RIU poll Trump VS Clinton


Even Donna admits that the economic recovery sucks.
If Donald is found guilty of raping a child, will you still support him?
Has he been? Or are they just accusations at this point? Any video evidence? Emails? Audio? Pictures?

We have all of these things for the media colluding with the Hillary campaign and the state department bribing the FBI during the email investigation.

Open your eyes. Examine your sources. USE LOGIC.
Did it ever occur to you that after 30 yrs. of non stop right wing attacks, a person might become a bit defensive?

Hillary is more conservative than some Republicans you probably voted for. She wasn't my first choice, but Trump is NO choice.

Trump actually knows less than what would be required to pass a simple international affairs test.

The 33% who blindly follow this idiot are fools. He makes Mitt Romney and John McCain look like gods. Romney and McCain were not bad people. Trump is a bad person.

And he doesn't have a clue about economic matters other than, if you get behind, you can always file bankruptcy.

Trump cares about himself 1st and 2nd, and the hell with everybody else.

Now post more BS nonsense about how great he is, and keep trying to convince yourself. America doesn't believe you.
He is anti-establishment. That is why the media tries to crucify him.

Wikileaks has shown how she stole the election from Bernie and how the media is covering for her.
you ignoramus

we wouldn't need a "recovery" if W hadn't fucked up our economy. Obama inherited a huge hole and a small shovel but he got it turned around in 8 yrs

when the republicans say that we've had the slowest economic recovery since (time X), they are not complaining. they are bragging.

their retarded and unnecessary austerity measures are what ensured that obam's recovery was more of a trickle than a stream.

nonetheless, obama has still added 15 million new jobs over a record shattering 79 consecutive months of job creation, along with rising incomes, decreased poverty, the highest ever rates of insured people, and a massive slashing of the deficit.

i look forward to more of the same from president elect hillary rodham clinton.
Has he been? Or are they just accusations at this point? Any video evidence? Emails? Audio? Pictures?

We have all of these things for the media colluding with the Hillary campaign and the state department bribing the FBI during the email investigation.

Open your eyes. Examine your sources. USE LOGIC.

Sorry, thought this was a simple question. You're awfully defensive about a man you don't know.
Has he been? Or are they just accusations at this point? Any video evidence? Emails? Audio? Pictures?

We have all of these things for the media colluding with the Hillary campaign and the state department bribing the FBI during the email investigation.

Open your eyes. Examine your sources. USE LOGIC.

trump's court case for (repeated) child rape starts on december 16th. there are multiple witnesses to the rapes, which occurred at the house of a convicted pedophile.

have fun defending that if you don't run away in embarrassment after trump's landslide loss.
lmfao,just checked the official RIU 2016 presidential poll numbers & saw a nearly identical percentage as the online polls.

Donald Trump 60%-75%
Hillary Clinton 25%-39%

The RIU official count .

Big daddy President Donald Trump at 68%
Foul criminal Hillary "sea hag"Clinton at 38%

The membership at RIU overwhelmingly supports Donald Trump :clap: