RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

Fact remains bucky  only one really hurt is you by the truth :) i bet you just love the bushes right i mean look at your name on this site and look how uncle bucky stole

America's ravaged gulf coast, by sealed, noncompetitive bids. In gratitude, in 2007 the company moved its corporate headquarters from Houston to Dubai, thereby avoiding U.S. taxes.

The Bush family was not left off the War on Terror's money train. Uncle "Bucky" earned millions in a war firm sale in 2006.

Other Bush scandals include: the secret meetings of Cheney’s “Energy Council,” followed by systematic weakening of America's environmental laws and staffing of the EPA and other agencies with industry insiders, the attempt to dismantle Social Security, the dumbing down of American education through No Child Left Behind, an inherited budget surplus turned into record deficit by waging two wars while cutting taxes--with the vast majority of benefits going to the super-rich, the torture of prisoners and loss of American goodwill overseas, the bullying of administration whistle blowers such as Joseph Wilson (whose wife was outted as a CIA agent), another taintedelection with Ohio voting irregularities in 2004, the arrest of White House appointees for assorted crimes, the mistreatment of returning war veterans at Walter Reed and other hospitals, and for a grand finale, a leading role in the collapse of the economy through its aggressive deregulation and non-policing of the financial markets.

With so much bad news for Americans to handle over eight years of corruption and incompetence, Karl Rove and other White House insiders took to calling any favorable news events that could help people forget bad news as "page turners." Now President Obama also wants America to turn the page and "look forward" rather than go after wrongdoers from the Bush administration, such as those who ordered torture...as if good government no longer required accountability. But those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
Bro you're dumber than fuck, been here since TUESDAY and bring a familiar stench of feces and vomit.
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lol no melt down what can you not relate ??? what i am saying is a lie or truth full ???
American women are off in their own world, completely full of themselves and lacking in teamwork. I've completely lost track of the number of times I've heard them ALWAYS putting their needs and desires before those of others and offering NOTHING but a fecal sandwich in return.

It comes as no surprise that they know diddly squat about pleasing men, being in committed relationships, being good mothers or good companions. no wonder the divorce rates are so high

One would think that they would at least take care of themselves as a result of their independence, but as I stated previously, American women are failing in the responsibility department. I've also noticed their attention whoring on social media with selfies and posts indicating nearly everything they are doing such as waking up, going to the movies and going to bed. As if the rest of the world actually gives a raccoon's nutsack about such activity. "It's all about me" is not just a phrase on a t-shirt, it's the American woman's mantra.

Fuck Eh

Few American women have mastered the culinary arts. Even fewer make any attempts to learn to make simple meals or even brew a cup of freakin' coffee. I've only ever known one American woman who admitted to not knowing how to cook and was willing to learn how, and that was right before she got married. That's it, one woman. All others I've known avoided the kitchen unless it was to microwave leftovers from ladies' night out at some chain restaurant.
American women are too busy stuffing their faces at fast food joints and consuming overpriced drinks at Starsucks to even try to make a home-cooked meal. Yes, they're busy working those jobs, too, but sooner or later they're going to realize that eating out all the time puts a strain on their budgets as well as their waistlines.
you feed off of BS them stats are lies sure job creations in the hamburger flipping business
No wonder the average american women can not cook for shit more worried about social media and what people think of her ..
Here buck this is for you
Again bucky is all top secret stuff that is held back for years before its open to public ,, mean time they change things ..
Your country has always played both sides of any war, Again sad but true and gained what ???
only destruction in its path..
you say you go after dictators that are cruel and do in human things yet you do it on a daily basis

Ask your self honestly what good did usa Accomplish in Iraq ?? i can tell you number of bad things you accomplished namely your best creation ISIS

Bumbling idiocy of a half wit.

Reality check: youre a bloated ass if you imagine that your drivel isnt too stupid did not read.
Bro common idiots like you spew this ignorant nonsense with regularity. Your shit is as dumb and disposable as the rest.
Tangy does it not baffle you when as to why American women generally view being out in public as one big slumber party. ????
But this is the reality of today's American fashion scene. In America it is common to see women dressed in pajamas and sweatpants at the bank, the post office, the store and even at work. Flip-flops and ugly Uggs are their preferred footwear, and nothing else. At best, they will dress themselves in jeans and a hooded sweatshirt, which is their version of dressing for the occasion, which usually means going out for a night of excessive alcohol consumption.
Regardless of what they wear, their clothing is either too big or too small for their size. There are exceptions to this rule, but you'll be hard-pressed to find a well-dressed American woman. Of the well-dressed women that I have seen in America, I've noticed that they are usually hefty and really don't carry themselves well. It's like putting lipstick on a pig. You can't really blame such a woman for trying, but when she neglects her health it doesn't really matter what she wears. Dogsh*t covered in frosting is still dogsh*t. I know you can't judge a book by its cover, but when I see a woman dressed as such, I can only think that she is a shameless soul who is lacking pride in her appearance and has no respect for herself.

200 (35).gif
lol no melt down what can you not relate ??? what i am saying is a lie or truth full ???
American women are off in their own world, completely full of themselves and lacking in teamwork. I've completely lost track of the number of times I've heard them ALWAYS putting their needs and desires before those of others and offering NOTHING but a fecal sandwich in return.

It comes as no surprise that they know diddly squat about pleasing men, being in committed relationships, being good mothers or good companions. no wonder the divorce rates are so high

One would think that they would at least take care of themselves as a result of their independence, but as I stated previously, American women are failing in the responsibility department. I've also noticed their attention whoring on social media with selfies and posts indicating nearly everything they are doing such as waking up, going to the movies and going to bed. As if the rest of the world actually gives a raccoon's nutsack about such activity. "It's all about me" is not just a phrase on a t-shirt, it's the American woman's mantra.

Fuck Eh

Few American women have mastered the culinary arts. Even fewer make any attempts to learn to make simple meals or even brew a cup of freakin' coffee. I've only ever known one American woman who admitted to not knowing how to cook and was willing to learn how, and that was right before she got married. That's it, one woman. All others I've known avoided the kitchen unless it was to microwave leftovers from ladies' night out at some chain restaurant.
American women are too busy stuffing their faces at fast food joints and consuming overpriced drinks at Starsucks to even try to make a home-cooked meal. Yes, they're busy working those jobs, too, but sooner or later they're going to realize that eating out all the time puts a strain on their budgets as well as their waistlines.
Who hurt you?
lol no melt down what can you not relate ??? what i am saying is a lie or truth full ???
American women are off in their own world, completely full of themselves and lacking in teamwork. I've completely lost track of the number of times I've heard them ALWAYS putting their needs and desires before those of others and offering NOTHING but a fecal sandwich in return.

It comes as no surprise that they know diddly squat about pleasing men, being in committed relationships, being good mothers or good companions. no wonder the divorce rates are so high

One would think that they would at least take care of themselves as a result of their independence, but as I stated previously, American women are failing in the responsibility department. I've also noticed their attention whoring on social media with selfies and posts indicating nearly everything they are doing such as waking up, going to the movies and going to bed. As if the rest of the world actually gives a raccoon's nutsack about such activity. "It's all about me" is not just a phrase on a t-shirt, it's the American woman's mantra.

Fuck Eh

Few American women have mastered the culinary arts. Even fewer make any attempts to learn to make simple meals or even brew a cup of freakin' coffee. I've only ever known one American woman who admitted to not knowing how to cook and was willing to learn how, and that was right before she got married. That's it, one woman. All others I've known avoided the kitchen unless it was to microwave leftovers from ladies' night out at some chain restaurant.
American women are too busy stuffing their faces at fast food joints and consuming overpriced drinks at Starsucks to even try to make a home-cooked meal. Yes, they're busy working those jobs, too, but sooner or later they're going to realize that eating out all the time puts a strain on their budgets as well as their waistlines.

Hello. Your call is very important to us. Please listen closely as our menu options have changed.
Due to high call volume, we a placing you on hold. Your call will be answered in the order it was received. Expected wait time is the rest of your life. Please hold.
lol no melt down what can you not relate ??? what i am saying is a lie or truth full ???
American women are off in their own world, completely full of themselves and lacking in teamwork. I've completely lost track of the number of times I've heard them ALWAYS putting their needs and desires before those of others and offering NOTHING but a fecal sandwich in return.

It comes as no surprise that they know diddly squat about pleasing men, being in committed relationships, being good mothers or good companions. no wonder the divorce rates are so high

One would think that they would at least take care of themselves as a result of their independence, but as I stated previously, American women are failing in the responsibility department. I've also noticed their attention whoring on social media with selfies and posts indicating nearly everything they are doing such as waking up, going to the movies and going to bed. As if the rest of the world actually gives a raccoon's nutsack about such activity. "It's all about me" is not just a phrase on a t-shirt, it's the American woman's mantra.

Fuck Eh

Few American women have mastered the culinary arts. Even fewer make any attempts to learn to make simple meals or even brew a cup of freakin' coffee. I've only ever known one American woman who admitted to not knowing how to cook and was willing to learn how, and that was right before she got married. That's it, one woman. All others I've known avoided the kitchen unless it was to microwave leftovers from ladies' night out at some chain restaurant.
American women are too busy stuffing their faces at fast food joints and consuming overpriced drinks at Starsucks to even try to make a home-cooked meal. Yes, they're busy working those jobs, too, but sooner or later they're going to realize that eating out all the time puts a strain on their budgets as well as their waistlines.


So, are you one of those ANGRY nerdvirgins that's gonna end up shooting up a mall because you are far too socially awkward/pathetic to get a piece of ass, or are you one of the ones that'll simply just linger in the basement and stroke-off with your own tears until you are well into your 60s?

Just curious.
And the bush admin full heartedly supports hillary.

That should tell ya something. They are in bed together.
Tells me your head is up a goats ass

When I spoke with Tim Miller, Jeb Bush’s former communications director, soon after Trump won the Indiana primary and the nomination, he wasn’t sure what the party might look like after November, much less four or eight years down the line.

There were potential paths back to a more mainstream party line, he theorized, including an economic downturn during a Clinton presidency, making Republicans more appealing by comparison. Miller wasn’t much comforted by that, though.

“I think another very real potential right now — why it’s important that people in the party speak out against Donald Trump and against Trumpism — is that the Republican Party moves to a period of minority status,” he said. “Where it’s essentially a party that’s driven by white grievances and by white — not racial politics, but a set of white identity politics.”
And most importantly is Art what is taught in many schools and rather important is lost in American women
This pathetic excuse for art has become a value among American women. Too many American women are adamant on this trend just for the sake of "fitting in." It appears they want to be as baddass as the badasses they try to attract or they just want to get noticed. Regardless of their socioeconomic class, they just look trashy with no class when they get a tattoo.
If one is into having a f**k n' chuck with a whore or a slut, by all means, bang away. Then again, that is what most American women are, whores and sluts via their tendencies to stray nowadays. This kind of art doesn't arouse me. If it did, I would head on over to the local art gallery and have sex with paintings. It is said that every tattoo has a story. Yeah, the story is someone wanted to put ink all over her body and didn't think what a turnoff that would be or how that would look days, weeks, months or decades down the line. Oh, and someone doesn't respect her body. End of story.

Shit the list can go on
The last time I had an intelligent conversation with an American woman was over a decade ago and I can count the total number of times I've had an intelligent conversation with an American women on one hand. When I talk to American women, I always have to repeat myself because they are so stupid, their listening abilities suffer as a result. Even after I make my point multiple times, I still get looks like I just disembarked from a spaceship. I might as well be talking to a brick wall. Ironically, the common phrase I hear the most from American women is "This is so stupid!"
American women are also geographically and historically challenged. Not even a decade ago, an American woman I talked to thought that Armenia still belonged to Russia. With or without navigational systems, American women get lost the most while driving. Even if you're riding with them and clearly locate a destination for them, even if it's a major freeway or big convention center, they still won't see it and will keep on driving. Well, that has been my experience. I'm sure there is an American women who tried to go to Google Maps to get driving directions from San Francisco to Hawaii, and ended up complaining that the system is not functional.
Hence, a typical conversation between American women is annoying, distracting, irrelevant and lacks any substance. American women are as useful as a bag of M&M's in a brush fire. If you can't have an intelligent conversation with an American women, how can you be intimate with them?
And most importantly is Art what is taught in many schools and rather important is lost in American women
This pathetic excuse for art has become a value among American women. Too many American women are adamant on this trend just for the sake of "fitting in." It appears they want to be as baddass as the badasses they try to attract or they just want to get noticed. Regardless of their socioeconomic class, they just look trashy with no class when they get a tattoo.
If one is into having a f**k n' chuck with a whore or a slut, by all means, bang away. Then again, that is what most American women are, whores and sluts via their tendencies to stray nowadays. This kind of art doesn't arouse me. If it did, I would head on over to the local art gallery and have sex with paintings. It is said that every tattoo has a story. Yeah, the story is someone wanted to put ink all over her body and didn't think what a turnoff that would be or how that would look days, weeks, months or decades down the line. Oh, and someone doesn't respect her body. End of story.

Shit the list can go on
The last time I had an intelligent conversation with an American woman was over a decade ago and I can count the total number of times I've had an intelligent conversation with an American women on one hand. When I talk to American women, I always have to repeat myself because they are so stupid, their listening abilities suffer as a result. Even after I make my point multiple times, I still get looks like I just disembarked from a spaceship. I might as well be talking to a brick wall. Ironically, the common phrase I hear the most from American women is "This is so stupid!"
American women are also geographically and historically challenged. Not even a decade ago, an American woman I talked to thought that Armenia still belonged to Russia. With or without navigational systems, American women get lost the most while driving. Even if you're riding with them and clearly locate a destination for them, even if it's a major freeway or big convention center, they still won't see it and will keep on driving. Well, that has been my experience. I'm sure there is an American women who tried to go to Google Maps to get driving directions from San Francisco to Hawaii, and ended up complaining that the system is not functional.
Hence, a typical conversation between American women is annoying, distracting, irrelevant and lacks any substance. American women are as useful as a bag of M&M's in a brush fire. If you can't have an intelligent conversation with an American women, how can you be intimate with them?
Will you be my mainest sock puppet? I promise not to mention @DavidKratos92
And most importantly is Art what is taught in many schools and rather important is lost in American women
This pathetic excuse for art has become a value among American women. Too many American women are adamant on this trend just for the sake of "fitting in." It appears they want to be as baddass as the badasses they try to attract or they just want to get noticed. Regardless of their socioeconomic class, they just look trashy with no class when they get a tattoo.
If one is into having a f**k n' chuck with a whore or a slut, by all means, bang away. Then again, that is what most American women are, whores and sluts via their tendencies to stray nowadays. This kind of art doesn't arouse me. If it did, I would head on over to the local art gallery and have sex with paintings. It is said that every tattoo has a story. Yeah, the story is someone wanted to put ink all over her body and didn't think what a turnoff that would be or how that would look days, weeks, months or decades down the line. Oh, and someone doesn't respect her body. End of story.

Shit the list can go on
The last time I had an intelligent conversation with an American woman was over a decade ago and I can count the total number of times I've had an intelligent conversation with an American women on one hand. When I talk to American women, I always have to repeat myself because they are so stupid, their listening abilities suffer as a result. Even after I make my point multiple times, I still get looks like I just disembarked from a spaceship. I might as well be talking to a brick wall. Ironically, the common phrase I hear the most from American women is "This is so stupid!"
American women are also geographically and historically challenged. Not even a decade ago, an American woman I talked to thought that Armenia still belonged to Russia. With or without navigational systems, American women get lost the most while driving. Even if you're riding with them and clearly locate a destination for them, even if it's a major freeway or big convention center, they still won't see it and will keep on driving. Well, that has been my experience. I'm sure there is an American women who tried to go to Google Maps to get driving directions from San Francisco to Hawaii, and ended up complaining that the system is not functional.
Hence, a typical conversation between American women is annoying, distracting, irrelevant and lacks any substance. American women are as useful as a bag of M&M's in a brush fire. If you can't have an intelligent conversation with an American women, how can you be intimate with them?

So, you joined this site a few days ago with the sole intention of whining about your tiny dick and miserable virginity, or?

You realize that no one is reading your desperate ramblings, yes?
And most importantly is Art what is taught in many schools and rather important is lost in American women
This pathetic excuse for art has become a value among American women. Too many American women are adamant on this trend just for the sake of "fitting in." It appears they want to be as baddass as the badasses they try to attract or they just want to get noticed. Regardless of their socioeconomic class, they just look trashy with no class when they get a tattoo.
If one is into having a f**k n' chuck with a whore or a slut, by all means, bang away. Then again, that is what most American women are, whores and sluts via their tendencies to stray nowadays. This kind of art doesn't arouse me. If it did, I would head on over to the local art gallery and have sex with paintings. It is said that every tattoo has a story. Yeah, the story is someone wanted to put ink all over her body and didn't think what a turnoff that would be or how that would look days, weeks, months or decades down the line. Oh, and someone doesn't respect her body. End of story.

Shit the list can go on
The last time I had an intelligent conversation with an American woman was over a decade ago and I can count the total number of times I've had an intelligent conversation with an American women on one hand. When I talk to American women, I always have to repeat myself because they are so stupid, their listening abilities suffer as a result. Even after I make my point multiple times, I still get looks like I just disembarked from a spaceship. I might as well be talking to a brick wall. Ironically, the common phrase I hear the most from American women is "This is so stupid!"
American women are also geographically and historically challenged. Not even a decade ago, an American woman I talked to thought that Armenia still belonged to Russia. With or without navigational systems, American women get lost the most while driving. Even if you're riding with them and clearly locate a destination for them, even if it's a major freeway or big convention center, they still won't see it and will keep on driving. Well, that has been my experience. I'm sure there is an American women who tried to go to Google Maps to get driving directions from San Francisco to Hawaii, and ended up complaining that the system is not functional.
Hence, a typical conversation between American women is annoying, distracting, irrelevant and lacks any substance. American women are as useful as a bag of M&M's in a brush fire. If you can't have an intelligent conversation with an American women, how can you be intimate with them?

Did you fail out of Con Trump's charm school?

this one's for you Komrade Destiny:


it'll be OK, slugger!