
Yea. Blunts are the most smoked with me and my buddies. Once had a zip lock bag FULL of blunt roaches.

Rolled it up, super baked....super paste. All I can say. Throat starts to taste and feel all resiny after that.

But it's good to save roaches if your ever high and dry.
Hey Riu, (This may be confusing) I've been rolling alot of joints lately, usually I just smoke from the pipe or bong, so I had about 16 nice size roaches, they were very resin soaked :blsmoke: I made 4 joints out of those (along with kief), I smoked those 4 joints until they were all large roaches but still very resin soaked. I now have rolled one super joint from those 4 roaches (basically soaked in resin), kief and grinded up Kali Mist. it's 1.5 grams, and Im going to smoke it, anyone else ever like to roll joints from roach weed? bongsmilie

I love you man!!!!!!!!!

Now I'm no longer alone.
i probably leave about 1 inch of smokable left on every joint i smoke. this sits on a bottle top, i might have a toke on it in the monring if i feel like it, else i'll throw it away. i've no problem with that, never have :) i'd rather just roll up anice fresh one than smoke old smelly crap :)
i probably leave about 1 inch of smokable left on every joint i smoke. this sits on a bottle top, i might have a toke on it in the monring if i feel like it, else i'll throw it away. i've no problem with that, never have :) i'd rather just roll up anice fresh one than smoke old smelly crap :)

hehe but you never think of this one simple fact: that the resin from most of the joint, stays in the roach. the most potent weed on the face of the planet is roach weed...... thats true, because if you smoke a joint of "the best weed on the planet" then that roach, will be even better, you will get higher, and it will be smoother.

my problem with people throwing away roaches, is its the best weed out of the entire baggy..... you call it smelly? isn't good weed SUPOSED to be smelly?
umm, i'#m talking smelly like it smell of damned shite, not a pleasant weedy smell, but a shitty stale skanky smell i wouldn't wish on anyone.

and no, it's not smoother for me, it's harsh as a mother, it'll play crap with my throat, taste as the smell is described and if all i was worried about was potency over the enjoyment of the smoke, then i'd just take some coke or some such. i do enjoy the whole actof smoking my reef. if all i wanted was to get absolutely wrecke then i'd just use my bong every time. i don't enoy it that much, but it still destroys me

oh, and i normally fill up a liter ice cream tub with ends before i chuck em out in the trash and start a new pot :P
umm, i'#m talking smelly like it smell of damned shite, not a pleasant weedy smell, but a shitty stale skanky smell i wouldn't wish on anyone.

and no, it's not smoother for me, it's harsh as a mother, it'll play crap with my throat, taste as the smell is described and if all i was worried about was potency over the enjoyment of the smoke, then i'd just take some coke or some such. i do enjoy the whole actof smoking my reef. if all i wanted was to get absolutely wrecke then i'd just use my bong every time. i don't enoy it that much, but it still destroys me

oh, and i normally fill up a liter ice cream tub with ends before i chuck em out in the trash and start a new pot :P

heh, believe whatever you want, but im going to believe your ignorant and you smoke SHIT WEED, simply because#1 if your roaches are bad your wees SUCKS and #2 you are to retarded to think of other things to do with the roaches, like make budbutter, or cookies, brownies, spices for cooking, i can come up with a million things.....including selling roach joints for $10 each. when it comes down to it your ethier #1: in denial or #2: just plain ignorant.

but i dont wana argue with you, the other people on this thread will probably back me up because they KNOW roaches from good weed are the best thing in the weed world, a good roach joint can beat hash, honeyoil, keif, bubble, whatever..... you just have to smoke good weed............but then again, i smoke my BCBUDZ on a daily basis so.......

just for good mesure: that icecream bucket of roaches? i can turn into 100~ cookies, selling for $8~ each. thats like $600-$1000 worth of COOKIES. nice to know you throw out $600-$1000 isn't it.
heh, believe whatever you want, but im going to believe your ignorant and you smoke SHIT WEED,
simply because#1 if your roaches are bad your wees SUCKS and #2 you are to retarded to think of other things to do with the roaches, like make budbutter, or cookies, brownies, spices for cooking, i can come up with a million things.....including selling roach joints for $10 each. when it comes down to it your ethier #1: in denial or #2: just plain ignorant.

but i dont wana argue with you, the other people on this thread will probably back me up because they KNOW roaches from good weed are the best thing in the weed world, a good roach joint can beat hash, honeyoil, keif, bubble, whatever..... you just have to smoke good weed............but then again, i smoke my BCBUDZ on a daily basis so.......

just for good mesure: that icecream bucket of roaches? i can turn into 100~ cookies, selling for $8~ each. thats like $600-$1000 worth of COOKIES. nice to know you throw out $600-$1000 isn't it.

if i smoke shit weed, you smoke shit weed, it's your word against mine......

if i were to take the time then yeah, i could turn some roaches into a normal reef and it woudln't be quite so shitty, but you know what, i don't have the time...

i don't have the time to pull apart ends, cook things up, spend the 6 hours making the butter, getting out and selling them, you know what, here's a thought. i could sell my weed.

i don;t, i have a demanding full time job that brings me in a nice bit of money, how does my lack of time to get dirty with my reef ends, mean i'm an ignorant guy, or that i smoke shit weed, etc etc etc. i have maybe 4 hours to myself each day, half of that is spent catching up with things, cleaning around and such, the rest i want to sit down and watch a film, or just listen to some music. i'd rather spend that time smoking a lovely tasing fresh reef, than to spend half picking apart roaches, and then not particularly enjoying getting high...

i didn't once state that it's not gonna be better weed or not etc, i'm saying that for me it's a waste of my time and i don't enjoy the smoke.

now get off your high horse and stop being mr "fuck you i'm right" ok?

oh, and i couldn't give 2 damns about going out and selling weed, dealers are generally dicks, in their attitudes and deals, i grow for myself to put one more dealer a little bit more out of business :P
fuck that...good weed grows on trees for christs sake. stop smoking that GooRot-Funknastular garbage, all it does is ruin your lungs.

whoever said that the roach is the best tasting weed in the bag is fucking nuts...the best weed is the first hit, anything after that tastes and impacts less(all exposed trichs are vaporised/burned in the first half a hit....all the flavor and cannabinoids are in those trichs).

didn't think i was the only one that got absolutely mashed off the first 5 tokes then :) i guess the whole fact that people CONCIOUSLY try and get as close to number 1 in the refe paassing as possible, well it would kinda be testiment to that first burning of the joint is the one you're after.
didn't think i was the only one that got absolutely mashed off the first 5 tokes then :) i guess the whole fact that people CONCIOUSLY try and get as close to number 1 in the refe paassing as possible, well it would kinda be testiment to that first burning of the joint is the one you're after.

its pretty simple to figure IMO...trichs get you high/taste good, trichs are on the outside of the plant matter, do we really have to incinerate all that plant matter?

EDIT: if im a pot snob......damn its good to be a pot snob.
I use dto be a pot snob, strange how fast life changes... enjoy it with every cell of your body as long as you can... actualy this goes for all of life.
I use dto be a pot snob, strange how fast life changes... enjoy it with every cell of your body as long as you can... actualy this goes for all of life.

yea thats kinda the way i look at,love and smoke...... seeing as without marijuana i can't walk due to a tailbone injury....... i tend to have a fairly nostalgic view of the sacred herb.....even its left-over roaches....

and i cant really be a snob, its hard to find work when you can barley walk.....
i really try not to be snobbish about it....its just that i have all the fine herb i can smoke, my mother can smoke, and my friends can smoke when theyre around. when someone bust out some sub-par smoke i dont holler, "get that crap out of here!"...but i do let them know they can save it for later because ill gladly pack/roll another one or six.
if i smoke shit weed, you smoke shit weed, it's your word against mine......

if i were to take the time then yeah, i could turn some roaches into a normal reef and it woudln't be quite so shitty, but you know what, i don't have the time...

i don't have the time to pull apart ends, cook things up, spend the 6 hours making the butter, getting out and selling them, you know what, here's a thought. i could sell my weed.

i don;t, i have a demanding full time job that brings me in a nice bit of money, how does my lack of time to get dirty with my reef ends, mean i'm an ignorant guy, or that i smoke shit weed, etc etc etc. i have maybe 4 hours to myself each day, half of that is spent catching up with things, cleaning around and such, the rest i want to sit down and watch a film, or just listen to some music. i'd rather spend that time smoking a lovely tasing fresh reef, than to spend half picking apart roaches, and then not particularly enjoying getting high...

i didn't once state that it's not gonna be better weed or not etc, i'm saying that for me it's a waste of my time and i don't enjoy the smoke.

now get off your high horse and stop being mr "fuck you i'm right" ok?

oh, and i couldn't give 2 damns about going out and selling weed, dealers are generally dicks, in their attitudes and deals, i grow for myself to put one more dealer a little bit more out of business :P
What do you do for a living that is so important it takes up about 12 hours of your life everyday? (I'm assumin you sleep 8 hours a night) You couldn't give me bill gate's salary to work that long.
due to my location and the type of work, if i were to tell you, you could start to very very easily narrow it down :) i don't really enjoy some of the stuff i'm made to do, such as working an entire weeken while pretty baly ill due to a lack of cover etc, but i stick with it for the future benefits and possibilities etc :)

and it's not quite 12 hours, there's commuting, getting up earlier than i'd like to get ready for work and water the girls and sort out the mess i inevitably make while smoking and drinking in the attic :P i would probably drop work and make a living through pot if it were legal, but as it is, i need a legal income, else i don't rally think i'd be able to get away with buying an audi A3 or such. i love buying things for myself and others, no way i'm putting myself in a position where i can't spend my money openly without HMRC becoming involved
you could give me bill gates salary to work that long... shit id work 18 huor days for THAT kind of money
$31.01 a second folks.... not an hour. a second. that means he made roughly 100 bux in the time you took to read this single post :lol:
yeah man, crazy stuff. people i know are forever telling me "why/how do you work such hours, that's insane" blah blah. in the working world a long day is a long day and it's just part of the job at hand. while people might not enjoy it, once you're into your working lifestyle, you really to get used to pulling a long shift etc, it certainly sounds brutish or whatnot, but you get used ot it pretty easily
yeah man, crazy stuff. people i know are forever telling me "why/how do you work such hours, that's insane" blah blah. in the working world a long day is a long day and it's just part of the job at hand. while people might not enjoy it, once you're into your working lifestyle, you really to get used to pulling a long shift etc, it certainly sounds brutish or whatnot, but you get used ot it pretty easily
Money isn't everything. I have a family so I am not down for working long hours. Money isn't everything and it will never buy you happiness. I live for me. I'm not giving most of my life away to some company for some green paper. But if that's where you find happiness then enjoy it. Because as soon as you can't do your job they will drop you like a hot potato.