
Damn! Y'know, the one thing I did not anticipate with the concentrates gig was any sort of roach problems. I wonder if there is a glue or gluelike material that'll assist in keeping those lids closed. I think this decided me toward screw caps in future. Think of it as evolution in action: selecting roaches who can team up to get at the sweet sweet poison.
Damn! Y'know, the one thing I did not anticipate with the concentrates gig was any sort of roach problems. I wonder if there is a glue or gluelike material that'll assist in keeping those lids closed. I think this decided me toward screw caps in future. Think of it as evolution in action: selecting roaches who can team up to get at the sweet sweet poison.

POISON!! He's lighting up a cigar in there and looking at inviting babes. He doesn't REALIZE he is DEAD! The tension of the oil precludes his living rescue.
I may have to perform a KimRoach extraction, alas and alack. Hmmmm Herr Doktor Flossenzottig? Medicinal potential of roach hydrocarbon tea? I wonder.
I may have to perform a KimRoach extraction, alas and alack. Hmmmm Herr Doktor Flossenzottig? Medicinal potential of roach hydrocarbon tea? I wonder.

HE's ALIVE! Look I don't mind killing people. We are TRAINED to handle that but I draw the line at killing innocent roaches that are partying like it's 1999.
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His physical state is incompatible with life. The oil removed his lower extremities. I asked him about youth-in-asia and he was silent on the concept so without advanced directive he took the trip to the roach bardo; sewerland.


BTW he did not seem to mind. I'd say we have a new pain drug. Where's those rats of yours and your hot plate?
Family member observes "it died a good death". Or is dying. Bet that roach's cancer is all better, as the autopsy will show.
fuck that's one thing I can't stand. some people hate spiders and whatnot, it's cockroaches for me. There is an army of them building up in my garage too