RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
As much of a shame it is to have these issues that have been so long left behind, and not talked about being suddenly being thrashed upon us, I see it as an opportunity to show some humanity. I think the behavior is in itself is a window into our true nature as individuals. It can be a healthy thing. As long as we realize that it can be seen as an opportunity to change the nastiest things about us. I think if we can get past all the bi-partisan bullshit ( i realize that I am the one saying this) we may be able to learn and make this country better.
i'm just ready for all the race baiting and fighting to taper off. this is bullshit. people who have been friends for decades are splitting because of what is played on the news, and everyone has to take a side. it's bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Equador has moved on Asange.....won't see no more email wiki leaks :)
That doesn't scream collusion now, does it?

Been there 4 years doing the same thing, but focus that on Hitlery and all the sudden the US gov't is putting pressure on Ecuador NOW because it's having an effect on the election?

Truth is sedition in the empire of lies.


Well-Known Member
Obama should have droned him years ago....
You don't like knowing how your "leaders" lie to you constantly and treat you like livestock?
This is the type of indoctrination that leads someone to vote early because they know that if the information keeps coming out as it has they might have to examine their paradigm.

Now it boils down to what releases are waiting for the "dead man codes" tweeted recently.

But don't you mind that. Keep chewing the cud and assume the big truck you've been loaded on is going to take you to "greener pastures" that you keep hearing the wranglers mention. You know they have your best interests at heart.


Well-Known Member
Part 2 of "democratic democracy":

The effect from this one seems to be:

The first vid I posted in the series had this effect:

"Americans United for Change has always operated according to the highest ethical standards. Scott Foval is no longer associated with Americans United for Change."

You know, little stuff like Julian Assange does. ;)