I can go to sleep sober. It never was about the alcohol.

As for "real human", that is some standard you are trying to set for me and I simply reject it. I am good enough, I dont need to be a "real human", whatever that is...

Maybe one day you will get tired of rolling around with your demons and cut yourself some slack too. Then you wouldnt have to be an alcoholic to be able to live with yourself. Life is better sober.
You said I will never be a "real human" and when I ask what that is your reply is that it isnt me or you... So what??

I used to believe that I had to do everything perfect or it was shit. And I caused pain in my head trying to meet impossible standards. At some point I realized what I was doing and was able to reprogram my brain to understand that I am not required to be perfect, just good enough. I have given myself slack and removed the pain and now I can go to sleep sober. It never was about the alcohol.

As for "real human", that is some standard you are trying to set for me and I simply reject it. I am good enough, I dont need to be a "real human", whatever that is...

Maybe one day you will get tired of rolling around with your demons and cut yourself some slack too. Then you wouldnt have to be an alcoholic to be able to live with yourself. Life is better sober.
Have a drink dummy, it'll be ok. I ain't even mad tho.
remember when we used to make fun of ANALEXCESSGAY1 for mowing lawns?

scrubbing shit off of pools is even more pathetic.
Who is "we?"
My brother wanted to start a lawn service, apparently there is good money in it. Somehow working for a living does not appeal to someone who is willing to marry a walrus in order to flaunt his laziness.
What I find interesting is how many people think money has an effect on depression.

How many people think the rich have absolutely no problems and live wonderful lives despite the constant hollywood trainwreck...

My mom drank herself into insanity and death. For some reason she couldnt overcome her demons and they killed her. A little more slowly but dead just the same. Some people cannot or will not seek help and of those that do, some cannot find what they need I guess.

But money isnt the solution and people who think so are glossing over reality.

the same thing happened to my mother..she had a Ph.d and you couldn't discuss..when my kids were around 5 and 7 i stopped bring them around. she
honestly, all ofm

Like Biggy Smalls said, "Mo Money, Mo Problems"....

and McBreed.."no future in fronts":wink:

Who is "we?"
My brother wanted to start a lawn service, apparently there is good money in it. Somehow working for a living does not appeal to someone who is willing to marry a walrus in order to flaunt his laziness.

my uncle used to run a lawnmowing biz and would go to hawaii for a month every winter. he sold it and sells plumbing supplies instead now.

if he sold it and started scrubbing shit off of pools for $20 a pop instead we'd all agree that it was a step down for him.
my uncle used to run a lawnmowing biz and would go to hawaii for a month every winter. he sold it and sells plumbing supplies instead now.

if he sold it and started scrubbing shit off of pools for $20 a pop instead we'd all agree that it was a step down for him.
He thinks a 50k payoff for three years of full time work is a good ROI.

i got about that much by taking a week to build a greenhouse and guarding it for a few months every year.

way more fun than scrubbing shit off of pools, too.
And you get free weed!

He gets to keep whatever shit he scrubs off the pool.

Probably steals their silverware too... we've no idea what he's capable of.
You seem to be under the assumption that being well off means you are happy.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

I realize that Mork was not happy. But he left a shocking and hollow legacy for his family, who undoubtedly loved him.

I know, because my mom committed suicide about 23 years ago. She was severely depressed, but was stupid enough to quit taking her antidepressants, and then stupid enough to kill herself in such a manner as to be discovered by my dad. Dead in the garage while the car was still running.