Rob333 back with opium

What do you do smoke em

Shit wasn't for me, made me all itchy and felt like bugs were crawling all over me. Hated it.

Shit wasn't for me, made me all itchy and felt like bugs were crawling all over me. Hated it.
I have done poppies long ago, and did the traditional scoring method, but I know there is also a way to process the whole plants, leaves and stems and all, without scoring, commonly called "poppy straw"... that is what I was asking about...

Shit wasn't for me, made me all itchy and felt like bugs were crawling all over me. Hated it.
I find morphine can make you itchy and nauseated pretty easy
sorry guys been living under a morphine rock the last 2 days lol no its a full exstraction if u guys wanna no how i do it just inbox me as i get a bit paranoid posting morphine shit in public but its a 4 step process with vinegar been frozen and used at the end process to get almost a black latex ball which can be smoked eaten or iv
yeah I have never shot it up but I had morphine pills that did that. fuck them things, much rather have some oxycodone if I am gonna go down that road. lol
oxy does really nothing for me were morphine is my go to drug of choice as it last longer and in higher does it feels more like smack also fent and dia is my fav but i can get my poppy balls pretty damn strong and it lasts for hours ;)
I have done poppies long ago, and did the traditional scoring method, but I know there is also a way to process the whole plants, leaves and stems and all, without scoring, commonly called "poppy straw"... that is what I was asking about...
there is a polish straw method were they boil the whole lot down with lime and so on once you get a brick there is a process i learnt from a chinese bloke many years ago with mixing a few over the counter chems with vinegar to get a low grade smack