RIU politics is officially dead

After I get up from getting knocked out I'd go find the weakest trannies I could just to make sure I couldn't lose and reign down tomahawk chops all over them. Then once I've worked my way up the tranny social order I'd fight the boss trannies and I'd have so much xp built up by that time that it would be game over! Game over to all the trannies in america. Then my president will throw me a parade. A big parade probably the biggest parade that has ever happened. For real though you could never fight me bro I know kung fu chinese flip tricks.
You should be brave and accept that railing against your sexuality and projecting hatred towards your peer group is repressive and leads to aggressive self-aggrandising posts
Russian trolls on a pot forum. Must be slow day in Russia.

so how did voting for hillary work out ?

why are there so many hillary supporters on a cannabis forum?

I thought cannabis attracted open minded liberals, and independent leaning conservatives?

You guys must live on the east coast?
You should be brave and accept that railing against your sexuality and projecting hatred towards your peer group is repressive and leads to aggressive self-aggrandising posts
they arent my peer group. I just dont understand them. likedon't know a thing about them except they are almost never out during the day time and they often get spats of violence against them for catfishing johns. Does a tranny pussy get wet?