Rob333 back with opium

I liked it i smoked it dam tarr put me in a slump oxies got me itchie and not really into it but when i do it feels good.. So i stop before i like it to much havent had it in years
I LOVEEEEE the itch you get from opiates... I wish I could still get it. Ive never tried opium itself, but I have heroin (IV), pharma grade morphine (IV) and hydrocodone (oral). I have taken a long break from ACTUAL opiates, but have been on Kratom for a while now. Starting to get that 'itch' to start using again. As for the nausea, I just take some Zofran or a little marijuana and im gtg. I want to try to grow some poppies in the near future.
Man, opiated black hash was nice AF back in the 70's. If I had that opium Id learn how to opiate homemade hash. It would be worth smoking, then.
i some times press balls of hash with balls or opium and spend a good hour pushing it thru itself that shit messes u up pretty bad
A few years back you could buy poppy pods on EBay, under the guise of decorations, but the Feds wised up pretty quick. Yeah a few of them oozing in the corner of the grow room might be nice!
Most u people no I grow opium this year was a good run with over 68 pods here is a boil down with 68 and some scrap plants any1 wanna no how to get clean opium hit me up
What is the shelf life of opium if stored room temperature in a dark container? And can you smoke raw opium if sun-dried only?
Can you smoke opium after sun drying it from collection after harvest? How long to sun-dry?
i smoke mine on papers that i smear across the pods after lancing starts out white then latex turns blood red then brown, i smoke said papers the same day. make a book of papers between wax paper and put in the freezer. ill grab a paper when the aches and pains get to much. so in short after it turns brown smoke it.
Most u people no I grow opium this year was a good run with over 68 pods here is a boil down with 68 and some scrap plants any1 wanna no how to get clean opium hit me up
Could you recommend a good online store and variety of somniferum papaver that produce good opium? I've grown poppies and collected opium before but it's been ages and it's time to start growing again.