Riu - racism and hatecrime in newbie area

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i have reported the post, taken a time stamped screen shot, and digitally authenticated it.

I post this here, as im under the impression this is where the admins "hang"



calling people niggerz.


DO NOT overview this warning, remove that post or i WILL report it. (obviously not to RIU)

I find this shit EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE, what the hell did MARTIN LUTHAR KING DIE FOR?!?! if you allow this type of BULLSHIT to occur on your forums.

I have an african american nephew, i am caucasion... i am in disbeliefe that ANYONE could find it acceptable to use that language.

i dont give 2 fucks if its acceptable in your terms or use, it is agianst the GENEVA CONVENTION and AMERICAN FEDERAL LAW.

If you do not remove it, i will remove RIU, this time, you wont be restoring from a backup. This site has NUMEROUS security flaws.

FBI takes hatecrimes very seriously, and love the media exposure they provide, im sure they would love to run with "Website condones racism"

This is exactly the type of behaviour giving medical marijuana and forums a bad name, people blazed off their face, unable to engage the brain, before the mouth.

Do something about this, you have 24 hours.

I am obviously from AUSTRALIA where the word NIGGER refers to Aboringines, whom had the same treatment as African-americans. In our area of the world, say "Nigger" and you get arrested, It is one of the few things YOU DO NOT SAY IN AUSTRALIA. This is not im opinions, it is international and Australian Law.

My Geneva convention rights (everyone has a right to a "non offensive" and "safe" enviroment) are being breached by allowing this post to remain.

ban hammer

definitely dont watch that new film DJANGO you will be so offended your head might explode .
didn't read the whole thread, but LOL'D hard by page like 7 and remembered this, thought op would enjoy :fire::lol::fire:


toughen up buttercup
Damn, this thread is still going. I figured Diablo would have used his super ninja computer skills to take down RIU by now. Maybe he's taking an angry power nap. What time is it in Australia? He might be waking up soon. Watch out.
Actually, it's the other way round. If you look at the Australian history you shall see that their ancestors are all UK convicts !!!! :)

Uh. Exactly my point. Australians descendentes are UK or Asian born. None come from Murica. Here in Murica, we speak and do Merican things.

Looky here, fella, you jerk off to some Baywatch and you think you understand American culture? If your next trip has you paranoid about your ignorant ramblings here, it served you well.

You mean his dog's name was Bango?? there really is no God, is there? cn
We're all a hodge-podge of ethnicities by now, aren't we? I know neosapien is. Pretty soon the mutts and mudbloods will be the dominant species....

I drop knowledge so heavy it leaves the world unbalanced
Exterminate the spiritual force of all that challenge
I'm the lyrical apocalypse that crumbles the granite
Replacing you as the dominant species on the planet

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