RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

Just to show that sexual impropriety knows no single gender or orientation.

Hokey performance I know, but then there's Slick Willies mistress confirming rug munchery.

Hellery is everything Gloria Steinem always wanted to be.
  1. a state of despair, typically one that results in rash or extreme behavior.
    "she wrote to him in desperation"
    synonyms: hopelessness, despair, distress; More

Poor choom, writhing in his own urine as he desperately grasps in vain at ANY straw, only to slip deeper into his warped unreality, tsk tsk tsk....

I wrote Donald Trump’s obituary

Published: Oct 17, 2016 11:27 a.m. ET

There’s an etiquette that journalists follow when pre-writing an obit


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Just to show that sexual impropriety knows no single gender or orientation.

Hokey performance I know, but then there's Slick Willies mistress confirming rug munchery.

Hellery is everything Gloria Steinem always wanted to be.

Reported for brazen anti-lesbian hate speech.

Scroll through this beast's posts, if you've got the stomach for it, and witness the fevered scrawlings of a true misanthrope. A grinding, steadily fatal auto wreck in real time....sickening...

For the sake of healthy Karma this thing should be expelled from the site.
Dumber than fuck. Skin color isnt a matter of pride, imbecile pussy.

Like maggots to shit trump draws the idiots.
Come on now. Trump isn't the Devil. That bitch Hilary is. That women would stomp across new born babies in 6 inch stilettos just to get to the white house ..Trump is just a business man and you don't make the money he has by being a nice guy. You get eaten alive in the business world by being the nice guy. The Democratic party doesn't give a fuck about blacks whites or anyone else for that matter. Both parties are scum , trump is a good candidate , first off because the president doesn't really have all that much power without Congress behind him , and second he hasn't been in politics so long he's a puppet to biget corperations ..fuck Hilary , she's a know liar and she's a slime ball to the 20th degree , trump might not be perfect but he isn't beholden to anyone and he says what everyone is thinking. And trump has a point. Hilary has been in a position of power for almost 30 years. She's had plenty of time to make a difference , all she's done is make shit so much worse.
For real , someone needs to give that string between their legs a tight or too and lighten up.

Come on now. Trump isn't the Devil. That bitch Hilary is. That women would stomp across new born babies in 6 inch stilettos just to get to the white house ..Trump is just a business man and you don't make the money he has by being a nice guy. You get eaten alive in the business world by being the nice guy. The Democratic party doesn't give a fuck about blacks whites or anyone else for that matter. Both parties are scum , trump is a good candidate , first off because the president doesn't really have all that much power without Congress behind him , and second he hasn't been in politics so long he's a puppet to biget corperations ..fuck Hilary , she's a know liar and she's a slime ball to the 20th degree , trump might not be perfect but he isn't beholden to anyone and he says what everyone is thinking. And trump has a point. Hilary has been in a position of power for almost 30 years. She's had plenty of time to make a difference , all she's done is make shit so much worse.

200w (2).gif
Come on now. Trump isn't the Devil. That bitch Hilary is. That women would stomp across new born babies in 6 inch stilettos just to get to the white house ..Trump is just a business man and you don't make the money he has by being a nice guy. You get eaten alive in the business world by being the nice guy. The Democratic party doesn't give a fuck about blacks whites or anyone else for that matter. Both parties are scum , trump is a good candidate , first off because the president doesn't really have all that much power without Congress behind him , and second he hasn't been in politics so long he's a puppet to biget corperations ..fuck Hilary , she's a know liar and she's a slime ball to the 20th degree , trump might not be perfect but he isn't beholden to anyone and he says what everyone is thinking. And trump has a point. Hilary has been in a position of power for almost 30 years. She's had plenty of time to make a difference , all she's done is make shit so much worse.

Make money? he coasts on tax payer money, fucking grovelling lout.

Whats the last book you read half wit?


Bro youve been spoon fed imbecile pablum, shut the fuck up keep sucking the fecal pacifier.
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Come on now. Trump isn't the Devil. That bitch Hilary is. That women would stomp across new born babies in 6 inch stilettos just to get to the white house ..Trump is just a business man and you don't make the money he has by being a nice guy. You get eaten alive in the business world by being the nice guy. The Democratic party doesn't give a fuck about blacks whites or anyone else for that matter. Both parties are scum , trump is a good candidate , first off because the president doesn't really have all that much power without Congress behind him , and second he hasn't been in politics so long he's a puppet to biget corperations ..fuck Hilary , she's a know liar and she's a slime ball to the 20th degree , trump might not be perfect but he isn't beholden to anyone and he says what everyone is thinking. And trump has a point. Hilary has been in a position of power for almost 30 years. She's had plenty of time to make a difference , all she's done is make shit so much worse.

hi, panhead.

did you get turtled on your other account?
For real , someone needs to give that string between their legs a tight or too and lighten up.

here's your poll #'s
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those are some disastrous numbers bitch, it's like your imbecile stench precludes any love

tug on this vegas poll

Next President of the United States of America
Odds as of October 13 at Bovada

  • Hillary Clinton -650
  • Donald Trump +400
  • Other +2500
Come on now. Trump isn't the Devil. That bitch Hilary is. That women would stomp across new born babies in 6 inch stilettos just to get to the white house ..Trump is just a business man and you don't make the money he has by being a nice guy. You get eaten alive in the business world by being the nice guy. The Democratic party doesn't give a fuck about blacks whites or anyone else for that matter. Both parties are scum , trump is a good candidate , first off because the president doesn't really have all that much power without Congress behind him , and second he hasn't been in politics so long he's a puppet to biget corperations ..fuck Hilary , she's a know liar and she's a slime ball to the 20th degree , trump might not be perfect but he isn't beholden to anyone and he says what everyone is thinking. And trump has a point. Hilary has been in a position of power for almost 30 years. She's had plenty of time to make a difference , all she's done is make shit so much worse.
why did she not stomp on babies when she was running against Obama ?
why would you hire a guy with ZERO political experience to run this country ?
Lets play a game. I will name something that Hillary has done FOR people and not for self. Let see if you can do the same for Trump. We will keep going until one of us have nothing or has to repeat. I will go first.

1. SCHIP program- which expanded health coverage to millions of lower-income children. Thanks Hillary

you should have him sign your white power tattoo.
lol isn't that what being a democrat is all about white power after all your party sure didn't like blacks equal rights you wanted them to be kept shackles.
Not much has changed from then to now , has it ???
Only thing is your putting shackles on everyone today color does not matter , You want to keep things apart from rich schools to poor schools from rich people to the poorest.. nothing about equality its about separating drawing lines in between no different then Obama's Lies ask your self what he set out or said he wold do DID HE ????

You made that happen thank you democrats now move on your even being schooled in this thread OjLaStF.gif
your even being schooled in this thread

you fucking hopeless half wit. You're even being schooled" stupid bitch. Schooling us with fucking imbecile drool? Whose Stupid again is your fucking tutor
Dude how do you mention schooled? stupider than fuck you've not been educated, asshole.

Are you reveling in the rapture of enemas fisting technique??? Reality check for anal addicts:

Next President of the United States of America
Odds as of October 13 at Bovada

  • Hillary Clinton -650
  • Donald Trump +400
  • Other +2500
Ironic you sure seem to be on the attack mode attacking everyone viciously you mad Bro :) its like taking candy away from a kid how you sound ..
Who would of ever thought testicle.jpg
Lmfao , I knew it was coming. But whatever. I still respect your right to choose who you feel is best. That's what makes America Great. Plus were all very similar in type of people so political Bullshit. Doesn't get to me all that much. Whichever one ain't gonna fuck with us growers is the one who realistically gets my vote. You can bomb kids all you want as long as weed becomes legal. Lol