
no, but money buys me a nice place to live in the nicer areas of town, it allows me to get to know polite, educated people who can offer a decent conversaqtion as opposed to just inquiring what something means as has always been the case when i'm hanging out with people from seedier areas (not saying anything here, just taht where i live, the pooorer folk have a vocabulary worth absolute shite :)

money and happiness go hand in hand, you got no money, doesn't matter how happy you are if you have to buy tesco basics or have to live in an estate etc. i'd be LOT less happy if i wasn't living in an area that suits my character, which is mid-upper class, so as such money is important, but i ent been oout on pointless spending trips in ever and ever. (oh, and if i have a family, i want to be as sucessful as i can be by the time i have kids, i want my son brought up right! (my right that is :P) and should i have a daughter, then yeah, i'll retire for the family life, like hell i'mn spending money on ugg boots and shite like that!

oh my goodness we're heading off topic just a tad, myyyyyyyyyyyyy bad :)

carry on as you were people
Money isn't everything. I have a family so I am not down for working long hours. Money isn't everything and it will never buy you happiness. I live for me. I'm not giving most of my life away to some company for some green paper. But if that's where you find happiness then enjoy it. Because as soon as you can't do your job they will drop you like a hot potato.

yea, and it makes it even more brutal to realize that a 4'th century surf worked a 35 hour work week (working for the duke/lord, personal work not included...) and he was tied to the land.......

when you look at the 21'st century we are not alowd to "buy" land, we can only lease it for a period of time (therfot can not pass it on to kids...), we work an average of a 40 hour work week, and if we dont have a social insurance # we cant even GET a job....... life for the average worker in the 21'st century is economic slavery, even more-so that the kings of the middle ages......

back to roaches tho.....

Roach butter:
250 ML (or more...) warm butter.
pinch of oregano (optional...this serves to dumb down the taste of the roaches)
pinch of brown suger
as many roaches as you can saturate into the butter.

#1: melt the butter in a sauce pan, DO NOT let the butter scald or boil.

#2: when the butter is the consistency of cooking oil remove from heat, add a small ammount of brown suger, just enought to change the color of the butter from yellow/white, to golden brown. add oregano now, if privy to the taste.

#3 after the suger is finly mixed, put heat back under the pan, let the mixture come to a simmer, do not boil/scald it. when the mixture bubles, add the roaches paper and all. continue to stil this mixture intill the whole pot of butter mixture turns to a nice, dark brownish color.

let the budbutter sit in the fridge over night, and put some on your toast in the morning, happy stonage :D
yeah man, crazy stuff. people i know are forever telling me "why/how do you work such hours, that's insane" blah blah. in the working world a long day is a long day and it's just part of the job at hand. while people might not enjoy it, once you're into your working lifestyle, you really to get used to pulling a long shift etc, it certainly sounds brutish or whatnot, but you get used ot it pretty easily

work on busy brother, work on...

yea, and it makes it even more brutal to realize that a 4'th century surf worked a 35 hour work week (working for the duke/lord, personal work not included...) and he was tied to the land.......

when you look at the 21'st century we are not alowd to "buy" land, we can only lease it for a period of time (therfot can not pass it on to kids...), we work an average of a 40 hour work week, and if we dont have a social insurance # we cant even GET a job....... life for the average worker in the 21'st century is economic slavery, even more-so that the kings of the middle ages......

back to roaches tho.....

Roach butter:
250 ML (or more...) warm butter.
pinch of oregano (optional...this serves to dumb down the taste of the roaches)
pinch of brown suger
as many roaches as you can saturate into the butter.

#1: melt the butter in a sauce pan, DO NOT let the butter scald or boil.

#2: when the butter is the consistency of cooking oil remove from heat, add a small ammount of brown suger, just enought to change the color of the butter from yellow/white, to golden brown. add oregano now, if privy to the taste.

#3 after the suger is finly mixed, put heat back under the pan, let the mixture come to a simmer, do not boil/scald it. when the mixture bubles, add the roaches paper and all. continue to stil this mixture intill the whole pot of butter mixture turns to a nice, dark brownish color.

let the budbutter sit in the fridge over night, and put some on your toast in the morning, happy stonage :D

1st- then work hard, save money, OWN your own company, then hire some 40 hour a week serf(do your history, its spelled s-e-r-f.) and YOU be the man.

2nd- gag
work on busy brother, work on...

1st- then work hard, save money, OWN your own company, then hire some 40 hour a week serf(do your history, its spelled s-e-r-f.) and YOU be the man.

2nd- gag

#1 i dont give a fuck about spelling, how is your post suposed to match up-to mine intelectualy?

#2 being a parent,like most parents all i got to say is............... dont knock it before you try it, you may just like it......

next time, try posting something about roaches..... now that you made me post this i gota at least post another recipe.....

Roach Cookies:
2 3/4 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 cup butter
1 cup suger
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extrace
1/2 cup roaches.

mix dry ingredients in large pan, then cream in the butter.
mix wet ingredients into dry, beat untill it form a consistent batter.

if adding 1/2 cup of roaches, count them as wet ingredients. if using aforementioned budbutter, substitute 1+1/2 cup of budbutter for the 1 cup of butter.

bake the cookies at a lower temperature for a longer period of time, THC releases with heat unless its digested, if the heat in the oven rises over 320~ f the THC WILL evaporate, and the cookies will not be potent.

man i love roaches.....

THATS how clean i like my shit. smoke/eat whatever you please.

intellectually? i may not be as longwinded as you, but at least i dont hyphenate 'up to'.
seems you cant form proper sentances ethier, such as using proper grammer and puncuation......

Thats how clean i like my shit, you can smoke/eat whatever you please.
this is a proper sentance......
#1 i dont give a fuck about spelling, how is your post suposed to match up-to mine intelectualy?

#2 being a parent,like most parents all i got to say is............... dont knock it before you try it, you may just like it.

believe me, ive smoked more than my fair share of roaches, resin, and all other manner of nasty shit kids do to catch a buzz. i dont even use buds whe i make butter...i make BHO then i make butter with that. THATS how clean i like my shit. smoke/eat whatever you please.

intellectually? i may not be as longwinded as you, but at least i dont hyphenate 'up to'.
work on busy brother, work on...

1st- then work hard, save money, OWN your own company, then hire some 40 hour a week serf(do your history, its spelled s-e-r-f.) and YOU be the man.

2nd- gag

1st, exactly my plan, i have a damned good brain, i know that, i plan exactly that, if you're any good at reading people and trends, then it's fairly straight forward to get something up and running. you put in the hours, you get the benefits :)

and i agree with the spelling.... it's not like there their, that was their title, does that mean it's fine to call him the dick of edimburough etc :P if it's a typo, cool but i'm particular about spelling on the whole, i see no reason to be sloppy, don't even get me started on text talk :P

but hey, it's each to their own, everyone can have their own way. my parents go on and on about me quitting from the stress, i tell them, no, i am aware of what is happening, and i dislike it, but in the long run, the family long run, it's all, every penny, new skill, learnt mistake, will better me in the long run which at the end of the day, is what we're mostly here for :)
I usually smoke with my friends in my garage, and it's with many people, so we have a bunch of roaches always. It either goes to the bowl or into another blunt. They are the best. They get you so high from all the resin.... oooooooo
I usually smoke with my friends in my garage, and it's with many people, so we have a bunch of roaches always. It either goes to the bowl or into another blunt. They are the best. They get you so high from all the resin.... oooooooo

please someone correct me if i'm wrong.

but how is all that shitty resin that is seeping through the reef of any real beneficial use? the cherry is burning at 400C+, it is activated shit passing downh the reef, meaning that when it get's burnt towards the roach end, you're just burnhing crap, not psychoactive ingredients.

i can't get the words out right to explain it properly,too many eers :P
please someone correct me if i'm wrong.

but how is all that shitty resin that is seeping through the reef of any real beneficial use? the cherry is burning at 400C+, it is activated shit passing downh the reef, meaning that when it get's burnt towards the roach end, you're just burnhing crap, not psychoactive ingredients.

i can't get the words out right to explain it properly,too many eers :P

i read ya loud and clear brother. i guess some people like the buzz lack of oxygen to the brain provides.
i save all my roaches from joints/blunts for a rainy day. I enjoy smoking a blunt of different types of bud from saved roaches. good stuff.

im sure our weed snobs in here couldnt tell the difference between a roach blunt and a normal one.
First- save up those roaches
Second- put them in a baggie
Third- put the baggie in a crown royal bag.
forth step:squeeze the bag as much as possible for one year,put under your pillow every night.
Lastly the great pay off in a year you will have a diamond.
My uncle taught me
i can tell when the blunt is stale my friend.

am i still a pot snob when i do my best to make sure everyone around me smoke as good as i do?
and i'm a pot snob, because tonight, i'm out, a new dealer stood me up, and i know damned well what i'm smoking right now. that involantary retching on a big toke tends to make that clear to me :P

and jimmy pot, fucking love it :D good old burnt carbon ent good for nowt in the short term :P
I didnt mean to start this huge debate, I prefer smoking bud, not roaches, it was the first time I ever rolled a joint like that. I agree, the first hits on a joint are always the cleanest and best tasting, but it doesnt compare to smoking from a clean bong, or a vape bongsmilie
My grand father has a really nice old Gretsch.He tried to make it as a country western guitar player.He did get close and traveled and played all over.He is 80 his wife is barley 40.He started dating her when she was 17.He has fathered around 20 kids that we know of,new ones show up all the time and say your my dad.He even had kids with twin sisters no shit. He was super wild when he was young.He made a lot of money as he got older.
My grand father has a really nice old Gretsch.He tried to make it as a country western guitar player.He did get close and traveled and played all over.He is 80 his wife is barley 40.He started dating her when she was 17.He has fathered around 20 kids that we know of,new ones show up all the time and say your my dad.He even had kids with twin sisters no shit. He was super wild when he was young.He made a lot of money as he got older.
that fuckin awesome, but what does it have to do with this thread.
Hey Riu, (This may be confusing) I've been rolling alot of joints lately, usually I just smoke from the pipe or bong, so I had about 16 nice size roaches, they were very resin soaked :blsmoke: I made 4 joints out of those (along with kief), I smoked those 4 joints until they were all large roaches but still very resin soaked. I now have rolled one super joint from those 4 roaches (basically soaked in resin), kief and grinded up Kali Mist. it's 1.5 grams, and Im going to smoke it, anyone else ever like to roll joints from roach weed? bongsmilie
me and the 2 guys workin with me smoke 3 doobs a day(my stuff keeps em workin),,,,we save every roach all week,,6 days gives us 18 roaches,,which we then call,,the Saturday Roacher,,,on the way home Saturdays,,or the following work day if it rained or somerthing,,we smoke that one just for the fun and tradition of it all,you get a hella good buzz out of it :eyesmoke: