Riu - racism and hatecrime in newbie area

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The OP said he would never move to america blah blah blah.
Prolly his mis-understanding of the word.
Kids use it all the time. Those little darling rappers.
"What up nigga" or "sup homey" the later being a Latino slang.
The kids in this town are all different colors but talk the same way.
Actually, the original quote was "niggerz", so you may only say, "cuntz".

all he actually said was "nigga(z)".

and while every piece of advice that bmeat spoons off seems delicious, he is really just spooning off male cow shit disguised as chocolate delight.

bmeat may be misguided, but OP is overstating things here.

thus, only "(k)unt(z)" is acceptable.
Guys could you please pay me the courtesy of a small amount of respect. So this went 3 stars in 5 minutes, must be a popular topic around here.

I appreciate the fact of what is said behind closed doors shall remain there, this is not "behind closed doors" or "over a quiet one". This is in the middle of a forum, im SURE there a darker skinned users on this site whom would be offended, then abused some more for saying something.

Its so sad to see the complete lack of sincerity when it comes to racism, i know your all stoned as fuck and couldnt care less.

I just ask for what i find HIGHLY offensive to be removed, on the justification of its so fucking wrong its not funny.

Ill be careful what i type, but rest assured, RIU went down once, it "can" go down again.

"Darker skinned"??? I most certainly take offense! I prefer "not so fairly complected".
Niggers, Spics, Jews, Arabs, and all sorts of chinks stink! And I hate 'em. You better not be one of them pillow bitin homo sexuals. Go back down under. Woogie Boogie.
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