Riu - racism and hatecrime in newbie area

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They certainly do.

it was already established many eons ago, that it is in fact ok to not capitalize beginning of sentences, as long as the proper grammar is used to make the thought complete and coherent. i feel that i have gone over this several times.
Wouldn't exactly say it's thriving, compared to back in the day anyway. I mean I've never personally experience any racism that was out of middle school, kids don't know any better tho.

Or if you go into a prison, then it could be considered thriving. If it is thriving then the US must be doing pretty well compared to the rest of the world lol.
My crew is big and it keeps getting bigger.
That's because Jesus Christ is my nigga!
If you are this offended by words you need to stay off the internet, you big pussy. Just ignore free speech you don't like and move on. If it's not a direct threat of violence toward a specific person or group no crime has been committed.

You don't know shit about laws and whether this is a joke thread or not I suggest you grow the fuck up.

I am flagging this thread.
Lol. Ironicaly I'm more african than any of you, and I'm white. Never been anywhere but Africa since birth.
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